Source code for

"""Jobs for running anharmonicity quantification."""

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from jobflow import Flow, Response, job
from phonopy import Phonopy
from pymatgen.core import Structure
from pymatgen.core.units import kb
from import get_phonopy_structure, get_pmg_structure
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer

from atomate2.aims.schemas.calculation import Calculation
from atomate2.aims.utils.units import omegaToTHz
from atomate2.common.schemas.anharmonicity import AnharmonicityDoc

    from pathlib import Path
    from typing import Any

    from import BaseAimsMaker
    from atomate2.common.schemas.phonons import ForceConstants, PhononBSDOSDoc
    from import ForceFieldStaticMaker
    from import BaseVaspMaker

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ImaginaryModeError(Exception):
    """Exception raised when an imaginary mode is detected.

        The largest eigenmode to check the sign of
        Explanation of the error

    def __init__(self, largest_mode: float) -> None:
        self.largest_mode = largest_mode
        self.message = (
            f"Structure has imaginary modes: the largest optical eigenmode "
            f"{largest_mode} < 0.0001"

[docs] @job def get_phonon_supercell( structure: Structure, supercell_matrix: np.ndarray ) -> Structure: """Get the phonon supercell of a structure. Parameters ---------- structure: Structure The structure to get phonon supercell for supercell_matrix: np.ndarray Supercell matrix for the phonon Returns ------- Structure The phonopy structure """ unit_cell = get_phonopy_structure(structure) phonopy = Phonopy(unit_cell, supercell_matrix) return get_pmg_structure(phonopy.supercell)
[docs] def get_sigma_per_site( structure: Structure, forces_dft: np.ndarray, forces_harmonic: np.ndarray, ) -> list[tuple]: """Compute a site-resolved sigma^A. This will calculate a sigma^A value for every site in the structure. Parameters ---------- structure: Structure The structure to use for the calculation forces_dft: np.ndarray DFT calculated forces forces_harmonic: np.ndarray Harmonic approximation of the forces Returns ------- list[tuple] List of tuples in the form ({wyckoff symbol: sites}, sigma^A) for all the sites in the structure """ # Ensure that DFT and harmonic forces are in np format forces_dft = np.array(forces_dft) forces_harmonic = np.array(forces_harmonic) # Check shapes of forces if len(np.shape(forces_dft)) == 2: forces_dft = np.expand_dims(forces_dft, axis=0) forces_harmonic = np.expand_dims(forces_harmonic, axis=0) sg_analyzer = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure) sym_dataset = sg_analyzer.get_symmetry_dataset() wycks = np.array(sym_dataset.wyckoffs) sites = np.array(structure.sites) if np.shape(forces_dft)[1] == 3 * structure.num_sites: sites = sites.repeat(3) wycks = wycks.repeat(3) unique_sites = np.unique(wycks) site_to_wyckoff: dict = {wyck: [] for wyck in unique_sites} for idx, val in enumerate(wycks): site_to_wyckoff[val].append(sites[idx]) sigma_sites = [] for s in unique_sites: mask = wycks == s f_dft = forces_dft[:, mask] f_ha = forces_harmonic[:, mask] f_anharm = f_dft - f_ha sigma_sites.append(calc_sigma_a(f_anharm, f_dft)) return [ ( { list(site_to_wyckoff.keys())[i]: site_to_wyckoff[ list(site_to_wyckoff.keys())[i] ] }, sigma_sites[i], ) for i in range(len(sigma_sites)) ]
[docs] def get_sigma_per_element( structure: Structure, forces_dft: np.ndarray, forces_harmonic: np.ndarray, ) -> list[tuple[str, float]]: """Compute an element-resolved sigma^A. Every element type in the structure will have a sigma^A value calculated for it. Parameters ---------- structure: Structure The structure to use for the calculation forces_dft: np.ndarray DFT calculated forces forces_harmonic: np.ndarray Harmonic approximation of the forces Returns ------- list[tuple[str, float]] List of tuples in the form (atom symbol, sigma^A) for all the atoms in the structure. """ # Ensure that DFT and harmonic forces are in np format forces_dft = np.array(forces_dft) forces_harmonic = np.array(forces_harmonic) # Check shapes of forces if len(np.shape(forces_dft)) == 2: forces_dft = np.expand_dims(forces_dft, axis=0) forces_harmonic = np.expand_dims(forces_harmonic, axis=0) atom_numbers = np.array([site.specie.number for site in structure.sites]) if np.shape(forces_dft)[1] == 3 * structure.num_sites: atom_numbers = atom_numbers.repeat(3) symbols = np.array([ for site in structure.sites]) unique_atoms = np.unique(atom_numbers) sigma_atom = [] unique_symbols = [] for u in unique_atoms: # Find atoms of type u in the structure mask = atom_numbers == u # Add symbol for atom u to list of examined atoms unique_symbols.append(symbols[mask][0]) # Take forces belonging to this atom f_dft = forces_dft[:, mask] f_ha = forces_harmonic[:, mask] f_anharm = f_dft - f_ha # Calculate sigma^A for this atom sigma_atom.append(calc_sigma_a(f_anharm, f_dft)) return [(unique_symbols[i], sigma_atom[i]) for i in range(len(sigma_atom))]
[docs] def box_muller( eig_vals: np.ndarray, eig_vecs: np.ndarray, temp: float, rng: np.random.Generator, ) -> np.ndarray: """Get a normally distributed random variable displacement. Uses the Box-Muller transform ( Parameters ---------- eig_vals: np.ndarray Vector of harmonic eigenvalues (with first 3 removed for translational modes) eig_vecs: np.ndarray Matrix of harmonic eigenvectors (with first 3 removed for translational modes) temp: float Temperature in K to find velocity and displacement at rng: np.random.Generator Seeded random number generator Returns ------- np.ndarray Array with iid normally distributed displacements """ n_eigvals = eig_vals.shape[0] spread = np.sqrt(-2.0 * np.log(1.0 - rng.random(size=n_eigvals))) # Assign amplitudes (A_s) and phases (phi_s) a_s = spread * (np.sqrt(temp * kb) / eig_vals) phi_s = 2.0 * np.pi * rng.random(size=n_eigvals) # Get displacement (not normalized by sqrt(masses) yet) return (a_s * np.cos(phi_s) * eig_vecs).sum(axis=2)
[docs] @job def displace_structure( phonon_supercell: Structure, force_constants: ForceConstants = None, temp: float = 300, one_shot: bool = True, seed: int | None = None, mode_resolved: bool = False, n_samples: int = 1, ) -> list[Structure]: """Calculate the displaced structure. Procedure defined in Displaced supercell = Original supercell + Displacements Parameters ---------- phonon_supercell: Structure Supercell to distort force_constants: ForceConstants Force constants calculated from phonopy temp: float Temperature (in K) to displace structure at one_shot: bool If false, uses a normally distributed random number for zeta. The default is true. seed: int | None Seed to use for the random number generator (only used if one_shot_approx == False) mode_resolved: bool If true, calculate the mode-resolved sigma^A. This is false by default. n_samples: int Number of samples to generate (must be >= 1). An error is raised if n_samples == 1 and mode_resolved == True Returns ------- list[Structure] List of displaced Pymatgen structures """ if n_samples != 1 and one_shot: raise ValueError( f"One-shot can't be used unless n_sample == 1 not {n_samples}." ) if n_samples < 1: raise ValueError(f"n_sample must be >= 1, not {n_samples}.") if n_samples == 1 and mode_resolved: raise ValueError("n_sample must be > 1 when mode_resolved == True.") rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) coords = phonon_supercell.cart_coords disp = np.zeros(coords.shape) masses = np.array([site.species.weight for site in phonon_supercell.sites]) dynamical_matrix = build_dynmat(force_constants, phonon_supercell) eig_val, eig_vec = get_eigens(dynamical_matrix) # Check for imaginary modes if eig_val[3] < 0.0001: raise ImaginaryModeError(eig_val[3]) eig_val = eig_val[3:] x_acs = eig_vec[:, 3:].reshape((-1, 3, len(eig_val))) # gauge eigenvectors: largest value always positive for ii in range(x_acs.shape[-1]): vec = x_acs[:, :, ii] max_arg = np.argmax(abs(vec)) x_acs[:, :, ii] *= np.sign(vec.flat[max_arg]) inv_sqrt_mass = masses ** (-0.5) if one_shot: zetas = (-1) ** np.arange(len(eig_val)) a_s = np.sqrt(temp * kb) / eig_val * zetas disp = (a_s * x_acs).sum(axis=2) * inv_sqrt_mass[:, None] return [ Structure( lattice=phonon_supercell.lattice, species=phonon_supercell.species, coords=coords + disp, coords_are_cartesian=True, ) ] samples = [] for _ in range(n_samples): disp = box_muller(eig_val, x_acs, temp, rng) * inv_sqrt_mass[:, None] samples.append( Structure( lattice=phonon_supercell.lattice, species=phonon_supercell.species, coords=coords + disp, coords_are_cartesian=True, ) ) return samples
[docs] def build_dynmat( force_constants: ForceConstants, structure: Structure, ) -> np.ndarray: """Build the dynamical matrix. Parameters ---------- force_constants: ForceConstants Force constants calculated by Phonopy structure: Structure Structure as a Pymatgen Structure object Returns ------- np.ndarray The dynamical matrix """ force_constants_2d = ( np.array(force_constants.force_constants) .swapaxes(1, 2) .reshape(2 * (len(structure) * 3,)) ) masses = np.array([site.species.weight for site in structure.sites]) rminv = (masses**-0.5).repeat(3) return force_constants_2d * rminv[:, None] * rminv[None, :]
[docs] def get_eigens(dynmat: np.ndarray) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Calculate the eigenmodes and eigenfrequencies from the dynamical matrix. Parameters ---------- dynmat: np.ndarray Dynamical matrix Returns ------- tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray] Tuple with first element being the array of eigenmodes and the second being the matrix of eigenfrequencies """ eig_val, eig_vec = np.linalg.eigh(dynmat) eig_val = np.sqrt(eig_val) return (eig_val, eig_vec)
[docs] def get_sigma_a_per_mode( force_constants: ForceConstants, structure: Structure, dft_forces: np.ndarray, harmonic_forces: np.ndarray, ) -> list[tuple[float, float]]: """Calculate sigma^A for each mode. Parameters ---------- force_constants: ForceConstants Force constants calculated by Phonopy structure: Structure Structure as a Pymatgen Structure object dft_forces: np.ndarray Array of DFT forces harmonic_forces: np.ndarray Array of harmonically approximated forces Returns ------- list[tuple[float, float]] List of tuples in the form (mode frequency in THz, Sigma^A) for all the modes in the structure """ # Projecting the forces dynamical_matrix = build_dynmat(force_constants, structure) eig_val, eig_vec = get_eigens(dynamical_matrix) eig_val = eig_val[3:] * omegaToTHz # Projection matrix P p = eig_vec.T masses = np.array([site.species.weight for site in structure.sites]) m = masses ** (-0.5) # Project the forces dft_forces = m.reshape((len(structure), 1)) * dft_forces dft_proj = np.array([p @ (f.flatten()) for f in np.array(dft_forces)])[:, 3:] harmonic_forces = m.reshape((len(structure), 1)) * harmonic_forces harmonic_proj = np.array([p @ (f.flatten()) for f in np.array(harmonic_forces)])[ :, 3: ] # Calculate sigma^A for each mode mode_sigma_vals = [] for mode in np.unique(eig_val): dft_vals = np.array( [dft_proj[:, idx] for idx in range(len(eig_val)) if eig_val[idx] == mode] ).flatten() harmonic_vals = np.array( [ harmonic_proj[:, idx] for idx in range(len(eig_val)) if eig_val[idx] == mode ] ).flatten() anharmonic_vals = [ dft_force - harmonic_force for dft_force, harmonic_force in zip(dft_vals, harmonic_vals, strict=True) ] sigma_a = np.std(anharmonic_vals) / np.std(dft_vals) mode_sigma_vals.append((mode, sigma_a)) return mode_sigma_vals
[docs] @job def get_forces( force_constants: ForceConstants, phonon_supercell: Structure, displaced_structures: dict[str, list], ) -> list[np.ndarray]: """Calculate the DFT forces and harmonic forces. Parameters ---------- force_constants: ForceConstants The force constants calculated by phonopy phonon_supercell: Structure The supercell used for the phonon calculation displaced_structures: dict[str, list] The output of run_displacements Returns ------- list[np.ndarray] List of forces in the form [DFT forces, harmonic forces] """ force_constants_2d = np.swapaxes( force_constants.force_constants, 1, 2, ).reshape(2 * (len(phonon_supercell) * 3,)) if isinstance(displaced_structures["coords"][0], Calculation): displacements = [ disp_data.output.structure.cart_coords - phonon_supercell.cart_coords for disp_data in displaced_structures["coords"] ] else: displacements = [ np.array(disp_data) - phonon_supercell.cart_coords for disp_data in displaced_structures["coords"] ] harmonic_forces = [ (-force_constants_2d @ displacement.flatten()).reshape((-1, 3)) for displacement in displacements ] dft_forces = [np.array(disp_data) for disp_data in displaced_structures["forces"]] return [dft_forces, harmonic_forces]
[docs] @job def get_sigmas( dft_forces: np.ndarray, harmonic_forces: np.ndarray, force_constants: ForceConstants, structure: Structure, one_shot: bool, element_resolved: bool = False, mode_resolved: bool = False, site_resolved: bool = False, ) -> dict: """Get the desired sigma^A measures. Parameters ---------- dft_forces: np.ndarray Array of DFT forces harmonic_forces: np.ndarray Array of forces from harmonic model force_constants: ForceConstants ForceConstants object containing a list of force constants structure: Structure The structure to calculate sigma^A on one_shot: bool If true, find the one-shot approximation. If false, find the full sigma^A number. element_resolved: bool If true, resolve sigma^A to the different elements. Default is false. mode_resolved: bool If true, resolve sigma^A to the different modes. Default is false. site_resolved: bool If true, resolve sigma^A to the different sites. Default is false. Returns ------- dict[str, Union[float, list]] Dictionary in the form {sigma^A type: float/list with sigma^A values} that contains all the sigma^A values """ dft_forces = np.array(dft_forces) harmonic_forces = np.array(harmonic_forces) anharmonic_forces = np.array( [ dft_force - harmonic_force for dft_force, harmonic_force in zip( dft_forces, harmonic_forces, strict=True ) ] ) sigma_dict: dict[str, Any] = {} if mode_resolved: sigma_dict["mode-resolved"] = get_sigma_a_per_mode( force_constants, structure, dft_forces, harmonic_forces, ) if element_resolved: sigma_dict["element-resolved"] = get_sigma_per_element( structure, dft_forces, harmonic_forces, ) if site_resolved: sigma_dict["site-resolved"] = get_sigma_per_site( structure, dft_forces, harmonic_forces, ) if one_shot: sigma_dict["one-shot"] = calc_sigma_a(anharmonic_forces, dft_forces) else: sigma_dict["full"] = calc_sigma_a(anharmonic_forces, dft_forces) return sigma_dict
[docs] def calc_sigma_a( anharmonic_forces: np.ndarray, dft_forces: np.ndarray, ) -> float: """Calculate sigma^A. Parameters ---------- anharmonic_forces: np.ndarray Array of anharmonic forces (dft - harmonic) dft_forces: np.ndarray Array of DFT forces Returns ------- float sigma^A number """ return np.std(anharmonic_forces) / np.std(dft_forces)
[docs] @job(data=["forces", "displaced_structures"]) def run_displacements( displacements: list[Structure], phonon_supercell: Structure, force_eval_maker: BaseVaspMaker | ForceFieldStaticMaker | BaseAimsMaker = None, prev_dir: str | Path = None, prev_dir_argname: str = None, socket: bool = False, ) -> Flow: """Run displaced structures. Note, this job will replace itself with N displacement calculations, or a single socket calculation for all displacements. Parameters ---------- displacements: Sequence All displacements to calculate phonon_supercell: Structure The supercell used for the phonon calculation force_eval_maker : .BaseVaspMaker or .ForceFieldStaticMaker or .BaseAimsMaker A maker to use to generate dispacement calculations prev_dir: str or Path The previous working directory prev_dir_argname: str argument name for the prev_dir variable socket: bool If True use the socket-io interface to increase performance Returns ------- Flow Flow calculating DFT forces on displaced structures """ force_eval_jobs = [] outputs: dict[str, list] = { "coords": [], "forces": [], "uuids": [], "dirs": [], } force_eval_job_kwargs = {} if prev_dir is not None and prev_dir_argname is not None: force_eval_job_kwargs[prev_dir_argname] = prev_dir if socket: force_eval_job = force_eval_maker.make(displacements, **force_eval_job_kwargs) info = { "phonon_supercell": phonon_supercell, "displaced_structures": displacements, } force_eval_job.update_maker_kwargs( {"_set": {"write_additional_data->anharmonicity_info:json": info}}, dict_mod=True, ) force_eval_jobs.append(force_eval_job) outputs["coords"] = force_eval_job.output.calcs_reversed outputs["uuids"] = [force_eval_job.output.uuid] * len(displacements) outputs["dirs"] = [force_eval_job.output.dir_name] * len(displacements) outputs["forces"] = force_eval_job.output.output.all_forces else: for idx, displacement in enumerate(displacements): if prev_dir is not None: force_eval_job = force_eval_maker.make(displacement, prev_dir=prev_dir) else: force_eval_job = force_eval_maker.make(displacement) force_eval_job.append_name( f" anharmonicity quant. {idx + 1}/{len(displacements)}" ) # we will add some meta data info = { "phonon_supercell": phonon_supercell, "displaced_structure": displacement, } with contextlib.suppress(Exception): force_eval_job.update_maker_kwargs( {"_set": {"write_additional_data->anharmonicity_info:json": info}}, dict_mod=True, ) force_eval_jobs.append(force_eval_job) outputs["coords"].append(force_eval_job.output.structure.cart_coords) outputs["uuids"].append(force_eval_job.output.uuid) outputs["dirs"].append(force_eval_job.output.dir_name) outputs["forces"].append(force_eval_job.output.output.forces) displacement_flow = Flow(force_eval_jobs, outputs) return Response(replace=displacement_flow)
[docs] @job def store_results( sigma_dict: dict[str, list | float], phonon_doc: PhononBSDOSDoc, one_shot: bool, temp: float, n_samples: int, seed: int | None, ) -> AnharmonicityDoc: """ Store the results in a schema object. Parameters ---------- sigma_dict: dict[str, Union[list, float]] Dictionary of computed sigma^A values. Possible contents are full, one-shot, atom-resolved, and mode-resolved. phonon_doc: PhononBSDOSDoc Info from phonon workflow to be stored one_shot: bool Whether the one-shot approximation was used (true) or not (false) temp: float Temperature (in K) to displace structure at n_samples: int How many displaced structures to sample seed: int | None What random seed was used to displace structures Returns ------- AnharmonicityDoc Document containing information on workflow results """ return AnharmonicityDoc.from_phonon_doc_sigma( sigma_dict=sigma_dict, phonon_doc=phonon_doc, one_shot=one_shot, temp=temp, n_samples=n_samples, seed=seed, )