Source code for
"""Module defining jobs for combining AMSET and VASP calculations."""
from __future__ import annotations
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import numpy as np
from click.testing import CliRunner
from jobflow import Flow, Response, job
from pymatgen.core.tensors import symmetry_reduce
from pymatgen.transformations.standard_transformations import (
from atomate2 import SETTINGS
from atomate2.common.files import get_zfile
from atomate2.utils.file_client import FileClient
from atomate2.utils.path import strip_hostname
from import BaseVaspMaker
from import HSEBSMaker, NonSCFMaker
from atomate2.vasp.sets.core import (
from typing import Any
from emmet.core.math import Vector3D
from pymatgen.core import Structure
from atomate2.vasp.sets.base import VaspInputGenerator
class DenseUniformMaker(NonSCFMaker):
Maker to perform a dense uniform non-self consistent field calculation.
name : str
The job name.
input_set_generator : .VaspInputGenerator
A generator used to make the input set.
write_input_set_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.write_vasp_input_set`.
copy_vasp_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.copy_vasp_outputs`.
run_vasp_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.run_vasp`.
task_document_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.TaskDoc.from_directory`.
stop_children_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.should_stop_children`.
write_additional_data : dict
Additional data to write to the current directory. Given as a dict of
{filename: data}. Note that if using FireWorks, dictionary keys cannot contain
the "." character which is typically used to denote file extensions. To avoid
this, use the ":" character, which will automatically be converted to ".". E.g.
``{"my_file:txt": "contents of the file"}``.
name: str = "dense uniform"
input_set_generator: VaspInputGenerator = field(
default_factory=lambda: NonSCFSetGenerator(
mode="uniform", reciprocal_density=1000, user_incar_settings={"LWAVE": True}
class StaticDeformationMaker(BaseVaspMaker):
Maker to perform a static calculations on structural deformations.
The main difference to a normal static calculation is that this will write an
explicit KPOINTS file, rather than using KSPACING. This is because all deformations
ultimately need to be on exactly the same k-point mesh dimensions
name : str
The job name.
input_set_generator : .VaspInputGenerator
A generator used to make the input set.
write_input_set_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.write_vasp_input_set`.
copy_vasp_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.copy_vasp_outputs`.
run_vasp_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.run_vasp`.
task_document_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.TaskDoc.from_directory`.
stop_children_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.should_stop_children`.
write_additional_data : dict
Additional data to write to the current directory. Given as a dict of
{filename: data}. Note that if using FireWorks, dictionary keys cannot contain
the "." character which is typically used to denote file extensions. To avoid
this, use the ":" character, which will automatically be converted to ".". E.g.
``{"my_file:txt": "contents of the file"}``.
name: str = "static deformation"
input_set_generator: VaspInputGenerator = field(
default_factory=lambda: StaticSetGenerator(
user_kpoints_settings={"reciprocal_density": 100},
user_incar_settings={"KSPACING": None},
class HSEStaticDeformationMaker(BaseVaspMaker):
Maker to perform an HSE06 static calculations on structural deformations.
The main difference to a normal HSE06 static calculation is that this will write an
explicit KPOINTS file, rather than using KSPACING. This is because all deformations
ultimately need to be on exactly the same k-point mesh dimensions
name : str
The job name.
input_set_generator : .VaspInputGenerator
A generator used to make the input set.
write_input_set_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.write_vasp_input_set`.
copy_vasp_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.copy_vasp_outputs`.
run_vasp_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.run_vasp`.
task_document_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.TaskDoc.from_directory`.
stop_children_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.should_stop_children`.
write_additional_data : dict
Additional data to write to the current directory. Given as a dict of
{filename: data}. Note that if using FireWorks, dictionary keys cannot contain
the "." character which is typically used to denote file extensions. To avoid
this, use the ":" character, which will automatically be converted to ".". E.g.
``{"my_file:txt": "contents of the file"}``.
name: str = "static deformation"
input_set_generator: VaspInputGenerator = field(
default_factory=lambda: HSEStaticSetGenerator(
user_kpoints_settings={"reciprocal_density": 100},
user_incar_settings={"KSPACING": None},
class HSEDenseUniformMaker(HSEBSMaker):
Maker to perform a dense uniform non-self consistent field calculation.
name : str
The job name.
input_set_generator : .VaspInputGenerator
A generator used to make the input set.
write_input_set_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.write_vasp_input_set`.
copy_vasp_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.copy_vasp_outputs`.
run_vasp_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.run_vasp`.
task_document_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.TaskDoc.from_directory`.
stop_children_kwargs : dict
Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`.should_stop_children`.
write_additional_data : dict
Additional data to write to the current directory. Given as a dict of
{filename: data}. Note that if using FireWorks, dictionary keys cannot contain
the "." character which is typically used to denote file extensions. To avoid
this, use the ":" character, which will automatically be converted to ".". E.g.
``{"my_file:txt": "contents of the file"}``.
name: str = "dense uniform"
input_set_generator: VaspInputGenerator = field(
default_factory=lambda: HSEBSSetGenerator(
user_incar_settings={"LWAVE": True},
def run_amset_deformations(
structure: Structure,
symprec: float = SETTINGS.SYMPREC,
prev_dir: str | Path | None = None,
static_deformation_maker: BaseVaspMaker | None = None,
) -> Response:
Run amset deformations.
Note, this job will replace itself with N static calculations, where N is
the number of deformations.
structure : .Structure
A pymatgen structure.
symprec : float
Symmetry precision used to reduce the number of deformations. Set to None for
no symmetry reduction.
prev_dir : str or Path or None
A previous VASP directory to use for copying VASP outputs.
static_deformation_maker : .BaseVaspMaker or None
A VaspMaker to use to generate the static deformation jobs.
