
class atomate2.vasp.sets.core.ElectronPhononSetGenerator(structure=None, config_dict=<factory>, files_to_transfer=<factory>, user_incar_settings=<factory>, user_kpoints_settings=<factory>, user_potcar_settings=<factory>, constrain_total_magmom=False, sort_structure=True, user_potcar_functional=None, force_gamma=True, reduce_structure=None, vdw=None, use_structure_charge=False, standardize=False, sym_prec=0.1, international_monoclinic=True, validate_magmom=True, inherit_incar=False, auto_kspacing=False, auto_ismear=True, auto_ispin=True, auto_lreal=False, auto_metal_kpoints=True, bandgap_tol=0.0001, bandgap=None, prev_incar=None, prev_kpoints=None, _valid_potcars=None, temperatures=(0, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000), reciprocal_density=64)[source]

Bases: VaspInputGenerator

Class to generate VASP electron phonon input sets.


Requires VASP 6.0 and higher. See https://www.vasp.at/wiki/index.php/Electron- phonon_interactions_from_Monte-Carlo_sampling for more details.

  • temperatures (list of float) – The temperatures for which the electron-phonon interactions are evaluated.

  • reciprocal_density (float) – Density of k-mesh by reciprocal volume.

  • structure (Structure | None)

  • config_dict (dict)

  • files_to_transfer (dict)

  • user_incar_settings (dict)

  • user_kpoints_settings (dict)

  • user_potcar_settings (dict)

  • constrain_total_magmom (bool)

  • sort_structure (bool)

  • user_potcar_functional (UserPotcarFunctional)

  • force_gamma (bool)

  • reduce_structure (Literal['niggli', 'LLL'] | None)

  • vdw (str | None)

  • use_structure_charge (bool)

  • standardize (bool)

  • sym_prec (float)

  • international_monoclinic (bool)

  • validate_magmom (bool)

  • inherit_incar (bool | list[str])

  • auto_kspacing (bool)

  • auto_ismear (bool)

  • auto_ispin (bool)

  • auto_lreal (bool)

  • auto_metal_kpoints (bool)

  • bandgap_tol (float)

  • bandgap (float | None)

  • prev_incar (str | dict | None)

  • prev_kpoints (str | Kpoints | None)

  • _valid_potcars (Sequence[str] | None)

property incar_updates: dict

Get updates to the INCAR for a static VASP job.


A dictionary of updates to apply.

Return type:


property kpoints_updates: dict | Kpoints

Get updates to the kpoints configuration for a non-self consistent VASP job.

Note, these updates will be ignored if the user has set user_kpoint_settings.


A dictionary of updates to apply to the KPOINTS config.

Return type:
