Source code for

"""Job used in the Ferroelectric wflow."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any

from jobflow import Flow, Job, Response, job
from pymatgen.analysis.ferroelectricity.polarization import get_total_ionic_dipole

from atomate2.vasp.schemas.ferroelectric import PolarizationDocument

    from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure

    from import BaseVaspMaker

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

__all__ = ["polarization_analysis"]

[docs] @job(output_schema=PolarizationDocument) def polarization_analysis( np_lcalcpol_output: dict[str, Any], p_lcalcpol_output: dict[str, Any], interp_lcalcpol_outputs: dict[str, Any], ) -> PolarizationDocument: """ Recover the same branch polarization and the spontaneous polarization. Parameters ---------- np_lcalcpol_output : dict Output from previous nonpolar lcalcpol job. p_lcalcpol_output : dict Output from previous polar lcalcpol job. interp_lcalcpol_outputs : dict Output from previous interpolation lcalcpol jobs. Returns ------- PolarizationDocument Document containing the polarization analysis results. """ # order previous calculations from nonpolar to polar ordered_keys = [ f"interpolation_{i}" for i in reversed(range(len(interp_lcalcpol_outputs))) ] polarization_tasks = [np_lcalcpol_output] polarization_tasks += [interp_lcalcpol_outputs[k] for k in ordered_keys] polarization_tasks += [p_lcalcpol_output] task_lbls = [] structures = [] energies_per_atom = [] energies = [] job_dirs = [] uuids = [] for i, p in enumerate(polarization_tasks): energies_per_atom.append(p["energy_per_atom"]) energies.append(p["energy"]) task_lbls.append(p["task_label"] or str(i)) structures.append(p["structure"]) job_dirs.append(p["job_dir"]) uuids.append(p["uuid"]) # If LCALCPOL = True then Outcar will parse and store the pseudopotential zvals. zval_dict = p["zval_dict"] # Assumes that we want to calculate the ionic contribution to the dipole moment. # VASP's ionic contribution is sometimes strange. # See pymatgen.analysis.ferroelectricity.polarization.Polarization for details. p_elecs = [p["p_elecs"] for p in polarization_tasks] p_ions = [get_total_ionic_dipole(st, zval_dict) for st in structures] return PolarizationDocument.from_pol_output( p_elecs, p_ions, structures, energies, energies_per_atom, zval_dict, task_lbls, job_dirs, uuids, )
[docs] @job def interpolate_structures(p_st: Structure, np_st: Structure, nimages: int) -> list: """ Interpolate linearly the polar and the nonpolar structures with nimages structures. Parameters ---------- p_st : Structure A pymatgen structure of polar phase. np_st : Structure A pymatgen structure of nonpolar phase. nimages : int Number of interpolatated structures calculated from polar to nonpolar structures. Returns ------- List of interpolated structures """ # adding +1 to nimages to match convention used in the interpolate # func where nonpolar is (weirdly) included in the nimages count return p_st.interpolate( np_st, nimages + 1, interpolate_lattices=True, autosort_tol=0.0 )
[docs] @job def add_interpolation_flow( interp_structures: list[Structure], lcalcpol_maker: BaseVaspMaker ) -> Response: """ Generate the interpolations jobs and add them to the main ferroelectric flow. Parameters ---------- interp_structures: List[Structure] List of interpolated structures lcalcpol_maker : BaseVaspMaker Vasp maker to compute the polarization of each structure. Returns ------- Response Job response containing the interpolation flow. """ jobs = [] outputs = {} for i, interp_structure in enumerate(interp_structures[1:-1]): lcalcpol_maker.write_additional_data["structures:json"] = { "st_polar": interp_structures[0], "st_nonpolar": interp_structures[-1], "st_interp_idx": i + 1, } interpolation = lcalcpol_maker.make(interp_structure) interpolation.append_name(f" interpolation_{i}") jobs.append(interpolation) output = get_polarization_output(interpolation) outputs.update({f"interpolation_{i}": output}) interp_flow = Flow(jobs, outputs) return Response(replace=interp_flow)
[docs] def get_polarization_output(job: Job) -> dict: """ Extract from lcalcpol job all the relevant output to compute the polarization. Parameters ---------- job : Job Job from which to extract relevant quantities. Returns ------- dict Dictionary containing the extracted polarization data. """ p = job.output outcar = p.calcs_reversed[0].output.outcar return { "energy_per_atom": p.calcs_reversed[0].output.energy_per_atom, "energy": p.calcs_reversed[0], "task_label": p.task_label, "structure": p.structure, "zval_dict": outcar["zval_dict"], "p_elecs": outcar["p_elec"], "job_dir": p.dir_name, "uuid": p.uuid, }