Source code for atomate2.qchem.drones

"""Drones for parsing VASP calculations and related outputs."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
from pathlib import Path

from emmet.core.qc_tasks import TaskDoc
from pymatgen.apps.borg.hive import AbstractDrone

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class QChemDrone(AbstractDrone): """ A QChem drone to parse QChem outputs. Parameters ---------- **task_document_kwargs Additional keyword args passed to :obj: `.TaskDoc.from_directory`. """ def __init__(self, **task_document_kwargs) -> None: self.task_document_kwargs = task_document_kwargs
[docs] def assimilate(self, path: str | Path | None = None) -> TaskDoc: """ Parse QChem output files and return the output document. Parameters ---------- path : str pr Path or None Path to the directory containing mol.qout and other output files. Returns ------- TaskDocument A QChem task document """ path = path or Path.cwd() try: doc = TaskDoc.from_directory(path, **self.task_document_kwargs) except Exception: import traceback logger.exception( f"Error in {Path(path).absolute()}\n{traceback.format_exc()}" ) raise return doc
[docs] def get_valid_paths(self, path: tuple[str, list[str], list[str]]) -> list[str]: """Get valid paths to assimilate. Parameters ---------- path : tuple of (str, list of str, list of str) Input path as a tuple generated from ``os.walk``, i.e., (parent, subdirs, files). Returns ------- list of str A list of paths to assimilate. """ parent, subdirs, _ = path task_names = ["mol.qout.*"] combined_paths = [parent + os.sep + sdir for sdir in subdirs] valid_paths = [] for sub_dir in combined_paths: file_names = os.listdir(sub_dir) if any(name.startswith("mol.qout.") for name in file_names): valid_paths.append(parent) if ( not any(parent.endswith(os.sep + r) for r in task_names) and len(list(Path(parent).glob("mol.qout*"))) > 0 ): valid_paths.append(parent) return valid_paths