An introduction to task documents, schemas, and emmet


If you have been running-workflows, you are now starting to generate data. atomate2 stores both input and output data for every step of its workflows in Task Documents. Task Documents define a schema or structure for organizing information from different types of calculations, which then facilitates automatic processing with tools like emmet or maggma. This tutorial will familiarize you with these basic concepts.


  • Understand how atomate2 stores and organizes calculation data

  • Explain the meaning of a “Document Model” or schema

  • Inspect a TaskDoc generated by atomate2


To complete this tutorial, you need

  • A working installation of atomate2

  • (optional) to complete the running workflows tutorial.

How atomate2 stores and organizes data

As explained in Configure calculation output database, atomate2 stores the results of every Job in a database. More specifically, atomate2 uses a maggma.Store to interface with a data storage backend (usually MongoDB). Data is stored in a JSON-like or python dict-like format, which you can think of as a list of dictionaries, where each dictionary represents one Job. Each dictionary in the list is called a “document”, so “document” refers to the output data from a single Job.

To facilitate automated processing and analysis, it’s important that every document follows a consistent format. That’s where schemas (also called “Document Models”) come in.

Document Models

Schema for Job

Document models define a specific format (i.e., structure and data types) for a given Job or calculation. atomate2 uses pydantic to define these schemas. If you’d like to learn more about pydantic, we suggest reading this introduction. In brief, every Document Model in atomate2 is an instance of pydantic.BaseModel. The BaseModel is then turned into a dict (serialized) before being inserted into the store.

To understand how this works, we are going to look at the output data from a structural relaxation for Si. If we examine the docs store after running this Job, we will see something similar to the following:


This document follows a schema (JobStoreDocument, defined here) that contains information about the Job, such as:

  • uuid: a unique identifier for the Job

  • output: The actual job output (e.g., calculation results). We’ll examine this in the next section.

  • completed_at: The time the job was completed.

  • name: The name of the job (in this case “relax” because we did a structure relaxation)

  • @module, @class, @version: These keys store the specific origin and version of the document model so that it can be easily re-created from the dict.

Because every atomate2 document is first created as a JobStoreDocument before being inserted into the database, you can be assured that every Job you run will contain these keys. Document Models have the additional benefit of validating the data types, so for example, name is guaranteed to a str, whereas index is guaranteed to be a int.


In this tutorial, we show only excerpts of the output data to highlight key points. For example, in the box above we have collapsed the outputs key. You are encouraged to open the complete output data (.json format) in a separate tab of your web browser and refer to it as you read through this tutorial.

Schema for output

The output data for the calculation itself (the contents of the Job) are stored in the output key. The schema of output will vary depending on the type of calculation (e.g., VASP relaxation, Q-Chem static, etc.), but will always be consistent for a particular Job type. In the case of a VASP calculation, the schema is called a TaskDoc.

That being said, most Job types have a few features in common, which we will highlight in our example. If we look at the top-level keys of output from the JobStoreDocument in the previous section, we see:

  "builder_meta": {...}
  "nsites": 2,
  "elements": ["Si"],
  "nelements": 1,
  "composition": {"Si": 2},
  "composition_reduced": {"Si": 1},
  "formula_pretty": "Si",
  "formula_anonymous": "A",
  "chemsys": "Si",
  "volume": 40.163300666862035,
  "density": 2.3223723738160613,
  "density_atomic": 20.081650333431018,
  "symmetry": {...},
  "tags": null,
  "dir_name": "/scratch/gpfs/.../job_2024-05-19-21-13-15-058677-64911",
  "state": "successful",
  "calcs_reversed": [...],
  "structure": {...},
  "task_type": "Structure Optimization",
  "task_id": null,
  "orig_inputs": {...},
  "input": {...},
  "output": {...},
  "@module": "emmet.core.tasks",
  "@class": "TaskDoc",
  "@version": null

Even though we are looking at an example for a VASP calculations, atomate2 uses hierarchical or modular Document Models wherever possible. Therefore, the Task Documents generated for other calculation types have the same general structure (e.g., inputs, outputs, structure metadata, custodian, orig_inputs, calcs_reversed, etc.)

We describe many of these top-level keys in more detail in the following subsections.


You can also generate TaskDoc from VASP calculations that you have run manually. To do so, use the from_directory class method:

from emmet.core.tasks import TaskDoc
doc = TaskDoc.from_directory("<path/to/your/calculation/>")

Structure Metadata

The root level of the TaskDoc has keys containing basic structural information including:

  • nsites: The number of sites

  • composition: Full composition for the material.

  • elements: List of elements in the material.

  • formula_pretty: Cleaned representation of the formula.

  • chemsys: dash-delimited string of elements in the material.

And more. These keys illustrate another principle of Document Models – they are hierarchical. Specifically, the structure metadata keys are populated by another pydantic schema called StructureMetadata defined in emmet. So the TaskDoc schema comprises several subsidiary models that organize different types of information, as discussed further below.


