Source code for

"""Jobs used in the calculation of elastic tensors."""

from __future__ import annotations

import contextlib
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from jobflow import Flow, Response, job
from pymatgen.alchemy.materials import TransformedStructure
from pymatgen.analysis.elasticity import Deformation, Strain, Stress
from pymatgen.core.tensors import symmetry_reduce
from pymatgen.transformations.standard_transformations import (

from atomate2 import SETTINGS
from atomate2.common.analysis.elastic import get_default_strain_states
from atomate2.common.schemas.elastic import ElasticDocument

    from pathlib import Path

    from emmet.core.math import Matrix3D
    from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure

    from import ForceFieldRelaxMaker
    from import BaseVaspMaker

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @job def generate_elastic_deformations( structure: Structure, order: int = 2, strain_states: list[tuple[int, int, int, int, int, int]] | None = None, strain_magnitudes: list[float] | list[list[float]] | None = None, symprec: float = SETTINGS.SYMPREC, sym_reduce: bool = True, ) -> list[Deformation]: """ Generate elastic deformations. Parameters ---------- structure : Structure A pymatgen structure object. order : int Order of the tensor expansion to be determined. Can be either 2 or 3. strain_states : None or list of tuple of int List of Voigt-notation strains, e.g. ``[(1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0), etc]``. strain_magnitudes : None or list of float or list of list of float A list of strain magnitudes to multiply by for each strain state, e.g. ``[-0.01, -0.005, 0.005, 0.01]``. Alternatively, a list of lists can be specified, where each inner list corresponds to a specific strain state. symprec : float Symmetry precision. sym_reduce : bool Whether to reduce the number of deformations using symmetry. Returns ------- List[Deformation] A list of deformations. """ if strain_states is None: strain_states = get_default_strain_states(order) if strain_magnitudes is None: strain_magnitudes = np.linspace(-0.01, 0.01, 5 + (order - 2) * 2) if np.array(strain_magnitudes).ndim == 1: strain_magnitudes = [strain_magnitudes] * len(strain_states) # type: ignore[assignment] strains = [] for state, magnitudes in zip(strain_states, strain_magnitudes): strains.extend([Strain.from_voigt(m * np.array(state)) for m in magnitudes]) # remove zero strains strains = [strain for strain in strains if (abs(strain) > 1e-10).any()] if np.linalg.matrix_rank([strain.voigt for strain in strains]) < 6: # TODO: check for sufficiency of input for nth order raise ValueError("strain list is insufficient to fit an elastic tensor") if sym_reduce: strain_mapping = symmetry_reduce(strains, structure, symprec=symprec) f"Using symmetry to reduce number of strains from {len(strains)} to " f"{len(list(strain_mapping.keys()))}" ) strains = list(strain_mapping.keys()) return [s.get_deformation_matrix() for s in strains]
[docs] @job def run_elastic_deformations( structure: Structure, deformations: list[Deformation], prev_dir: str | Path | None = None, prev_dir_argname: str = None, elastic_relax_maker: BaseVaspMaker | ForceFieldRelaxMaker = None, ) -> Response: """ Run elastic deformations. Note, this job will replace itself with N relaxation calculations, where N is the number of deformations. Parameters ---------- structure : Structure A pymatgen structure. deformations : list of Deformation The deformations to apply. prev_dir : str or Path or None A previous directory to use for copying outputs. prev_dir_argname: str argument name for the prev_dir variable elastic_relax_maker : .BaseVaspMaker or .ForceFieldRelaxMaker A VaspMaker or a ForceFieldMaker to use to generate the elastic relaxation jobs. """ relaxations = [] outputs = [] for idx, deformation in enumerate(deformations): # deform the structure dst = DeformStructureTransformation(deformation=deformation) ts = TransformedStructure(structure, transformations=[dst]) deformed_structure = ts.final_structure with contextlib.suppress(Exception): # write details of the transformation to the transformations.json file # this file will automatically get added to the task document and allow # the elastic builder to reconstruct the elastic document; note the ":" is # automatically converted to a "." in the filename. elastic_relax_maker.write_additional_data["transformations:json"] = ts elastic_job_kwargs = {} if prev_dir is not None and prev_dir_argname is not None: elastic_job_kwargs[prev_dir_argname] = prev_dir # create the job relax_job = elastic_relax_maker.make(deformed_structure, **elastic_job_kwargs) relax_job.append_name(f" {idx + 1}/{len(deformations)}") relaxations.append(relax_job) # extract the outputs we want output = { "stress": relax_job.output.output.stress, "deformation": deformation, "uuid": relax_job.output.uuid, "job_dir": relax_job.output.dir_name, } outputs.append(output) relax_flow = Flow(relaxations, outputs) return Response(replace=relax_flow)
[docs] @job(output_schema=ElasticDocument) def fit_elastic_tensor( structure: Structure, deformation_data: list[dict], equilibrium_stress: Matrix3D | None = None, order: int = 2, fitting_method: str = SETTINGS.ELASTIC_FITTING_METHOD, symprec: float = SETTINGS.SYMPREC, allow_elastically_unstable_structs: bool = True, ) -> ElasticDocument: """ Analyze stress/strain data to fit the elastic tensor and related properties. Parameters ---------- structure : ~pymatgen.core.structure.Structure A pymatgen structure. deformation_data : list of dict The deformation data, as a list of dictionaries, each containing the keys "stress", "deformation". equilibrium_stress : None or tuple of tuple of float The equilibrium stress of the (relaxed) structure, if known. order : int Order of the tensor expansion to be fitted. Can be either 2 or 3. fitting_method : str The method used to fit the elastic tensor. See pymatgen for more details on the methods themselves. The options are: - "finite_difference" (note this is required if fitting a 3rd order tensor) - "independent" - "pseudoinverse" symprec : float Symmetry precision for deriving symmetry equivalent deformations. If ``symprec=None``, then no symmetry operations will be applied. allow_elastically_unstable_structs : bool Whether to allow the ElasticDocument to still complete in the event that the structure is elastically unstable. """ stresses = [] deformations = [] uuids = [] job_dirs = [] for data in deformation_data: # stress could be none if the deformation calculation failed if data["stress"] is None: continue stresses.append(Stress(data["stress"])) deformations.append(Deformation(data["deformation"])) uuids.append(data["uuid"]) job_dirs.append(data["job_dir"])"Analyzing stress/strain data") return ElasticDocument.from_stresses( structure, stresses, deformations, uuids, job_dirs, fitting_method=fitting_method, order=order, equilibrium_stress=equilibrium_stress, symprec=symprec, allow_elastically_unstable_structs=allow_elastically_unstable_structs, )