Source code for atomate2.settings

"""Settings for atomate2."""

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Literal, Optional, Union

from pydantic import Field, model_validator
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings, SettingsConfigDict

_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH = "~/.atomate2.yaml"
_ENV_PREFIX = "atomate2_"

[docs] class Atomate2Settings(BaseSettings): """ Settings for atomate2. The default way to modify these is to modify ~/.atomate2.yaml. Alternatively, the environment variable ATOMATE2_CONFIG_FILE can be set to point to a yaml file with atomate2 settings. Lastly, the variables can be modified directly through environment variables by using the "ATOMATE2" prefix. E.g. ATOMATE2_SCRATCH_DIR = path/to/scratch. """ CONFIG_FILE: str = Field( _DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH, description="File to load alternative defaults from." ) # general settings SYMPREC: float = Field( 0.1, description="Symmetry precision for spglib symmetry finding." ) BANDGAP_TOL: float = Field( 1e-4, description="Tolerance for determining if a material is a semiconductor or " "metal", ) CUSTODIAN_SCRATCH_DIR: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Path to scratch directory used by custodian." ) # VASP specific settings VASP_CMD: str = Field( "vasp_std", description="Command to run standard version of VASP." ) VASP_GAMMA_CMD: str = Field( "vasp_gam", description="Command to run gamma-only version of VASP." ) VASP_NCL_CMD: str = Field( "vasp_ncl", description="Command to run non-collinear version of VASP." ) VASP_VDW_KERNEL_DIR: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Path to VDW VASP kernel." ) VASP_INCAR_UPDATES: dict = Field( default_factory=dict, description="Updates to apply to VASP INCAR files." ) VASP_VOLUME_CHANGE_WARNING_TOL: float = Field( 0.2, description="Maximum volume change allowed in VASP relaxations before the " "calculation is tagged with a warning", ) VASP_HANDLE_UNSUCCESSFUL: Union[bool, Literal["error"]] = Field( "error", description="Three-way toggle on what to do if the job looks OK but is actually" " unconverged (either electronic or ionic). - True: mark job as COMPLETED, but " "stop children. - False: do nothing, continue with workflow as normal. 'error':" " throw an error", ) VASP_CUSTODIAN_MAX_ERRORS: int = Field( 5, description="Maximum number of errors to correct before custodian gives up" ) VASP_STORE_VOLUMETRIC_DATA: Optional[tuple[str]] = Field( None, description="Store data from these files in database if present" ) VASP_STORE_ADDITIONAL_JSON: bool = Field( default=True, description="Ingest any additional JSON data present into database when " "parsing VASP directories useful for storing duplicate of FW.json", ) VASP_RUN_BADER: bool = Field( default=False, description="Whether to run the Bader program when parsing VASP calculations." "Requires the bader executable to be on the path.", ) VASP_RUN_DDEC6: bool = Field( default=False, description="Whether to run the DDEC6 program when parsing VASP calculations." "Requires the chargemol executable to be on the path.", ) DDEC6_ATOMIC_DENSITIES_DIR: Optional[str] = Field( default=None, description="Directory where the atomic densities are stored.", # TODO uncomment below once that functionality is actually implemented # If not set, pymatgen tries to auto-download the densities and extract them # into ~/.cache/pymatgen/ddec ) VASP_ZIP_FILES: Union[bool, Literal["atomate"]] = Field( "atomate", description="Determine if the files in folder are being compressed. If True " "all the files are compressed. If 'atomate' only a selection of files related " "to the simulation will be compressed. If False no file is compressed.", ) VASP_INHERIT_INCAR: bool = Field( default=False, description="Whether to inherit INCAR settings from previous calculation. " "This might be useful to port Custodian fixes to child jobs but can also be " "dangerous e.g. when switching from GGA to meta-GGA or relax to static jobs." "Can be overridden on a per-job basis via the inherit_incar keyword of " "VaspInputGenerator.", ) LOBSTER_CMD: str = Field( default="lobster", description="Command to run standard version of VASP." ) LOBSTER_CUSTODIAN_MAX_ERRORS: int = Field( 5, description="Maximum number of errors to correct before custodian gives up" ) LOBSTER_ZIP_FILES: Union[bool, Literal["atomate"]] = Field( "atomate", description="Determine if the files in folder are being compressed. If True " "all the files are compressed. If 'atomate' only a selection of files related " "to the simulation will be compressed. If False no file is compressed.", ) CP2K_CMD: str = Field( "cp2k.psmp", description="Command to run the MPI version of cp2k" ) CP2K_RUN_BADER: bool = Field( default=False, description="Whether to run the Bader program when parsing