The structure key contains the final output structure of the calculation as a serialized pymatgen.Structure object.

"structure": {
                "@module": "pymatgen.core.structure",
                "@class": "Structure",
                "charge": 0,
                "lattice": {...},
                "properties": {},
                "sites": [...]


The builder_meta key contains information about the software used to generate the data in the TaskDoc. Here is the example from our structure relaxation:

"builder_meta": {
                "emmet_version": "0.83.0",
                "pymatgen_version": "2024.4.13",
                "pull_request": null,
                "database_version": null,
                "build_date": "2024-05-19T21:13:45.541000",
                "license": null

Calculation metadata: dir_name, run_stats, task_label, and task_type

  • task_label: A user-definable label for the specific calculation

  • task_type: A standardized label specifying the specific type of calculation being performed.

  • dir_name: The path of the directory in which input/output files were written

  • run_stats: Information about the walltime, cpu time, and computational resources utilized.

"task_type": "Structure Optimization",
"task_label": "relax",
"dir_name": "della-r3c1n3:/scratch/gpfs/ab6989/MPScanRelaxSet/atomate2/Ca_Mg_runs/job_2024-05-19-21-13-15-058677-64911",
"run_stats": {
              "average_memory": 0,
              "max_memory": 241584,
              "elapsed_time": 18.833,
              "system_time": 1.114,
              "user_time": 16.166,
              "total_time": 17.28,
              "cores": 40

Calculation Inputs

atomate2 stores a record of not just the outputs of a calculation, but also the inputs, and any modifications that were made to those inputs.

The input key contains the summarized final input data for the calculation. It’s schema is defined by InputDoc and includes everything one needs to specify a VASP calculation: a Structure object, INCAR settings, Pseudopotential specifications, etc. Let’s just look at the top-level keys of our input section:

"input": {
          "structure": {...},
          "parameters": {...},
          "pseudo_potentials": {...},
          "potcar_spec": [ ... ],
          "xc_override": "PS",
          "is_lasph": true,
          "is_hubbard": false,
          "hubbards": {},
          "magnetic_moments": [

Calculation Outputs

Much like input, the output key is populated by a nested schema called OutputDoc. OutputDoc captures key summary information about the final result of a VASP calculation, including the Structure, final energy, energy_per_atom, and bandgap. In our example:

"output": {
            "structure": {...},
            "density": 2.3223723738160613,
            "energy": -11.48288783,
            "forces": [
            "stress": [
            "energy_per_atom": -5.741443915,
            "bandgap": 0.45999999999999996

custodian and orig_inputs

There is also a key called orig_inputs that contains the original inputs given by the user when the calculation was launched. It is possible for input and orig_inputs to differ if custodian is invoked to apply some adjustment to the calculation settings. orig_inputs is retained to provide 100% transparent provenance in such cases.

In addition, there is a custodian key that will capture and list any corrections or changes made by custodian during the calculation, as well as additional metadata. In our case, the custodian.corrections list is empty, which means that no modifications or restarts were made.

"custodian": [
                  "corrections": [],
                  "job": {
                      "@module": "",
                      "@class": "VaspJob",
                      "@version": "2024.4.18",
                      "vasp_cmd": [
                      "output_file": "vasp.out",
                      "stderr_file": "std_err.txt",
                      "suffix": "",
                      "final": true,
                      "backup": true,
                      "auto_npar": false,
                      "auto_gamma": true,
                      "settings_override": null,
                      "gamma_vasp_cmd": [
                      "copy_magmom": false,
                      "auto_continue": false


Most Task Documents also contain a key called calcs_reversed which, as the name implies, contains calculation inputs and outputs in reverse order. These are stored as a list, so index [0] corresponds to the last (most recent) calculation, whereas index [-1] is the first calculation. Each element in the list contains input, output, dir_name, and other keys that give a complete specification of that calculation step.

In this example, there is only one element in calcs_reversed, because we just did a one-step Job. However, more complex workflows that contain multiple individual calculations would have an entry for each step.

