Module defining equation of state workflows.
Modeled on the atomate bulk_modulus workflows.
Prefixes are also defined in atomate2.sets.eos and - No prefix (EosDoubleRelaxMaker and EosMaker): atomate2 default parameters - MPLegacy: legacy MP PBE-GGA-compatible parameters (very high k-point density) - MPGGA: MP PBE-GGA compatible parameters - MPMetaGGA: MP r2SCAN-meta-GGA compatible parameters
Workflow to generate initial double relaxation for EOS fitting. |
Generate equation of state data with default atomate2 parameters. |
Workflow to generate initial MP PBE-GGA double relaxation for EOS fitting. |
Generate equation of state data with MP PBE-GGA parameters. |
Workflow to generate initial MP legacy PBE-GGA double relaxation. |
Generate equation of state data with MP legacy PBE-GGA parameters. |
Workflow to generate initial MP r2SCAN Meta-GGA double relaxation for EOS fitting. |
Generate equation of state data with MP r2SCAN-meta-GGA parameters. |
bool(x) -> bool |