Source code for atomate2.aims.files

"""Functions dealing with FHI-aims files."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from glob import glob
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from atomate2.common.files import copy_files, get_zfile, gunzip_files
from atomate2.utils.file_client import FileClient, auto_fileclient
from atomate2.utils.path import strip_hostname

    from import Sequence

    from pymatgen.core import Molecule, Structure
    from import AimsInputGenerator

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] @auto_fileclient def copy_aims_outputs( src_dir: Path | str, src_host: str | None = None, additional_aims_files: list[str] | None = None, restart_to_input: bool = False, file_client: FileClient | None = None, ) -> None: """ Copy FHI-aims output files to the current directory (inspired by CP2K plugin). Parameters ---------- src_dir : str or Path The source directory. src_host : str or None The source hostname used to specify a remote filesystem. Can be given as either "username@remote_host" or just "remote_host" in which case the username will be inferred from the current user. If ``None``, the local filesystem will be used as the source. additional_aims_files : list[str] Additional files to copy restart_to_input : bool Move the aims restart files to by the aims input in the new directory file_client : .FileClient A file client to use for performing file operations. """ src_dir = strip_hostname(src_dir)"Copying FHI-aims inputs from {src_dir}") directory_listing = file_client.listdir(src_dir, host=src_host) # additional files like bands, DOS, *.cube, whatever additional_files = additional_aims_files or [] # copy files # (no need to copy aims.out by default; it can be added to additional_aims_files # explicitly if needed) files: list[str] = ( ["hessian.aims", "", "*.csc"] if restart_to_input else [] ) files += [ Path(f).name for pattern in set(files + additional_files) for f in glob((Path(src_dir) / pattern).as_posix()) ] all_files = [ get_zfile(directory_listing, str(r), allow_missing=True) for r in files ] all_files = [f for f in all_files if f] copy_files( src_dir, src_host=src_host, include_files=all_files, file_client=file_client, ) zipped_files = [f for f in all_files if"gz")] gunzip_files( include_files=zipped_files, allow_missing=True, file_client=file_client, )"Finished copying inputs")
[docs] def write_aims_input_set( structure: Structure | Molecule, input_set_generator: AimsInputGenerator, directory: str | Path = ".", prev_dir: str | Path | None = None, **kwargs, ) -> None: """ Write FHI-aims input set. Parameters ---------- structure : Structure or Molecule A to write the input set for. input_set_generator : .AimsInputGenerator An GHI-aims input set generator. directory : str or Path The directory to write the input files to. prev_dir : str or Path or None If the input set is to be initialized from a previous calculation, the previous calc directory **kwargs Keyword arguments to pass to :obj:`.AimsInputSet.write_input`. """ properties = kwargs.get("properties", []) aims_is = input_set_generator.get_input_set( structure, prev_dir=prev_dir, properties=properties )"Writing FHI-aims input set.") aims_is.write_input(directory, **kwargs)
[docs] @auto_fileclient def cleanup_aims_outputs( directory: Path | str, host: str | None = None, file_patterns: Sequence[str] = (), file_client: FileClient | None = None, ) -> None: """Remove unnecessary files. Parameters ---------- directory: Path or str Directory containing files host: str or None File client host file_patterns: Sequence[str] Glob patterns to find files for deletion. file_client: .FileClient A file client to use for performing file operations. """ files_to_delete = [] for pattern in file_patterns: files_to_delete.extend(file_client.glob(Path(directory) / pattern, host=host)) for file in files_to_delete: file_client.remove(file)