get_sigmas, harmonic_forces, force_constants, structure, one_shot, element_resolved=False, mode_resolved=False, site_resolved=False)[source]

Get the desired sigma^A measures.

  • dft_forces (np.ndarray) – Array of DFT forces

  • harmonic_forces (np.ndarray) – Array of forces from harmonic model

  • force_constants (ForceConstants) – ForceConstants object containing a list of force constants

  • structure (Structure) – The structure to calculate sigma^A on

  • one_shot (bool) – If true, find the one-shot approximation. If false, find the full sigma^A number.

  • element_resolved (bool) – If true, resolve sigma^A to the different elements. Default is false.

  • mode_resolved (bool) – If true, resolve sigma^A to the different modes. Default is false.

  • site_resolved (bool) – If true, resolve sigma^A to the different sites. Default is false.


Dictionary in the form {sigma^A type: float/list with sigma^A values} that contains all the sigma^A values

Return type:

dict[str, Union[float, list]]