Source code for

"""Jobs for running phonon calculations."""

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import logging
import warnings
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from jobflow import Flow, Response, job
from phonopy import Phonopy
from pymatgen.core import Structure
from import get_phonopy_structure, get_pmg_structure
from pymatgen.phonon.bandstructure import PhononBandStructureSymmLine
from pymatgen.phonon.dos import PhononDos

from atomate2.common.schemas.phonons import ForceConstants, PhononBSDOSDoc, get_factor
from atomate2.common.utils import get_supercell_matrix

    from pathlib import Path

    from emmet.core.math import Matrix3D

    from import BaseAimsMaker
    from import ForceFieldStaticMaker
    from import BaseVaspMaker

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @job def get_total_energy_per_cell( total_dft_energy_per_formula_unit: float, structure: Structure ) -> float: """ Job that computes total DFT energy of the cell. Parameters ---------- total_dft_energy_per_formula_unit: float Total DFT energy in eV per formula unit. structure: Structure object Corresponding structure object. """ formula_units = ( structure.composition.num_atoms / structure.composition.reduced_composition.num_atoms ) return total_dft_energy_per_formula_unit * formula_units
[docs] @job def get_supercell_size( structure: Structure, min_length: float, max_length: float, prefer_90_degrees: bool, allow_orthorhombic: bool = False, **kwargs, ) -> list[list[float]]: """ Determine supercell size with given min_length and max_length. Parameters ---------- structure: Structure Object Input structure that will be used to determine supercell min_length: float minimum length of cell in Angstrom max_length: float maximum length of cell in Angstrom prefer_90_degrees: bool if True, the algorithm will try to find a cell with 90 degree angles first allow_orthorhombic: bool if True, orthorhombic supercells are allowed **kwargs: Additional parameters that can be set. """ return get_supercell_matrix( allow_orthorhombic=allow_orthorhombic, max_length=max_length, min_length=min_length, prefer_90_degrees=prefer_90_degrees, structure=structure, **kwargs, )
[docs] @job(data=[Structure]) def generate_phonon_displacements( structure: Structure, supercell_matrix: np.array, displacement: float, sym_reduce: bool, symprec: float, use_symmetrized_structure: str | None, kpath_scheme: str, code: str, ) -> list[Structure]: """ Generate displaced structures with phonopy. Parameters ---------- structure: Structure object Fully optimized input structure for phonon run supercell_matrix: np.array array to describe supercell matrix displacement: float displacement in Angstrom sym_reduce: bool if True, symmetry will be used to generate displacements symprec: float precision to determine symmetry use_symmetrized_structure: str or None primitive, conventional or None kpath_scheme: str scheme to generate kpath code: code to perform the computations Returns ------- List[Structure] Displaced structures """ warnings.warn( "Initial magnetic moments will not be considered for the determination " "of the symmetry of the structure and thus will be removed now.", stacklevel=2, ) if "magmom" in structure.site_properties: # remove_site_property is in-place so make a structure copy first no_mag_struct = structure.copy().remove_site_property(property_name="magmom") else: no_mag_struct = structure cell = get_phonopy_structure(no_mag_struct) factor = get_factor(code) # a bit of code repetition here as I currently # do not see how to pass the phonopy object? if use_symmetrized_structure == "primitive" and kpath_scheme != "seekpath": primitive_matrix: np.ndarray | str = np.eye(3) else: primitive_matrix = "auto" # TARP: THIS IS BAD! Including for discussions sake if cell.magnetic_moments is not None and primitive_matrix == "auto": if np.any(cell.magnetic_moments != 0.0): raise ValueError( "For materials with magnetic moments, " "use_symmetrized_structure must be 'primitive'" ) cell.magnetic_moments = None phonon = Phonopy( cell, supercell_matrix, primitive_matrix=primitive_matrix, factor=factor, symprec=symprec, is_symmetry=sym_reduce, ) phonon.generate_displacements(distance=displacement) supercells = phonon.supercells_with_displacements return [get_pmg_structure(cell) for cell in supercells]
[docs] @job( output_schema=PhononBSDOSDoc, data=[PhononDos, PhononBandStructureSymmLine, ForceConstants], ) def generate_frequencies_eigenvectors( structure: Structure, supercell_matrix: np.array, displacement: float, sym_reduce: bool, symprec: float, use_symmetrized_structure: str | None, kpath_scheme: str, code: str, displacement_data: dict[str, list], total_dft_energy: float, epsilon_static: Matrix3D = None, born: Matrix3D = None, **kwargs, ) -> PhononBSDOSDoc: """ Analyze the phonon runs and summarize the results. Parameters ---------- structure: Structure object Fully optimized structure used for phonon runs supercell_matrix: np.array array to describe supercell displacement: float displacement in Angstrom used for supercell computation sym_reduce: bool if True, symmetry will be used in phonopy symprec: float precision to determine symmetry use_symmetrized_structure: str primitive, conventional, None are allowed kpath_scheme: str kpath scheme for phonon band structure computation code: str code to run computations displacement_data: dict outputs from displacements total_dft_energy: float total DFT energy in eV per cell epsilon_static: Matrix3D The high-frequency dielectric constant born: Matrix3D Born charges kwargs: dict Additional parameters that are passed to PhononBSDOSDoc.from_forces_born """ return PhononBSDOSDoc.from_forces_born( structure=structure.remove_site_property(property_name="magmom") if "magmom" in structure.site_properties else structure, supercell_matrix=supercell_matrix, displacement=displacement, sym_reduce=sym_reduce, symprec=symprec, use_symmetrized_structure=use_symmetrized_structure, kpath_scheme=kpath_scheme, code=code, displacement_data=displacement_data, total_dft_energy=total_dft_energy, epsilon_static=epsilon_static, born=born, **kwargs, )
[docs] @job(data=["forces", "displaced_structures"]) def run_phonon_displacements( displacements: list[Structure], structure: Structure, supercell_matrix: Matrix3D, phonon_maker: BaseVaspMaker | ForceFieldStaticMaker | BaseAimsMaker = None, prev_dir: str | Path = None, prev_dir_argname: str = None, socket: bool = False, ) -> Flow: """ Run phonon displacements. Note, this job will replace itself with N displacement calculations, or a single socket calculation for all displacements. Parameters ---------- displacements: Sequence All displacements to calculate structure: Structure object Fully optimized structure used for phonon computations. supercell_matrix: Matrix3D supercell matrix for meta data phonon_maker : .BaseVaspMaker or .ForceFieldStaticMaker or .BaseAimsMaker A maker to use to generate dispacement calculations prev_dir: str or Path The previous working directory prev_dir_argname: str argument name for the prev_dir variable socket: bool If True use the socket-io interface to increase performance """ phonon_jobs = [] outputs: dict[str, list] = { "displacement_number": [], "forces": [], "uuids": [], "dirs": [], } phonon_job_kwargs = {} if prev_dir is not None and prev_dir_argname is not None: phonon_job_kwargs[prev_dir_argname] = prev_dir if socket: phonon_job = phonon_maker.make(displacements, **phonon_job_kwargs) info = { "original_structure": structure, "supercell_matrix": supercell_matrix, "displaced_structures": displacements, } phonon_job.update_maker_kwargs( {"_set": {"write_additional_data->phonon_info:json": info}}, dict_mod=True ) phonon_jobs.append(phonon_job) outputs["displacement_number"] = list(range(len(displacements))) outputs["uuids"] = [phonon_job.output.uuid] * len(displacements) outputs["dirs"] = [phonon_job.output.dir_name] * len(displacements) outputs["forces"] = phonon_job.output.output.all_forces else: for idx, displacement in enumerate(displacements): if prev_dir is not None: phonon_job = phonon_maker.make(displacement, prev_dir=prev_dir) else: phonon_job = phonon_maker.make(displacement) phonon_job.append_name(f" {idx + 1}/{len(displacements)}") # we will add some meta data info = { "displacement_number": idx, "original_structure": structure, "supercell_matrix": supercell_matrix, "displaced_structure": displacement, } with contextlib.suppress(Exception): phonon_job.update_maker_kwargs( {"_set": {"write_additional_data->phonon_info:json": info}}, dict_mod=True, ) phonon_jobs.append(phonon_job) outputs["displacement_number"].append(idx) outputs["uuids"].append(phonon_job.output.uuid) outputs["dirs"].append(phonon_job.output.dir_name) outputs["forces"].append(phonon_job.output.output.forces) displacement_flow = Flow(phonon_jobs, outputs) return Response(replace=displacement_flow)