Source code for atomate2.cp2k.schemas.calculation

"""Core definitions of a CP2K calculation documents."""

import logging
import os
from datetime import datetime, timezone
from pathlib import Path
from shutil import which
from typing import Any, Optional, Union

from jobflow.utils import ValueEnum
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, field_validator
from pymatgen.command_line.bader_caller import BaderAnalysis
from pymatgen.core.structure import Molecule, Structure
from pymatgen.core.trajectory import Trajectory
from pymatgen.core.units import Ha_to_eV
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.bandstructure import BandStructure
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.dos import Dos
from import VolumetricData
from import BasisFile, Cp2kInput, DataFile, PotentialFile
from import Cp2kOutput, parse_energy_file
from typing_extensions import Self

from atomate2 import SETTINGS
from atomate2.cp2k.schemas.calc_types import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Can be expanded if support for other volumetric files is added
__is_stored_in_Ha__ = ["v_hartree"]

_BADER_EXE_EXISTS = bool(which("bader") or which("bader.exe"))

[docs] class Status(ValueEnum): """CP2K calculation state.""" SUCCESS = "successful" FAILED = "failed"
[docs] class Cp2kObject(ValueEnum): """Types of CP2K data objects.""" DOS = "dos" BANDSTRUCTURE = "band_structure" BASIS = "basis" # Basis file POTENTIAL = "potential" # potential file ELECTRON_DENSITY = "electron_density" # e_density SPIN_DENSITY = "spin_density" # spin density v_hartree = "v_hartree" # elec. potential TRAJECTORY = "trajectory" # Trajectory WFN = "wfn" # Wavefunction file
[docs] class CalculationInput(BaseModel): """Summary of inputs for a CP2K calculation.""" structure: Union[Structure, Molecule] = Field( None, description="The input structure/molecule object" ) atomic_kind_info: dict = Field( None, description="Description of parameters used for each atomic kind" ) cp2k_input: Union[dict, Cp2kInput] = Field( None, description="The cp2k input used for this task" ) dft: dict = Field( None, description="DFT parameters used in the last calc of this task.", ) cp2k_global: dict = Field( None, description="CP2K global parameters used in the last calc of this task.", ) @field_validator("atomic_kind_info", mode="before") @classmethod def remove_unnecessary(cls, atomic_kind_info: dict) -> dict: """Remove unnecessary entry from atomic_kind_info.""" for key, value in atomic_kind_info.items(): if "total_pseudopotential_energy" in value: del atomic_kind_info[key]["total_pseudopotential_energy"] return atomic_kind_info @field_validator("dft", mode="before") @classmethod def cleanup_dft(cls, dft: dict) -> dict: """Convert UKS strings to UKS=True.""" if any(v.upper() == "UKS" for v in dft.values()): dft["UKS"] = True return dft
[docs] @classmethod def from_cp2k_output(cls, output: Cp2kOutput) -> Self: """Initialize from Cp2kOutput object.""" return cls( structure=output.initial_structure,"atomic_kind_info"), cp2k_input=output.input.as_dict(),"dft"),"global"), )
[docs] class RunStatistics(BaseModel): """Summary of the run statistics for a CP2K calculation.""" total_time: float = Field(0, description="The total CPU time for this calculation")
[docs] @classmethod def from_cp2k_output(cls, output: Cp2kOutput) -> Self: """Create a run statistics document from an CP2K Output object. Parameters ---------- output: Cp2kOutput object Returns ------- RunStatistics The run statistics. """ # rename these statistics run_stats = {} output.parse_timing() run_stats["total_time"] = output.timing["CP2K"]["total_time"]["maximum"] return cls(**run_stats)
[docs] class CalculationOutput(BaseModel): """Document defining CP2K calculation outputs.""" energy: float = Field( None, description="The final total DFT energy for the calculation" ) energy_per_atom: float = Field( None, description="The final DFT energy per atom for the calculation" ) structure: Union[Structure, Molecule] = Field( None, description="The final structure/molecule from the calculation" ) efermi: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The Fermi level from the calculation in eV" ) is_metal: bool = Field(None, description="Whether the system is metallic") bandgap: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The band gap from the calculation in eV" ) v_hartree: Union[dict[int, list[float]], None] = Field( None, description="Plane averaged electrostatic potential" ) cbm: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The conduction band minimum in eV (if system is not metallic)", ) vbm: Optional[float] = Field( None, description="The valence band maximum in eV (if system is not metallic)" ) ionic_steps: list[dict[str, Any]] = Field( None, description="Energy, forces, and structure for each ionic step" ) locpot: Union[dict[int, list[float]], None] = Field( None, description="Average of the local potential along the crystal axes" ) run_stats: RunStatistics = Field( None, description="Summary of runtime statistics for this calculation" ) scf: Optional[list] = Field(None, description="SCF optimization steps")
[docs] @classmethod def from_cp2k_output( cls, output: Cp2kOutput, # Must use auto_load kwarg when passed v_hartree: Optional[VolumetricData] = None, store_trajectory: bool = False, store_scf: bool = False, ) -> Self: """Create a CP2K output document from CP2K outputs. Parameters ---------- output A Cp2kOutput object. v_hartree A VolumetricData object for the V_HARTREE data Returns ------- The CP2K calculation output document. """ v_hart_avg = None if v_hartree: v_hart_avg = { i: v_hartree.get_average_along_axis(i).tolist() for i in range(3) } structure = output.final_structure if output.band_structure: bandgap_info = output.band_structure.get_band_gap() electronic_output = { "efermi": output.band_structure.efermi, "vbm": output.band_structure.get_vbm()["energy"], "cbm": output.band_structure.get_cbm()["energy"], "bandgap": bandgap_info["energy"], "is_gap_direct": bandgap_info["direct"], "is_metal": output.band_structure.is_metal(), "direct_gap": output.band_structure.get_direct_band_gap(), "transition": bandgap_info["transition"], } else: electronic_output = { "efermi": output.efermi, "vbm": output.vbm, "cbm": output.cbm, "bandgap": output.band_gap, "is_metal": output.is_metal, } if store_scf: output.parse_scf_opt() scf ="electronic_steps") scf = [item for sublist in scf for item in sublist] else: scf = None return cls( structure=structure, energy=output.final_energy, energy_per_atom=output.final_energy / len(structure), **electronic_output, ionic_steps=None if store_trajectory else output.ionic_steps, v_hartree=v_hart_avg, run_stats=RunStatistics.from_cp2k_output(output), scf=scf, )
[docs] class Calculation(BaseModel): """Full CP2K calculation inputs and outputs.""" dir_name: str = Field(None, description="The directory for this CP2K calculation") cp2k_version: str = Field( None, description="CP2K version used to perform the calculation" ) has_cp2k_completed: Status = Field( None, description="Whether CP2K completed the calculation successfully" ) input: CalculationInput = Field( None, description="CP2K input settings for the calculation" ) output: CalculationOutput = Field(None, description="The CP2K calculation output") completed_at: str = Field( None, description="Timestamp for when the calculation was completed" ) task_name: str = Field( None, description="Name of task given by custodian (e.g., relax1, relax2)" ) output_file_paths: dict[str, str] = Field( None, description="Paths (relative to dir_name) of the CP2K output files " "associated with this calculation", ) bader: Optional[dict] = Field(None, description="Output from the bader software") run_type: RunType = Field( None, description="Calculation run type (e.g., HF, HSE06, PBE)" ) task_type: TaskType = Field( None, description="Calculation task type (e.g., Structure Optimization)." ) calc_type: CalcType = Field( None, description="Return calculation type (run type + task_type)." )
[docs] @classmethod def from_cp2k_files( cls, dir_name: Union[Path, str], task_name: str, cp2k_output_file: Union[Path, str] = "cp2k.out", volumetric_files: list[str] = None, parse_dos: Union[str, bool] = False, parse_bandstructure: Union[str, bool] = False, average_v_hartree: bool = True, run_bader: bool = (SETTINGS.CP2K_RUN_BADER and _BADER_EXE_EXISTS), strip_bandstructure_projections: bool = False, strip_dos_projections: bool = False, store_trajectory: bool = False, store_scf: bool = False, store_volumetric_data: Optional[ tuple[str] ] = SETTINGS.CP2K_STORE_VOLUMETRIC_DATA, ) -> tuple[Self, dict[Cp2kObject, dict]]: """Create a CP2K calculation document from a directory and file paths. Parameters ---------- dir_name The directory containing the calculation outputs. task_name The task name. cp2k_output_file Path to the main output of cp2k job, relative to dir_name. volumetric_files Path to volumetric (Cube) files, relative to dir_name. parse_dos Whether to parse the DOS. Can be: - "auto": Only parse DOS if there are no ionic steps. - True: Always parse DOS. - False: Never parse DOS. parse_bandstructure How to parse the bandstructure. Can be: - "auto": Parse the bandstructure with projections for NSCF calculations and decide automatically if it's line or uniform mode. - "line": Parse the bandstructure as a line mode calculation with projections - True: Parse the bandstructure as a uniform calculation with projections . - False: Parse the band structure without projects and just store vbm, cbm, band_gap, is_metal and efermi rather than the full band structure object. average_v_hartree : bool = True Whether to store the average of the V_HARTREE along the crystal axes. run_bader : bool = False Whether to run bader on the charge density. strip_dos_projections : bool Whether to strip the element and site projections from the density of states. This can help reduce the size of DOS objects in systems with many atoms. strip_bandstructure_projections : bool Whether to strip the element and site projections from the band structure. This can help reduce the size of DOS objects in systems with many atoms. store_trajectory : bool = False Whether to store the ionic steps as a pmg trajectory object, which can be pushed, to a bson data store, instead of as a list od dicts. Useful for large trajectories. store_scf : bool = False Whether to store the SCF convergence data. store_volumetric_data : tuple[str] | None = SETTINGS.CP2K_STORE_VOLUMETRIC_DATA Which volumetric files to store. Returns ------- Calculation A CP2K calculation document. """ dir_name = Path(dir_name) cp2k_output_file = dir_name / cp2k_output_file volumetric_files = [] if volumetric_files is None else volumetric_files cp2k_output = Cp2kOutput(cp2k_output_file, auto_load=True) completed_at = str( datetime.fromtimestamp(os.stat(cp2k_output_file).st_mtime, tz=timezone.utc) ) output_file_paths = _get_output_file_paths(volumetric_files) cp2k_objects: dict[Cp2kObject, Any] = _get_volumetric_data( dir_name, output_file_paths, store_volumetric_data ) cp2k_objects.update(_get_basis_and_potential_files(dir_name)) dos = _parse_dos(parse_dos, cp2k_output) if dos is not None: if strip_dos_projections: dos = Dos(dos.efermi, dos.energies, dos.densities) cp2k_objects[Cp2kObject.DOS] = dos # type: ignore[index] bandstructure = _parse_bandstructure(parse_bandstructure, cp2k_output) if bandstructure is not None: if strip_bandstructure_projections: bandstructure.projections = {} cp2k_objects[ Cp2kObject.BANDSTRUCTURE # type: ignore[index] ] = bandstructure bader = None if run_bader and Cp2kObject.ELECTRON_DENSITY in output_file_paths: ba = BaderAnalysis(cube_filename=Cp2kObject.ELECTRON_DENSITY) # TODO vasp version calls bader_analysis_from_path but cp2k # cube files don't support that yet, do it manually bader = { "min_dist": [dct["min_dist"] for dct in], "charge": [dct["charge"] for dct in], "atomic_volume": [dct["atomic_vol"] for dct in], "vacuum_charge": ba.vacuum_charge, "vacuum_volume": ba.vacuum_volume, "reference_used": bool(ba.chgref_filename), "bader_version": ba.version, } v_hartree = None if average_v_hartree: if Cp2kObject.v_hartree in cp2k_objects: v_hartree = cp2k_objects[Cp2kObject.v_hartree] # type: ignore[index] elif Cp2kObject.v_hartree in output_file_paths: v_hartree_file = output_file_paths[ Cp2kObject.v_hartree # type: ignore[index] ] v_hartree = VolumetricData.from_cube(dir_name / v_hartree_file) v_hartree.scale(Ha_to_eV) input_doc = CalculationInput.from_cp2k_output(cp2k_output) output_doc = CalculationOutput.from_cp2k_output( cp2k_output, v_hartree=v_hartree, store_scf=store_scf ) has_cp2k_completed = Status.SUCCESS if cp2k_output.completed else Status.FAILED if store_trajectory: traj = _parse_trajectory(cp2k_output=cp2k_output) cp2k_objects[Cp2kObject.TRAJECTORY] = traj # type: ignore[index] return ( cls( dir_name=str(dir_name), task_name=task_name, cp2k_version=cp2k_output.cp2k_version, has_cp2k_completed=has_cp2k_completed, completed_at=completed_at, input=input_doc, output=output_doc, output_file_paths={ v for k, v in output_file_paths.items() }, bader=bader, run_type=run_type(input_doc.dict()), task_type=task_type(input_doc.dict()), calc_type=calc_type(input_doc.dict()), ), cp2k_objects, )
def _get_output_file_paths(volumetric_files: list[str]) -> dict[Cp2kObject, str]: """ Get the output file paths for CP2K output files from the list of volumetric files. Parameters ---------- volumetric_files A list of volumetric files associated with the calculation. Returns ------- dict[Cp2kObject, str] A mapping between the CP2K object type and the file path. """ output_file_paths = {} for cp2k_object in Cp2kObject: # type: ignore[attr-defined] for volumetric_file in volumetric_files: if in str(volumetric_file): output_file_paths[cp2k_object] = str(volumetric_file) return output_file_paths def _get_basis_and_potential_files(dir_name: Path) -> dict[Cp2kObject, DataFile]: """ Get the path of the basis and potential files. This enables the exact info about the basis set /potential used can be retrieved. Calculation summaries will only have metadata (i.e. the name) that matches to the basis/potential contained in these files. """ data: dict[Cp2kObject, DataFile] = {} for filename, cls, cp2k_object in ( (dir_name / "BASIS", BasisFile, Cp2kObject.BASIS), (dir_name / "POTENTIAL", PotentialFile, Cp2kObject.POTENTIAL), ): if filename.exists(): content = filename.read_text().strip() if content not in ("None", ""): # ignore empty files data[cp2k_object] = cls.from_str(content) # type: ignore[index] return data def _get_volumetric_data( dir_name: Path, output_file_paths: dict[Cp2kObject, str], store_volumetric_data: Optional[tuple[str]], ) -> dict[Cp2kObject, VolumetricData]: """ Load volumetric data files from a directory. Parameters ---------- dir_name The directory containing the files. output_file_paths A dictionary mapping the data type to file path relative to dir_name. store_volumetric_data The volumetric data files to load. E.g., ("v_hartree", "e_density") Returns ------- dict[Cp2kObject, VolumetricData] A dictionary mapping the CP2K object data type (`Cp2kObject.v_hartree`, `Cp2kObject.electron_density`, etc) to the volumetric data object. """ if store_volumetric_data is None or len(store_volumetric_data) == 0: return {} volumetric_data = {} for file_type, file in output_file_paths.items(): if not in store_volumetric_data: continue try: volumetric_data[file_type] = VolumetricData.from_cube(dir_name / file) except Exception as err: raise ValueError(f"Failed to parse {file_type} at {file}.") from err for file_type, data in volumetric_data.items(): if in __is_stored_in_Ha__: data.scale(Ha_to_eV) return volumetric_data # TODO As written, this will only get the complete dos if it is available. # cp2k can only generate the complete DOS for gamma-point only calculations # and it has to be requested (not default). Should this method grab overall # dos / elemental project dos if the complete dos is not available, or stick # to grabbing the complete dos? def _parse_dos(parse_dos: Union[str, bool], cp2k_output: Cp2kOutput) -> Optional[Dos]: """ Parse DOS outputs from cp2k calculation. Parameters ---------- parse_dos: Whether to parse the DOS. Can be: - "auto": Only parse DOS if there are no ionic steps. - True: Always parse DOS. - False: Never parse DOS. cp2k_output: Cp2kOutput object for the calculation being parsed. Returns ------- A Dos object if parse_dos is set accordingly. """ if parse_dos == "auto": if len(cp2k_output.ionic_steps) == 0: return cp2k_output.complete_dos return None if parse_dos: return cp2k_output.complete_dos return None def _parse_bandstructure( parse_bandstructure: Union[str, bool], cp2k_output: Cp2kOutput ) -> Optional[BandStructure]: """ Get the band structure. Parameters ---------- parse_bandstructure (bool): Whether to parse. Does not support the auto/line distinction currently. """ if parse_bandstructure: return cp2k_output.band_structure return None def _parse_trajectory(cp2k_output: Cp2kOutput) -> Optional[Trajectory]: """ Grab a Trajectory object given a cp2k output object. If an "ener" file is present containing MD results, it will be added as frame data to the traj object """ ener = ( cp2k_output.filenames.get("ener")[-1] if cp2k_output.filenames.get("ener") else None ) data = parse_energy_file(ener) or None constant_lattice = all( s.lattice == cp2k_output.initial_structure.lattice for s in cp2k_output.structures ) return Trajectory.from_structures( cp2k_output.structures, constant_lattice=constant_lattice, frame_properties=data )