
class atomate2.aims.flows.core.DoubleRelaxMaker(name='Double relaxation', relax_maker1=<factory>, relax_maker2=<factory>)[source]

Bases: Maker

Double relaxation maker for FHI-aims.

A maker to perform a double relaxation in FHI-aims (first with light, and then with tight species_defaults).

  • name (str) – A name for the flow

  • relax_maker1 (.BaseAimsMaker) – A maker that generates the first relaxation

  • relax_maker2 (.BaseAimsMaker) – A maker that generates the second relaxation

make(structure, prev_dir=None)[source]

Create a flow with two chained relaxations.

  • structure (Structure or Molecule) – The structure to relax.

  • prev_dir (str or Path or None) – A previous FHI-aims calculation directory to copy output files from.

Return type:


classmethod from_parameters(parameters, species_defaults=('light', 'tight'))[source]

Create the maker from an ASE parameter set.

Creates a DoubleRelaxFlow for the same parameters with two different species defaults.

  • parameters (dict) – a dictionary with calculation parameters

  • species_defaults (list | tuple) – paths for species defaults to use relative to the given species_dir in parameters

Return type:
