Source code for atomate2.cp2k.sets.base

"""Module defining base CP2K input set and generator."""

from __future__ import annotations

import os
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from importlib.resources import files as get_mod_path
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
from import zopen
from monty.serialization import loadfn
from pymatgen.core.structure import Molecule, Structure
from import InputGenerator, InputSet
from import (
from import Cp2kOutput
from import DftSet
from import Kpoints  # TODO Currently uses the VASP implementation
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer
from pymatgen.symmetry.bandstructure import HighSymmKpath

from atomate2 import SETTINGS

_BASE_CP2K_SET = loadfn(get_mod_path("atomate2.cp2k.sets") / "BaseCp2kSet.yaml")
_BASE_GAPW_SET = loadfn(get_mod_path("atomate2.cp2k.sets") / "BaseAllSet.yaml")

[docs] class Cp2kInputSet(InputSet): """A class to represent a set of CP2K inputs.""" def __init__( self, cp2k_input: Cp2kInput, optional_files: dict | None = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the set. Parameters ---------- cp2k_input Cp2kInput object for representing the main cp2k input file optional_files Any additional files needed for running the calculations. Most common use is to make data files available which are not guaranteed to be available at runtime. Format pseudocode: { "name of this optional data": { "filename": filename to write to, "object": object with a __str__ method to write the file } } Some examples uses: (1) Cp2kInputGenerator below will try to put the basis and potential info into their own optional files. This allows them to run when the cp2k executable cannot find this info due to version mismatch, custom data, etc. (2) Include files. CP2K preprocessor link input sections like the structure definition to an external file in order to keep the main input file neat. This use case requires "@include" parameters (see or the cp2k manual) (3) Other custom data files like vdw kernel tables, truncated coulomb. """ self.cp2k_input = cp2k_input self.optional_files = optional_files or {}
[docs] def write_input( self, directory: str | Path, make_dir: bool = True, overwrite: bool = True, ) -> None: """Write Cp2k input file to a directory. Parameters ---------- directory Directory to write input files to. make_dir Whether to create the directory if it does not already exist. overwrite Whether to overwrite an input file if it already exists. """ directory = Path(directory) if make_dir: os.makedirs(directory, exist_ok=True) inputs = { "input": {"filename": "cp2k.inp", "object": self.cp2k_input}, } inputs.update(self.optional_files) for key, val in inputs.items(): filename = val.get("filename") obj = val.get("object") if val is not None and (overwrite or not (directory / key).exists()): with zopen(directory / filename, "wt") as file: file.write(str(obj)) elif not overwrite and (directory / filename).exists(): raise FileExistsError(f"{directory / filename} already exists.")
[docs] @staticmethod def from_directory( directory: str | Path, optional_files: dict = None ) -> Cp2kInputSet: """Load a set of CP2K inputs from a directory. Parameters ---------- directory Directory to read CP2K inputs from. optional_files Optional files to read in as well as a dict of {filename: Object class}. Object class must have a static/class method from_file. """ directory = Path(directory) if (directory / "cp2k.inp").exists(): cp2k_input = Cp2kInput.from_file(directory / "cp2k.inp") else: raise FileNotFoundError optional_files = optional_files or {} optional = {} for filename, obj in optional_files.items(): optional[filename] = { "filename": filename, "object": obj.from_file(filename), } return Cp2kInputSet(cp2k_input=cp2k_input, optional_files=optional)
