
atomate2.vasp.powerups.use_auto_ispin(flow, value=True, name_filter=None, class_filter=BaseVaspMaker)[source]

Update the auto_ispin setting of any VaspInputGenerators in the flow.

Alternatively, if a Maker is supplied, the auto_ispin of the maker will be updated.

Note, this returns a copy of the original Job/Flow/Maker. I.e., the update does not happen in place.

  • flow (.Job or .Flow or .Maker) – A job, flow or Maker.

  • value (bool) – The value of auto_ispin to set.

  • name_filter (str or None) – A filter for the name of the jobs.

  • class_filter (Maker or None) – A filter for the VaspMaker class used to generate the flows. Note the class filter will match any subclasses.


A copy of the input flow/job/maker but with auto_ispin set.

Return type:

Job or Flow or Maker