The directory names of each deformation calculation.
from amset.deformation.generation import get_deformations
if static_deformation_maker is None:
static_deformation_maker = StaticDeformationMaker()
deformations = get_deformations(0.005)
if symprec is not None:
deformations = list(symmetry_reduce(deformations, structure, symprec=symprec))
statics = []
outputs = []
for idx, deformation in enumerate(deformations):
# deform the structure
dst = DeformStructureTransformation(deformation=deformation)
deformed_structure = dst.apply_transformation(structure)
# create the job
static_job = static_deformation_maker.make(
deformed_structure, prev_dir=prev_dir
static_job.append_name(f" {idx + 1}/{len(deformations)}")
# extract the outputs we want (only the dir name)
static_flow = Flow(statics, outputs)
return Response(replace=static_flow)
def calculate_deformation_potentials(
bulk_dir: str,
deformation_dirs: list[str],
symprec: float = SETTINGS.SYMPREC,
ibands: tuple[list[int], list[int]] = None,
) -> dict[str, str]:
Generate the deformation.h5 (containing deformation potentials) using AMSET.
Note, this script just calls ``amset deform read``.
bulk_dir : str
The folder containing the bulk calculation data.
deformation_dirs : list of str
A list of folders for each deformation.
symprec : float
The symmetry precision used to reduce the number of deformations. Set to None
if no-symmetry reduction was applied.
ibands : tuple of list of int
Which bands to include in the deformation.h5 file. Given as a tuple of one or
two lists (one for each spin channel). The bands indices are zero indexed.
A dictionary with the keys:
- "dir_name": containing the directory where the deformation.h5 file was
- "log": The output log from ``amset deform read``.
from import read
from click.testing import CliRunner
# convert arguments into their command line equivalents
# note, amset expects the band indices to be 1 indexed, whereas we store them
# as zero indexed
symprec_str = "N" if symprec is None else str(symprec)
# TODO: Handle host names properly
bulk_dir = strip_hostname(bulk_dir)
deformation_dirs = [strip_hostname(d) for d in deformation_dirs]
args = [
if ibands is not None:
bands_str = ".".join(
",".join([str(idx + 1) for idx in band_ids]) for band_ids in ibands
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(read, args, catch_exceptions=False)
# TODO: Store some information about the deformation potentials, e.g., values
# at CBM and VBM?
return {"dir_name": str(Path.cwd()), "log": result.output}
def calculate_polar_phonon_frequency(
structure: Structure,
frequencies: list[float],
eigenvectors: list[Vector3D],
born_effective_charges: list[Vector3D],
) -> dict[str, list[float]]:
Calculate the polar phonon frequency using amset.
structure : .Structure
A pymatgen structure.
frequencies : list of float
The phonon mode frequencies in THz.
eigenvectors : list of list of float
The phonon eigenvectors.
born_effective_charges : list of list of float
The born effective charges.
A dictionary with the keys:
- "frequency" (float): The polar phonon frequency.
- "frequencies" (list[float]): A list of all phonon frequencies.
- "weights" (list[float]): A list of weights for the frequencies.
from import calculate_effective_phonon_frequency
effective_frequency, weights = calculate_effective_phonon_frequency(
return {
"frequency": effective_frequency,
"weights": weights.tolist(),
"frequencies": frequencies,
def generate_wavefunction_coefficients(dir_name: str) -> dict[str, Any]:
Generate wavefunction.h5 file using amset.
dir_name : str
Directory containing WAVECAR and vasprun.xml files (can be gzipped).
A dictionary with the keys:
- "dir_name" (str): containing the directory where the wavefunction.h5 file was
- "log" (str): The output log from ``amset wave``.
- "ibands" (Tuple[List[int], ...]): The bands included in the wavefunction.h5
file. Given as a tuple of one or two lists (one for each spin channel).
The bands indices are zero indexed.
from import wave
dir_name = strip_hostname(dir_name) # TODO: Handle hostnames properly.
fc = FileClient()
files = fc.listdir(dir_name)
vasprun_file = Path(dir_name) / get_zfile(files, "vasprun.xml")
wavecar_file = Path(dir_name) / get_zfile(files, "WAVECAR")
# wavecar can't be gzipped, so copy it to current directory and unzip it
args = ["--wavecar=WAVECAR", f"--vasprun={vasprun_file}"]
runner = CliRunner()
result = runner.invoke(wave, args, catch_exceptions=False)
ibands = _extract_ibands(result.output)
# remove WAVECAR from current directory
return {"dir_name": str(Path.cwd()), "log": result.output, "ibands": ibands}
def _extract_ibands(log: str) -> tuple[list[int], ...]:
Extract ibands from an ``amset wave`` log.
Note in the log the band indices are 1 indexed but this function returns zero
indexed band indices.
log : str
The log from ``amset wave``.
tuple of list of int
The bands included in the wavefunction.h5 file. Given as a tuple of one or two
lists (one for each spin channel). The bands indices are zero indexed.
result_splits = log.split("\n")
for i in range(len(result_splits)):
if "Including bands" in result_splits[i]:
# non-spin polarised result system
min_band, max_band = result_splits[i].split()[-1].split("—")
return (list(range(int(min_band) - 1, int(max_band))),)
if "Including:" in result_splits[i]:
amin_band, amax_band = result_splits[i + 1].split()[-1].split("—")
bmin_band, bmax_band = result_splits[i + 2].split()[-1].split("—")
aibands = list(range(int(amin_band) - 1, int(amax_band)))
bibands = list(range(int(bmin_band) - 1, int(bmax_band)))
if "up" in result_splits[i + 1]:
# up listed first
return aibands, bibands
else: # noqa: RET505
# down listed first
return bibands, aibands
raise ValueError("Could not find ibands in log.")