# TODO Validation @property def is_valid(self) -> bool: """Whether the input set is valid.""" return True
[docs] @dataclass class Cp2kInputGenerator(InputGenerator): """ A class to generate Cp2k input sets. Parameters ---------- user_input_settings: Updates to the inputs in the base config dict. user_kpoints_settings: Updates to the kpoint settings in the base config dict sort_structure Whether to sort the structure (using the default sort order of electronegativity) before generating input files. Defaults to True, the behavior you would want most of the time. This ensures that similar atomic species are grouped together. symprec Tolerance for symmetry finding, used for line mode band structure k-points. config_dict The config dictionary to use containing the base input set settings. """ user_input_settings: dict = field(default_factory=dict) user_kpoints_settings: dict | Kpoints = field(default_factory=dict) auto_kspacing: bool = True use_structure_charge: bool = False sort_structure: bool = True symprec: float = SETTINGS.SYMPREC force_gamma: bool = False config_dict: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: _BASE_CP2K_SET)
[docs] def get_input_set( self, structure: Structure | Molecule = None, prev_dir: str | Path = None, optional_files: dict | None = None, ) -> Cp2kInputSet: """Get a CP2K input set. Note, if both ``structure`` and ``prev_dir`` are set, then the structure specified will be preferred over the final structure from the last CP2K run. Parameters ---------- structure A structure. prev_dir A previous directory to generate the input set from. optional_files Additional files (e.g. vdw kernel file) to be included in the input set. Returns ------- Cp2kInput A Cp2k input set. """ structure, prev_input, _cp2k_output = self._get_previous(structure, prev_dir) input_updates = self.get_input_updates( structure, prev_input=prev_input, ) if isinstance(structure, Structure): kpoints_updates = self.get_kpoints_updates( structure, prev_input=prev_input, ) kpoints = self._get_kpoints(structure, kpoints_updates) else: kpoints = None cp2k_input = self._get_input( structure, kpoints, prev_input, input_updates, ) optional_files = optional_files or {} optional_files["basis"] = { "filename": "BASIS", "object": self._get_basis_file(cp2k_input=cp2k_input), } optional_files["potential"] = { "filename": "POTENTIAL", "object": self._get_potential_file(cp2k_input=cp2k_input), } return Cp2kInputSet(cp2k_input=cp2k_input, optional_files=optional_files)
[docs] def get_input_updates(self, structure: Structure, prev_input: Cp2kInput) -> dict: """Get updates to the cp2k input for this calculation type. Parameters ---------- structure A structure. prev_input A Cp2kInput from a previous calculation. bandgap The band gap. cp2k_output A Cp2kOutput from a previous calculation. Returns ------- dict A dictionary of updates to apply. """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_kpoints_updates( self, structure: Structure, prev_input: Cp2kInput = None ) -> dict: """Get updates to the kpoints configuration for this calculation type. Note, these updates will be ignored if the user has set user_kpoint_settings. Parameters ---------- structure A structure. prev_input A Cp2kInput from a previous calculation. bandgap The band gap. cp2k_output A Cp2kOutput from a previous calculation. Returns ------- dict A dictionary of updates to apply to the KPOINTS config. """ return {}
def _get_previous( self, structure: Structure = None, prev_dir: str | Path = None ) -> tuple[Structure, Cp2kInput, Cp2kOutput]: """Load previous calculation outputs and decide which structure to use.""" if structure is None and prev_dir is None: raise ValueError("Either structure or prev_dir must be set") prev_input = {} prev_structure = None cp2k_output = None if prev_dir: cp2k_output = Cp2kOutput(Path(prev_dir) / "cp2k.out") prev_input = cp2k_output.input prev_structure = cp2k_output.final_structure structure = structure if structure is not None else prev_structure structure = self._get_structure(structure) return structure, prev_input, cp2k_output def _get_structure(self, structure: Structure) -> Structure: """Get the standardized structure.""" if self.sort_structure and hasattr(structure, "get_sorted_structure"): structure = structure.get_sorted_structure() return structure def _get_input( self, structure: Structure | Molecule, kpoints: Kpoints | None = None, previous_input: Cp2kInput = None, input_updates: dict = None, ) -> Cp2kInput: """Get the input.""" previous_input = previous_input or {} input_updates = input_updates or {} input_settings = dict(self.config_dict["cp2k_input"]) # Generate base input but override with user input settings input_settings = recursive_update(input_settings, input_updates) input_settings = recursive_update(input_settings, self.user_input_settings) overrides = ( input_settings.pop("override_default_params") if "override_default_params" in input_settings else {} ) cp2k_input = DftSet(structure=structure, kpoints=kpoints, **input_settings) for setting in input_settings: if ( hasattr(cp2k_input, setting) and input_settings[setting] and callable(getattr(cp2k_input, setting)) ): sub_settings = input_settings.get(setting) getattr(cp2k_input, setting)( **sub_settings if isinstance(sub_settings, dict) else {} ) cp2k_input.update(overrides) return cp2k_input def _get_basis_file(self, cp2k_input: Cp2kInput) -> BasisFile: """Get input object's basis sets and convert them to a basis file object. Allows calculation to execute if the basis sets are not available on the execution resource. """ basis_sets = [] for el in cp2k_input.structure.symbol_set: for data in cp2k_input.basis_and_potential[el].values(): if isinstance(data, GaussianTypeOrbitalBasisSet): basis_sets.append(data) # noqa: PERF401 if not basis_sets: return None cp2k_input.safeset({"force_eval": {"dft": {"BASIS_SET_FILE_NAME": "BASIS"}}}) return BasisFile(objects=basis_sets) def _get_potential_file(self, cp2k_input: Cp2kInput) -> PotentialFile: """Get the potentials and convert them to a potential file object. Allows calculation to execute if the potentials are not available on the execution resource. """ potentials = [] for el in cp2k_input.structure.symbol_set: for data in cp2k_input.basis_and_potential[el].values(): if isinstance(data, GthPotential): potentials.append(data) # noqa: PERF401 if not potentials: return None cp2k_input.safeset( {"force_eval": {"dft": {"POTENTIAL_FILE_NAME": "POTENTIAL"}}} ) return PotentialFile(objects=potentials) def _get_kpoints( self, structure: Structure, kpoints_updates: dict[str, Any] | None, ) -> Kpoints | None: """Get the kpoints object.""" kpoints_updates = kpoints_updates or {} # use user setting if set otherwise default to base config settings if self.user_kpoints_settings != {}: kpt_config = deepcopy(self.user_kpoints_settings) else: # apply updates to k-points config kpt_config = deepcopy(self.config_dict.get("KPOINTS", {})) kpt_config.update(kpoints_updates) if isinstance(kpt_config, Kpoints): return kpt_config explicit = ( kpt_config.get("explicit") or len(kpt_config.get("added_kpoints", [])) > 0 or "zero_weighted_reciprocal_density" in kpt_config or "zero_weighted_line_density" in kpt_config ) # handle length generation first as this doesn't support any additional options if kpt_config.get("length"): if explicit: raise ValueError( "length option cannot be used with explicit k-point generation, " "added_kpoints, or zero weighted k-points." ) # If length is in kpoints settings use Kpoints.automatic return Kpoints.automatic(kpt_config["length"]) base_kpoints = None if kpt_config.get("line_density"): # handle line density generation kpath = HighSymmKpath(structure, **kpt_config.get("kpath_kwargs", {})) frac_k_points, k_points_labels = kpath.get_kpoints( line_density=kpt_config["line_density"], coords_are_cartesian=False ) base_kpoints = Kpoints( comment="Non SCF run along symmetry lines", style=Kpoints.supported_modes.Line_mode, num_kpts=len(frac_k_points), kpts=frac_k_points, labels=k_points_labels, kpts_weights=[1] * len(frac_k_points), ) elif kpt_config.get("grid_density") or kpt_config.get("reciprocal_density"): # handle regular weighted k-point grid generation if kpt_config.get("grid_density"): base_kpoints = Kpoints.automatic_density( structure, int(kpt_config["grid_density"]), self.force_gamma ) if kpt_config.get("reciprocal_density"): base_kpoints = Kpoints.automatic_density_by_vol( structure, kpt_config["reciprocal_density"], self.force_gamma ) if explicit: sga = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=self.symprec) mesh = sga.get_ir_reciprocal_mesh(base_kpoints.kpts[0]) base_kpoints = Kpoints( comment="Uniform grid", style=Kpoints.supported_modes.Reciprocal, num_kpts=len(mesh), kpts=[i[0] for i in mesh], kpts_weights=[i[1] for i in mesh], ) else: # if not explicit that means no other options have been specified # so we can return the k-points as is return base_kpoints zero_weighted_kpoints = None if kpt_config.get("zero_weighted_line_density"): # zero_weighted k-points along line mode path kpath = HighSymmKpath(structure) frac_k_points, k_points_labels = kpath.get_kpoints( line_density=kpt_config["zero_weighted_line_density"], coords_are_cartesian=False, ) zero_weighted_kpoints = Kpoints( comment="Hybrid run along symmetry lines", style=Kpoints.supported_modes.Reciprocal, num_kpts=len(frac_k_points), kpts=frac_k_points, labels=k_points_labels, kpts_weights=[0] * len(frac_k_points), ) elif kpt_config.get("zero_weighted_reciprocal_density"): zero_weighted_kpoints = Kpoints.automatic_density_by_vol( structure, kpt_config["zero_weighted_reciprocal_density"], self.force_gamma, ) sga = SpacegroupAnalyzer(structure, symprec=self.symprec) mesh = sga.get_ir_reciprocal_mesh(zero_weighted_kpoints.kpts[0]) zero_weighted_kpoints = Kpoints( comment="Uniform grid", style=Kpoints.supported_modes.Reciprocal, num_kpts=len(mesh), kpts=[i[0] for i in mesh], kpts_weights=[0 for i in mesh], ) added_kpoints = None if kpt_config.get("added_kpoints"): added_kpoints = Kpoints( comment="Specified k-points only", style=Kpoints.supported_modes.Reciprocal, num_kpts=len(kpt_config.get("added_kpoints")), kpts=kpt_config.get("added_kpoints"), labels=["user-defined"] * len(kpt_config.get("added_kpoints")), kpts_weights=[0] * len(kpt_config.get("added_kpoints")), ) if base_kpoints and not (added_kpoints or zero_weighted_kpoints): return base_kpoints if added_kpoints and not (base_kpoints or zero_weighted_kpoints): return added_kpoints # do some sanity checking if "line_density" in kpt_config and zero_weighted_kpoints: raise ValueError( "Cannot combined line_density and zero weighted k-points options" ) if zero_weighted_kpoints and not base_kpoints: raise ValueError( "Zero weighted k-points must be used with reciprocal_density or " "grid_density options" ) if not (base_kpoints or zero_weighted_kpoints or added_kpoints): return None return _combine_kpoints(base_kpoints, zero_weighted_kpoints, added_kpoints)
# TODO From `atomate2.vasp.sets.base`. Should possibly go in common. # only reservation is if, eventually, CP2K gets it own kpoint object version # instead of using the vasp kpoint objects. def _combine_kpoints(*kpoints_objects: Kpoints) -> Kpoints: """Combine k-points files together.""" labels = [] kpoints = [] weights = [] for kpoints_object in filter(None, kpoints_objects): if != Kpoints.supported_modes.Reciprocal: raise ValueError( "Can only combine kpoints with style=Kpoints.supported_modes.Reciprocal" ) if kpoints_object.labels is None: labels.append([""] * len(kpoints_object.kpts)) else: labels.append(kpoints_object.labels) weights.append(kpoints_object.kpts_weights) kpoints.append(kpoints_object.kpts) labels = np.concatenate(labels).tolist() weights = np.concatenate(weights).tolist() kpoints = np.concatenate(kpoints) return Kpoints( comment="Combined k-points", style=Kpoints.supported_modes.Reciprocal, num_kpts=len(kpoints), kpts=kpoints, labels=labels, kpts_weights=weights, )
[docs] @dataclass class Cp2kAllElectronInputGenerator(Cp2kInputGenerator): """ A class to generate Cp2k input sets for all electron calculations. Parameters ---------- user_input_settings: Updates to the inputs in the base config dict. sort_structure Whether to sort the structure (using the default sort order of electronegativity) before generating input files. Defaults to True, the behavior you would want most of the time. This ensures that similar atomic species are grouped together. symprec Tolerance for symmetry finding, used for line mode band structure k-points. config_dict The config dictionary to use containing the base input set settings. """ user_input_settings: dict = field(default_factory=dict) sort_structure: bool = True symprec: float = SETTINGS.SYMPREC config_dict: dict = field(default_factory=lambda: _BASE_GAPW_SET) def _get_kpoints( self, structure: Structure, kpoints_updates: dict[str, Any] | None ) -> Kpoints | None: """No Kpoints possible.""" return None
[docs] def recursive_update(d: dict, u: dict) -> dict: """ Update a dictionary recursively and return it. Parameters ---------- d: Dict Input dictionary to modify u: Dict Dictionary of updates to apply Returns ------- Dict The updated dictionary. Example ---------- d = {'activate_hybrid': {"hybrid_functional": "HSE06"}} u = {'activate_hybrid': {"cutoff_radius": 8}} yields {'activate_hybrid': {"hybrid_functional": "HSE06", "cutoff_radius": 8}}} """ for k, v in u.items(): if isinstance(v, dict): d[k] = recursive_update(d.get(k, {}), v) else: d[k] = v return d