
atomate2.common.files.rename_files(filenames, directory=None, host=None, allow_missing=False, file_client=None)[source]

Delete files in a directory.

  • filenames (dict) – Files to rename. Given as a dictionary of {old_name: new_name}. File names should be given relative to directory. Glob matches are not supported.

  • directory (str or Path or None) – Directory in which to rename files. If None, the current directory will be used (or home folder if specifying a remote host).

  • host (str or None) – The hostname used to specify a remote filesystem. Can be given as either “username@host” or just “host” in which case the username will be inferred from the current user. If None, the local filesystem will be used.

  • allow_missing (bool) – Whether to error if a file in include_files is not present in the directory.

  • file_client (.FileClient) – A file client to use for performing file operations.

Return type:
