Writing ABINIT Tests


Atomate2 includes tools to help write tests for ABINIT workflows. The primary considerations with the atomate2 testing environment are listed below.


ABINIT heavily relies on pseudo potential tables accessible through abipy. These tables are large in size or can be downloaded on the fly at input creation time. Therefore, a smaller pseudopotential table is included for just a few elements. Structures to be used for testing should be based on the missing elements should be added to this pseudopotential table.

Note that information from the real pseudopotential files is used in the creation of the jobs and flows, hence fake pseudopotentials are not an option here.

File sizes

The files produced by ABINIT are generally large and would overwhelm the size of the atomate2 repository if not managed carefully. For example, density (DEN) and wavefunction (WFK) files can easily be ten’s of megabytes which can quickly add up.

To overcome this, we only include essential ABINIT output files in the atomate2 test folder. For example, DEN, WFK and other density information is not needed in most instances. For these outputs files which can be required inputs for some jobs, fake files are generated in the test folder and the linking copying of the files is checked using these fake files. These fake files contain the information whether they are a regular file or a symbolic link to another regular file.

ABINIT execution

We cannot run ABINIT on the testing server due to the computational expense. Furthermore, different versions/compilations of ABINIT may yield slightly different total energies which are not important for our tests – we only test that (i) inputs are written correctly, (ii) outputs are parsed correctly, and (iii) jobs are connected together properly.

This is achieved by “mocking” ABINIT execution. Instead of running ABINIT, we copy reference output files into the current directory and then proceed with running the workflow.

Note that it is still possible to run integration tests where ABINIT is executed by passing the --abinit-integration option to pytest:

pytest --abinit-integration

When executing tests with the real abinit, larger deviations are expected depending on ABINIT version, compilation options, etc.

Generation of new tests

Atomate2 provides an automatic procedure to prepare ABINIT data (reference files) for use in atomate2 tests. It does this by:

  • Preparing a standard maker file that will be used to generate the reference files as well as to run the tests.

  • Create the flow or job using the maker file and a structure file (cif file or other).

  • Copying ABINIT inputs and outputs into the correct directory structure and creating the fake input and output files for large files when relevant.

  • Providing a template unit test that is configured for the specific workflow.

There are four stages to generating the test data:

1. Create the maker file

The atm dev abinit-script-maker command allows to prepare a template create_maker.py script in the current directory. You should adapt this file for the maker you intend to test. Try to make sure to use parameters that allow the generation to be executed relatively fast. Additionally, with the integration testing capability for ABINIT workflows, the faster the workflows can run, the better.

After adapting the create_maker.py script for the maker to be tested, you should run it:

python create_maker.py

This will generate a maker.json containing the serialized version of the maker together with additional metadata information, inter alia the string of the create_maker.py script itself, the author and author mail (extracted from git config information), date of generation, …

2. Generate the reference files

The atm dev abinit-generate-reference command runs the workflow for a given structure in the current directory using jobflow’s run_locally option. This will execute the different abinit jobs of the flow in separated run folders, and dump an outputs.json file with all the outputs of the flow.

Note that the structure is specified either implicitly in an initial_structure.json file:

atm dev abinit-generate-reference

or explicitly, e.g. as a path to a CIF file:

atm dev abinit-generate-reference /path/to/structure.cif

When an explicit structure file is passed to the atm dev abinit-generate-reference command, the structure is dumped to an initial_structure.json file.

3. Copy files to the test_data folder

Now that the flow has been executed, the generated input and output files have to be copied to the tests/test_data/abinit folder. This is achieved using the atm dev abinit-test-data command:

atm dev abinit-test-data TEST_NAME

You should change TEST_NAME to be a name for the workflow test. Note, TEST_NAME should not contain spaces or punctuation. For example, the band structure workflow test data was generated using atm dev vasp-test-data Si_band_structure.

This will automatically detect whether the Maker is a Job Maker or a Flow Maker and copy files in the corresponding tests/test_data/abinit/jobs/NameOfMaker/TEST_NAME or tests/test_data/abinit/flows/NameOfMaker/TEST_NAME directory. It will create the NameOfMaker/TEST_NAME directory structure and copy the information about the Maker and initial structure, i.e. maker.json, initial_structure.json and make_info.json if present.

Each job of the flow has its own directory in the TEST_NAME directory, with one directory for each “restart” (i.e. index of the job). The directory for a given ABINIT run, hereafter referenced as REF_RUN_FOLDER thus has the following structure:


where JOB_NAME is the name of the job and JOB_INDEX is the index of the job (usually “1” unless the job is restarted).

Note: For the script to run successfully, every job in the workflow must have a unique name. For example, there cannot be two calculations called “relax”. Instead you should ensure they are named something like “relax 1” and “relax 2”.

Each REF_RUN_FOLDER contains:

  • A folder called “inputs” with the run.abi and abinit_input.json, as well as with the indata, outdata and tmpdata directories. The indata directory potentially contains the reference fake input files needed for the job to be executed (e.g. a fake link to a previous DEN file).

  • A folder called “outputs” with the run.abo, run.err, run.log, as well as with the indata, outdata and tmpdata directories. In the indata, outdata and tmpdata directories, the large files are replaced by fake reference files while the necessary files for the workflow test execution are present.

4. Write the test

The atm dev abinit-test-data command also generates a template test method that is configured to use the test data that was just generated. In this template test method, the maker, the initial_structure and the reference paths (i.e. the mapping from the job name and job index to the reference job folder) are automatically loaded from the test folder.

Add assert statements to validate the workflow outputs.