Source code for atomate2.utils.testing.vasp

"""Utilities for testing VASP calculations."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import shutil
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Final, Literal

from jobflow import CURRENT_JOB
from import zopen
from monty.os.path import zpath as monty_zpath
from import Incar, Kpoints, Poscar, Potcar
from import VaspInputSet
from pymatgen.util.coord import find_in_coord_list_pbc

from atomate2.vasp.sets.base import VaspInputGenerator

    from import Callable, Generator, Sequence

    from import VaspInput
    from pytest import MonkeyPatch

logger = logging.getLogger("atomate2")

_VFILES: Final = ("incar", "kpoints", "potcar", "poscar")
_REF_PATHS: dict[str, str | Path] = {}
_FAKE_RUN_VASP_KWARGS: dict[str, dict] = {}

[docs] def zpath(path: str | Path) -> Path: """Return the path of a zip file. Returns an existing (zipped or unzipped) file path given the unzipped version. If no path exists, returns the unmodified path. """ return Path(monty_zpath(str(path)))
[docs] def monkeypatch_vasp( monkeypatch: MonkeyPatch, vasp_test_dir: Path, nelect: int = 12 ) -> Generator[Callable[[Any, Any], Any], None, None]: """Fake VASP calculations by copying reference files. This is provided as a generator and can be used as by conextmanagers and pytest.fixture. It works by monkeypatching (replacing) calls to run_vasp and VaspInputSet.write_inputs with versions that will work when the vasp executables or POTCAR files are not present. The primary idea is that instead of running VASP to generate the output files, reference files will be copied into the directory instead. As we do not want to test whether VASP is giving the correct output rather that the calculation inputs are generated correctly and that the outputs are parsed properly, this should be sufficient for our needs. Another potential issue is that the POTCAR files distributed with VASP are not present on the testing server due to licensing constraints. Accordingly, VaspInputSet.write_inputs will fail unless the "potcar_spec" option is set to True, in which case a POTCAR.spec file will be written instead. The pytext.fixture defined with this is stored at tests/vasp/ For examples, see the tests in tests/vasp/makers/ Parameters ---------- monkeypatch: The a MonkeyPatch object from pytest, this is meant as a place-holder For the `monkeypatch` fixture in pytest. vasp_test_dir: The root directory for the VASP tests. This is nelect: The number of electrons in a system is usually calculate using the POTCAR which we do not have direct access to during testing. So we have to patch it in. TODO: potcar_spec should have the nelect data somehow. """ def mock_run_vasp(*_args, **_kwargs) -> None: name = try: ref_path = vasp_test_dir / _REF_PATHS[name] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"no reference directory found for job {name!r}; " f"reference paths received={_REF_PATHS}" ) from None fake_run_vasp(ref_path, **_FAKE_RUN_VASP_KWARGS.get(name, {})) get_input_set_orig = VaspInputGenerator.get_input_set def mock_get_input_set(self: VaspInputGenerator, *_args, **_kwargs) -> VaspInput: _kwargs["potcar_spec"] = True return get_input_set_orig(self, *_args, **_kwargs) def mock_nelect(*_args, **_kwargs) -> int: return nelect monkeypatch.setattr(, "run_vasp", mock_run_vasp) monkeypatch.setattr(, "run_vasp", mock_run_vasp) monkeypatch.setattr(, "run_vasp", mock_run_vasp) monkeypatch.setattr(VaspInputSet, "get_input_set", mock_get_input_set) monkeypatch.setattr(VaspInputSet, "nelect", mock_nelect) def _run(ref_paths: dict, fake_run_vasp_kwargs: dict | None = None) -> None: _REF_PATHS.update(ref_paths) _FAKE_RUN_VASP_KWARGS.update(fake_run_vasp_kwargs or {}) yield _run monkeypatch.undo() _REF_PATHS.clear() _FAKE_RUN_VASP_KWARGS.clear()
[docs] def fake_run_vasp( ref_path: Path, incar_settings: Sequence[str] | None = None, incar_exclude: Sequence[str] | None = None, check_inputs: Sequence[Literal["incar", "kpoints", "poscar", "potcar"]] = _VFILES, clear_inputs: bool = True, ) -> None: """ Emulate running VASP and validate VASP input files. Parameters ---------- ref_path Path to reference directory with VASP input files in the folder named 'inputs' and output files in the folder named 'outputs'. incar_settings A list of INCAR settings to check. Defaults to None which checks all settings. Empty list or tuple means no settings will be checked. incar_exclude A list of INCAR settings to exclude from checking. Defaults to None, meaning no settings will be excluded. check_inputs A list of vasp input files to check. Supported options are "incar", "kpoints", "poscar", "potcar", "wavecar". clear_inputs Whether to clear input files before copying in the reference VASP outputs. """"Running fake VASP.") if "incar" in check_inputs: check_incar(ref_path, incar_settings, incar_exclude) if "kpoints" in check_inputs: check_kpoints(ref_path) if "poscar" in check_inputs: check_poscar(ref_path) if "potcar" in check_inputs: check_potcar(ref_path) # This is useful to check if the WAVECAR has been copied if "wavecar" in check_inputs and not Path("WAVECAR").exists(): raise ValueError("WAVECAR was not correctly copied")"Verified inputs successfully") if clear_inputs: clear_vasp_inputs() copy_vasp_outputs(ref_path) # pretend to run VASP by copying pre-generated outputs from reference dir"Generated fake vasp outputs")
