- class atomate2.forcefields.flows.gruneisen.GruneisenMaker(name='Gruneisen', bulk_relax_maker=<factory>, code='forcefields', const_vol_relax_maker=<factory>, kpath_scheme='seekpath', phonon_maker=<factory>, perc_vol=0.01, mesh=7000, compute_gruneisen_param_kwargs=<factory>, symprec=0.001)[source]¶
Maker to calculate Grueneisen parameters with a force field and Phonopy.
Calculate Grueneisen parameters by a finite volume change approach based on harmonic phonons. Initially, a tight structural relaxation is performed to obtain a structure without forces on the atoms. The optimized structure (ground state) is further expanded and shrunk by 1 % of its volume. Subsequently, supercells with one displaced atom are generated for all the three structures (ground state, expanded and shrunk volume) and accurate forces are computed for these structures. With the help of phonopy, these forces are then converted into a dynamical matrix. This dynamical matrix of three structures is then used as an input for the phonopy Grueneisen api to compute Grueneisen parameters.
- Parameters:
name (str) – Name of the flows produced by this maker.
bulk_relax_maker (.ForceFieldRelaxMaker, .BaseAimsMaker, .BaseVaspMaker, or None) – A maker to perform an initial tight relaxation on the bulk.
code (str) – determines the DFT or force field code.
const_vol_relax_maker (.ForceFieldRelaxMaker, .BaseAimsMaker,) – .BaseVaspMaker, or None. A maker to perform a tight relaxation on the expanded and shrunk structures at constant volume.
kpath_scheme (str) – scheme to generate kpoints. Please be aware that you can only use seekpath with any kind of cell Otherwise, please use the standard primitive structure Available schemes are: “seekpath”, “hinuma”, “setyawan_curtarolo”, “latimer_munro”. “seekpath” and “hinuma” are the same definition but seekpath can be used with any kind of unit cell as it relies on phonopy to handle the relationship to the primitive cell and not pymatgen
mesh (tuple|float) – Mesh numbers along a, b, c axes used for Grueneisen parameter computation. Or float to indicate a kpoint density.
phonon_maker (.PhononMaker) – PhononMaker to run the phonon workflow.
perc_vol (float) – Percent volume to shrink and expand ground state structure
compute_gruneisen_param_kwargs (dict) – Keyword arguments passed to
.symprec (float) – Symmetry precision for symmetry checks and phonon runs.
- property prev_calc_dir_argname: None¶
Name of argument informing static maker of previous calculation directory.
As this differs between different DFT codes (e.g., VASP, CP2K), it has been left as a property to be implemented by the inheriting class.
Note: this is only applicable if a relax_maker is specified; i.e., two calculations are performed for each ordering (relax -> static)