
The first version of atomate2 was designed and developed by Alex Ganose gh orc.

Further substantial contributions have been provided by:

Andrew Rosen gh orc
Assistant Professor of Chemical & Biological Engineering
Princeton University

Jimmy-Xuan Shen gh orc
Postdoctoral Researcher
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Janosh Riebesell gh orc
PhD Student
Cambridge University

Ryan Kingsbury gh orc
Incoming Assistant Professor
Princeton University

Janine George gh orc
Junior Group Leader
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (Berlin)
Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Mingjian Wen gh orc
Assistant Professor
University of Houston

Christina Ertural gh orc
Postdoctoral Researcher
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (Berlin)

Matthew Horton gh orc
Senior Research Software Engineer
Microsoft Research

Zhuoying Zhu gh orc
Postdoctoral Researcher
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Aakash Ashok Naik gh orc
PhD student
Federal Institute for Materials Research and Testing (Berlin)
Friedrich Schiller University Jena

Aaron Kaplan gh orc
Postdoctoral Researcher
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Matthew McDermott gh orc
Postdoctoral Researcher
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Thomas Purcell gh orc
Assistant Professor of Chemistry
University of Arizona

Andrei Sobolev gh orc
Software Scientist
MS1P e.V.

Alexander Bonkowski gh orc
PhD student in Chemistry
RWTH Aachen University

Matthew Kuner gh orc
PhD student in Materials Science and Engineering
University of California, Berkeley

Rhys Goodall gh orc
Hobbyist Contributor

Kevin Beck gh orc
PhD student in Applied Mathematics
University of Arizona