[docs] def check_incar( ref_path: Path, incar_settings: Sequence[str] | None, incar_exclude: Sequence[str] | None, ) -> None: """Check that INCAR settings are consistent with the reference calculation.""" user_incar = Incar.from_file(zpath("INCAR")) ref_incar_path = zpath(ref_path / "inputs" / "INCAR") ref_incar = Incar.from_file(ref_incar_path) defaults = {"ISPIN": 1, "ISMEAR": 1, "SIGMA": 0.2} keys_to_check = ( set(user_incar) if incar_settings is None else set(incar_settings) ) - set(incar_exclude or []) for key in keys_to_check: user_val = user_incar.get(key, defaults.get(key)) ref_val = ref_incar.get(key, defaults.get(key)) if user_val != ref_val: raise ValueError( f"\n\nINCAR value of {key} is inconsistent: expected {ref_val}, " f"got {user_val} \nin ref file {ref_incar_path}" )
[docs] def check_kpoints(ref_path: Path) -> None: """Check that KPOINTS file is consistent with the reference calculation.""" user_kpoints_exists = (user_kpt_path := zpath("KPOINTS")).exists() ref_kpoints_exists = ( ref_kpt_path := zpath(ref_path / "inputs" / "KPOINTS") ).exists() if user_kpoints_exists and not ref_kpoints_exists: raise ValueError( "atomate2 generated a KPOINTS file but the reference calculation is using " "KSPACING" ) if not user_kpoints_exists and ref_kpoints_exists: raise ValueError( "atomate2 is using KSPACING but the reference calculation is using " "a KPOINTS file" ) if user_kpoints_exists and ref_kpoints_exists: user_kpts = Kpoints.from_file(user_kpt_path) ref_kpts = Kpoints.from_file(ref_kpt_path) if != or user_kpts.num_kpts != ref_kpts.num_kpts: raise ValueError( f"\n\nKPOINTS files are inconsistent: {} != " f"{} or {user_kpts.num_kpts} != {ref_kpts.num_kpts}\nin " f"ref file {ref_kpt_path}" ) else: # check k-spacing user_incar = Incar.from_file(zpath("INCAR")) ref_incar_path = zpath(ref_path / "inputs" / "INCAR") ref_incar = Incar.from_file(ref_incar_path) user_ksp, ref_ksp = user_incar.get("KSPACING"), ref_incar.get("KSPACING") if user_ksp != ref_ksp: raise ValueError( f"\n\nKSPACING is inconsistent: expected {ref_ksp}, got {user_ksp} " f"\nin ref file {ref_incar_path}" )
[docs] def check_poscar(ref_path: Path) -> None: """Check that POSCAR information is consistent with the reference calculation.""" user_poscar_path = zpath("POSCAR") ref_poscar_path = zpath(ref_path / "inputs" / "POSCAR") user_poscar = Poscar.from_file(user_poscar_path) ref_poscar = Poscar.from_file(ref_poscar_path) user_frac_coords = user_poscar.structure.frac_coords ref_frac_coords = ref_poscar.structure.frac_coords # In some cases, the ordering of sites can change when copying input files. # To account for this, we check that the sites are the same, within a tolerance, # while accounting for PBC. coord_match = [ len(find_in_coord_list_pbc(ref_frac_coords, coord, atol=1e-3)) > 0 for coord in user_frac_coords ] if ( user_poscar.natoms != ref_poscar.natoms or user_poscar.site_symbols != ref_poscar.site_symbols or not all(coord_match) ): raise ValueError( f"POSCAR files are inconsistent\n\n{ref_poscar_path!s}\n{ref_poscar}" f"\n\n{user_poscar_path!s}\n{user_poscar}" )
[docs] def check_potcar(ref_path: Path) -> None: """Check that POTCAR information is consistent with the reference calculation.""" potcars = {"reference": None, "user": None} paths = {"reference": ref_path / "inputs", "user": Path(".")} for mode, path in paths.items(): if (potcar_path := zpath(path / "POTCAR")).exists(): potcars[mode] = Potcar.from_file(potcar_path).symbols elif (potcar_path := zpath(path / "POTCAR.spec")).exists(): with zopen(potcar_path, "rt") as f: potcars[mode] ="\n") else: raise FileNotFoundError(f"no {mode} POTCAR or POTCAR.spec file found") if potcars["reference"] != potcars["user"]: raise ValueError( "POTCAR files are inconsistent: " f"{potcars['reference']} != {potcars['user']}" )
[docs] def clear_vasp_inputs() -> None: """Clean up VASP input files.""" for vasp_file in ( "INCAR", "KPOINTS", "POSCAR", "POTCAR", "CHGCAR", "OUTCAR", "vasprun.xml", "CONTCAR", ): if (file_path := zpath(vasp_file)).exists(): file_path.unlink()"Cleared vasp inputs")
[docs] def copy_vasp_outputs(ref_path: Path) -> None: """Copy VASP output files from the reference directory.""" output_path = ref_path / "outputs" for output_file in output_path.iterdir(): if output_file.is_file(): shutil.copy(output_file, ".")