"calcs_reversed": [
                    { "dir_name": "/scratch/gpfs/.../job_2024-05-19-21-13-15-058677-64911",
                      "vasp_version": "6.4.2",
                      "has_vasp_completed": "successful",
                      "input": {
                          "incar": {...},
                          "kpoints": {...},
                          "nkpoints": 20,
                          "potcar": ["PAW_PBE"],
                          "potcar_spec": [ ... ],
                          "potcar_type": ["PAW_PBE"],
                          "parameters": {...},
                          "lattice_rec": {...},
                          "structure": {...},
                          "is_hubbard": false,
                          "hubbards": {}
                      "output": {
                          "energy": -11.48288783,
                          "energy_per_atom": -5.741443915,
                          "structure": { .... },
                          "efermi": 5.96853235,
                          "is_metal": false,
                          "bandgap": 0.45999999999999996,
                          "cbm": 6.2225,
                          "vbm": 5.7625,
                          "is_gap_direct": false,
                          "direct_gap": 2.5146000000000006,
                          "transition": "(0.000,0.000,0.000)-(0.429,0.429,-0.000)",
                          "mag_density": -1.2698159551931228e-7,
                          "epsilon_static": null,
                          "epsilon_static_wolfe": null,
                          "epsilon_ionic": null,
                          "frequency_dependent_dielectric": {
                              "real": null,
                              "imaginary": null,
                              "energy": null
                          "ionic_steps": [ ... ],
                          "force_constants": null,
                          "normalmode_frequencies": null,
                          "normalmode_eigenvals": null,
                          "normalmode_eigenvecs": null,
                          "elph_displaced_structures": {
                              "temperatures": null,
                              "structures": null
                          "dos_properties": {...},
                          "run_stats": {
                              "average_memory": 0,
                              "max_memory": 241584,
                              "elapsed_time": 18.833,
                              "system_time": 1.114,
                              "user_time": 16.166,
                              "total_time": 17.28,
                              "cores": 40
                      "completed_at": "2024-05-19 17:13:34.897366",
                      "task_name": "standard",
                      "output_file_paths": {
                          "chgcar": "CHGCAR",
                          "aeccar0": "AECCAR0",
                          "aeccar1": "AECCAR1",
                          "aeccar2": "AECCAR2"
                      "bader": null,
                      "ddec6": null,
                      "run_type": "PBESol",
                      "task_type": "Structure Optimization",
                      "calc_type": "PBESol Structure Optimization"

There is some redundancy in the information stored in input, output, and calcs_reversed, but this is by design. input and output capture summary information about the first and last steps of the Job, whereas calcs_reversed records practically every detail of all the intermediate steps.


The TaskDoc calcs_reversed section is designed to capture all the information that can be obtained from a VASP OUTCAR (or vasprun.xml). Therefore, if you query your output data from the atomate2 database, you should not need to manually look up anything from the OUTCAR. Chances are very good that the information is available somewhere in the TaskDoc. For example:

  • you can get the electronic energy of the last SCF iteration (index [-1]) of the first ionic step (index [0]) in calcs_reversed[0].output.ionic_steps[0].electronic_steps[0].e_fr_energy.

  • you can retrieve any INCAR parameter, such as ENCUT, from calcs_reversed[0].input.incar["ENCUT"]


Materials Project and Community document models

Most document models used by atomate2 “live” in a separate package called emmet (or more specifically, emmet-core), which is installed by default as a dependency of atomate2. In general, mature document models that are used in the Materials Project website or database are developed in emmet, whereas some document models that are more niche or are in earlier stages of development may exist in atomate2 itself.

Here is a partial listing of the codes and calculation types currently supported in emmet-core:


  • VASP

  • Q-Chem

  • FEFF

  • OpenMM

Calculation Types:

  • Structure optimization

  • Static / single point energy

  • Frequency

  • Band structure

  • Elastic tensor

Code-agnostic document models for analysis

So far, we have introduced Document Models as a way of parsing input and output data from a specific calculation software (VASP). However, document models are also useful for capturing data from “downstream” analysis that is not dependent on the specific code used to generate the data. Hence, many document models in emmet-core are agnostic or independent of the specific software used in the initial calculation.

To take a simple example, emmet-core contains a schema called ElectronicStructureSummaryData that stores the band_gap, conduction band minimum (cbm), valence band maximum (vbm), and Fermi level (e_fermi):

class ElectronicStructureBaseData(BaseModel):
    task_id: MPID = Field(
        description="The source calculation (task) ID for the electronic structure data. "
        "This has the same form as a Materials Project ID.",

    band_gap: float = Field(..., description="Band gap energy in eV.")

    cbm: Optional[Union[float, Dict]] = Field(
        None, description="Conduction band minimum data."

    vbm: Optional[Union[float, Dict]] = Field(
        None, description="Valence band maximum data."

    efermi: Optional[float] = Field(None, description="Fermi energy in eV.")

Clearly, this simple document model could be used to store output from any periodic DFT code.


emmet-core also defines Builder classes, which take raw calculation results (e.g., the TaskDoc) from our example, perform some analysis or transformation, and then create new document models in additional Store. This paradigm makes it possible to construct automated data processing pipelines, and is the basis for how the Materials Project database. For more about how builders and stores work together, see the maggma documentation.


In this tutorial, you learned that atomate2 uses schema or “Document Models” (based on pydantic.BaseModel) to structure and validate output data. You examined the typical structure of a calculation output by looking at the schema for a VASP structure optimization (TaskDoc). You also learned that emmet serves as a “library” of mature document models used by the Materials Project.

At this point, you might: