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Using Store

A Store is just a wrapper to access data from a data source. That data source is typically a MongoDB collection, but it could also be an Amazon S3 bucket, a GridFS collection, or folder of files on disk. maggma makes interacting with all of these data sources feel the same (see the Store interface, below). Store can also perform logic, concatenating two or more Store together to make them look like one data source for instance.

The benefit of the Store interface is that you only have to write a Builder once. As your data moves or evolves, you simply point it to different Store without having to change your processing code.

Structuring Store data

Because Store is built around a MongoDB-like query syntax, data that goes into Store needs to be structured similarly to MongoDB data. In python terms, that means the data in a Store must be structured as a list of dict, where each dict represents a single record (called a 'document').

data = [{"AM": "sunrise"}, {"PM": "sunset"} ... ]

Note that this structure is very similar to the widely-used JSON format. So structuring your data in this manner enables highly flexible storage options -- you can easily write it to a .json file, place it in a Store, insert it into a Mongo database, etc. maggma is designed to facilitate this.

In addition to being structured as a list of dict, every document (dict) must have a key that uniquely identifies it. By default, this key is the task_id, but it can be set to any value you like using the key argument when you instantiate a Store.

data = [{"task_id": 1, "AM": "sunrise"}, {"task_id: 2, "PM": "sunset"} ... ]

Just to emphasize - every document must have a task_id, and the value of task_id must be unique for every document. The rest of the document structure is up to you, but maggma works best when every document follows a pre-defined schema (i.e., all dict have the same set of keys / same structure).

The Store interface

All Store provide a number of basic methods that facilitate querying, updating, and removing data:

  • query: Standard mongo style find method that lets you search the store. See Understanding Queries for more details about the query syntax.
  • query_one: Same as above but limits returned results to just the first document that matches your query. Very useful for understanding the structure of the returned data.
  • count: Counts documents in the Store
  • distinct: Returns a list of distinct values of a field.
  • groupby: Similar to query but performs a grouping operation and returns sets of documents.
  • update: Update (insert) documents into the Store. This will overwrite documents if the key field matches.
  • remove_docs: Removes documents from the underlying data source.
  • newer_in: Finds all documents that are newer in the target collection and returns their keys. This is a very useful way of performing incremental processing.
  • ensure_index: Creates an index for the underlying data-source for fast querying.
  • last_updated: Finds the most recently updated last_updated_field value and returns that. Useful for knowing how old a data-source is.


If you are familiar with pymongo, you may find the comparison table below helpful. This table illustrates how maggma method and argument names map onto pymongo concepts.

maggma pymongo equivalent
query_one find_one
query find
count count_documents
distinct distinct
groupby group
update insert
criteria={} filter={}
properties=[] projection=[]

Creating a Store

All Stores have a few basic arguments that are critical for basic usage. Every Store has two attributes that the user should customize based on the data contained in that store: key and last_updated_field.

The key defines how the Store tells documents apart. Typically this is _id in MongoDB, but you could use your own field (be sure all values under the key field can be used to uniquely identify documents).

last_updated_field tells Store how to order the documents by a date, which is typically in the datetime format, but can also be an ISO 8601-format (ex: 2009-05-28T16:15:00) Stores can also take a Validator object to make sure the data going into it obeys some schema.

In the example below, we create a MongoStore, which connects to a MongoDB database. To create this store, we have to provide maggma the connection details to the database like the hostname, collection name, and authentication info. Note that we've set key='name' because we want to use that name as our unique identifier.

>>> store = MongoStore(database="my_db_name",

The specific arguments required to create a Store depend on the underlying format. For example, the MemoryStore, which just loads data into memory, requires no arguments to instantiate. Refer to the list of Stores below (and their associated documentation) for specific details.

Connecting to a Store

You must connect to a store by running store.connect() before querying or updating the store. If you are operating on the stores inside of another code it is recommended to use the built-in context manager, e.g.:

with MongoStore(...) as store:

This will take care of the connect() automatically while ensuring that the connection is closed properly after the store tasks are complete.

List of Stores

Current working and tested Store include the following. Click the name of each store for more detailed documentation.

  • MongoStore: interfaces to a MongoDB Collection using port and hostname.
  • MongoURIStore: interfaces to a MongoDB Collection using a "mongodb+srv://" URI.
  • MemoryStore: just a Store that exists temporarily in memory
  • JSONStore: builds a MemoryStore and then populates it with the contents of the given JSON files
  • FileStore: query and add metadata to files stored on disk as if they were in a database
  • GridFSStore: interfaces to GridFS collection in MongoDB using port and hostname.
  • GridFSURIStore: interfaces to GridFS collection in MongoDB using a "mongodb+srv://" URI.
  • S3Store: provides an interface to an S3 Bucket either on AWS or self-hosted solutions (additional documentation)
  • ConcatStore: concatenates several Stores together so they look like one Store
  • VaultStore: uses Vault to get credentials for a MongoDB database
  • AliasingStore: aliases keys from the underlying store to new names
  • SandboxStore: provides permission control to documents via a_sbxn` sandbox key
  • JointStore: joins several MongoDB collections together, merging documents with the same key, so they look like one collection
  • AzureBlobStore: provides an interface to Azure Blobs for the storage of large amount of data
  • MontyStore: provides an interface to montydb for in-memory or filesystem-based storage
  • MongograntStore: (DEPRECATED) uses Mongogrant to get credentials for MongoDB database