CP2K calculations." "Requires the bader executable to be on the path.", ) CP2K_INPUT_UPDATES: dict = Field( default_factory=dict, description="Updates to apply to cp2k input files." ) CP2K_RELAX_MAX_FORCE: float = Field( 0.25, description="Maximum force allowed on each atom for successful structure " "optimization", ) CP2K_VOLUME_CHANGE_WARNING_TOL: float = Field( 0.2, description="Maximum volume change allowed in CP2K relaxations before the " "calculation is tagged with a warning", ) CP2K_HANDLE_UNSUCCESSFUL: Union[str, bool] = Field( "error", description="Three-way toggle on what to do if the job looks OK but is actually" " unconverged (either electronic or ionic). - True: mark job as COMPLETED, but " "stop children. - False: do nothing, continue with workflow as normal. 'error':" " throw an error", ) CP2K_CUSTODIAN_MAX_ERRORS: int = Field( 5, description="Maximum number of errors to correct before custodian gives up" ) CP2K_STORE_VOLUMETRIC_DATA: Optional[tuple[str]] = Field( None, description="Store data from these files in database if present" ) CP2K_STORE_ADDITIONAL_JSON: bool = Field( default=True, description="Ingest any additional JSON data present into database when " "parsing CP2K directories useful for storing duplicate of FW.json", ) CP2K_ZIP_FILES: Union[bool, Literal["atomate"]] = Field( default=True, description="Determine if the files in folder are being compressed. If True " "all the files are compressed. If 'atomate' only a selection of files related " "to the simulation will be compressed. If False no file is compressed.", ) # FHI-aims settings AIMS_CMD: str = Field( "aims.x > aims.out", description="The default command used run FHI-aims" ) # Elastic constant settings ELASTIC_FITTING_METHOD: str = Field( "finite_difference", description="Elastic constant fitting method" ) # AMSET settings AMSET_SETTINGS_UPDATE: Optional[dict] = Field( None, description="Additional settings applied to AMSET settings file." ) # ABINIT settings ABINIT_MPIRUN_CMD: Optional[str] = Field(None, description="Mpirun command.") ABINIT_CMD: str = Field("abinit", description="Abinit command.") ABINIT_MRGDDB_CMD: str = Field("mrgddb", description="Mrgddb command.") ABINIT_ANADDB_CMD: str = Field("anaddb", description="Anaddb command.") ABINIT_COPY_DEPS: bool = Field( default=False, description="Copy (True) or link file dependencies between jobs.", ) ABINIT_AUTOPARAL: bool = Field( default=False, description="Use autoparal to determine optimal parallel configuration.", ) ABINIT_ABIPY_MANAGER_FILE: Optional[str] = Field( None, description="Config file for task manager of abipy.", ) ABINIT_MAX_RESTARTS: int = Field( 5, description="Maximum number of restarts of a job." ) model_config = SettingsConfigDict(env_prefix=_ENV_PREFIX) # QChem specific settings QCHEM_CMD: str = Field( "qchem_std", description="Command to run standard version of qchem." ) QCHEM_CUSTODIAN_MAX_ERRORS: int = Field( 5, description="Maximum number of errors to correct before custodian gives up" ) QCHEM_MAX_CORES: int = Field(4, description="Maximum number of cores for QCJob") QCHEM_HANDLE_UNSUCCESSFUL: Union[str, bool] = Field( "fizzle", description="Three-way toggle on what to do if the job looks OK but is actually" " unconverged (either electronic or ionic). - True: mark job as COMPLETED, but " "stop children. - False: do nothing, continue with workflow as normal. 'error':" " throw an error", ) QCHEM_STORE_ADDITIONAL_JSON: bool = Field( default=True, description="Ingest any additional JSON data present into database when " "parsing QChem directories useful for storing duplicate of FW.json", ) @model_validator(mode="before") @classmethod def load_default_settings(cls, values: dict[str, Any]) -> dict[str, Any]: """ Load settings from file or environment variables. Loads settings from a root file if available and uses that as defaults in place of built-in defaults. This allows setting of the config file path through environment variables. """ from monty.serialization import loadfn config_file_path = values.get(key := "CONFIG_FILE", _DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH) env_var_name = f"{_ENV_PREFIX.upper()}{key}" config_file_path = Path(config_file_path).expanduser() new_values = {} if config_file_path.exists(): if config_file_path.stat().st_size == 0: warnings.warn( f"Using {env_var_name} at {config_file_path} but it's empty", stacklevel=2, ) else: try: new_values.update(loadfn(config_file_path)) except ValueError: raise SyntaxError( f"{env_var_name} at {config_file_path} is unparsable" ) from None # warn if config path is not the default but file doesn't exist elif config_file_path != Path(_DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH).expanduser(): warnings.warn( f"{env_var_name} at {config_file_path} does not exist", stacklevel=2 ) return {**new_values, **values}