Source code for atomate2.vasp.schemas.elph

"""Schemas for electron-phonon renormalisation documents."""

import logging

import numpy as np
from emmet.core.structure import StructureMetadata
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field
from pymatgen.core import Structure
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.bandstructure import BandStructure
from pymatgen.electronic_structure.core import Spin
from typing_extensions import Self

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class RawElectronicData(BaseModel): """Raw data used to fit electron-phonon renormalisation.""" displacement_uuids: list[str] = Field( None, description="UUIDs of the displacement band structure calculations" ) displacement_dirs: list[str] = Field( None, description="Directories of the displacement band structure calculations" ) displacement_structures: list[Structure] = Field( None, description="The electron-phonon displaced structures at each temperature" ) displacement_cbms: list[list[float]] = Field( None, description="Conduction band minima of the displaced structures, as an" "array with the shape (ntemps, ncbms)", ) displacement_vbms: list[list[float]] = Field( None, description="Valence band maxima of the displaced structures, as an" "array with the shape (ntemps, nvbms)", ) bulk_uuid: str = Field(None, description="UUID of the bulk (supercell) calculation") bulk_dir: str = Field( None, description="Directory of the bulk (supercell) calculation" ) bulk_structure: Structure = Field( None, description="The bulk (supercell) structure" ) bulk_cbm: float = Field( None, description="Conduction band minimum of the bulk (supercell) structure" ) bulk_vbm: float = Field( None, description="Valence band maximum of the bulk (supercell) structure" ) bulk_vbm_band_indices: dict[str, list[int]] = Field( None, description="Indices of bands that are degenerate at the valence band " "maximum (zero indexed) in the bulk (supercell) structure", ) bulk_cbm_band_indices: dict[str, list[int]] = Field( None, description="Indices of bands that are degenerate at the conduction band " "minimum (zero indexed) in the bulk (supercell) structure", ) elph_uuid: str = Field( None, description="UUID of the electron-phonon calculation that generated the " "displaced supercells", ) elph_dir: str = Field( None, description="Directory of the electron-phonon calculation that generated " "the displaced supercells", )
[docs] class ElectronPhononRenormalisationDoc(StructureMetadata): """Electron-phonon band gap renormalisation document.""" structure: Structure = Field( None, description="The primitive structure for which the electron-phonon was" " calculated", ) temperatures: list[float] = Field( None, description="Temperatures at which electron-phonon coupling was obtained" ) band_gaps: list[float] = Field( None, description="Temperature renormalised band gaps" ) vbms: list[float] = Field( None, description="Temperature renormalised valence band maxima" ) cbms: list[float] = Field( None, description="Temperature renormalised conduction band minima" ) delta_band_gaps: list[float] = Field( None, description="Change in band gap relative to the bulk structure" ) bulk_band_gap: float = Field( None, description="Band gap of the bulk (supercell structure)" ) raw_data: RawElectronicData = Field( None, description="Raw electronic and structure data used to obtain the " "electron-phonon coupling", )
[docs] @classmethod def from_band_structures( cls, temperatures: list[float], displacement_band_structures: list[BandStructure], displacement_structures: list[Structure], displacement_uuids: list[str], displacement_dirs: list[str], bulk_band_structure: BandStructure, bulk_structure: Structure, bulk_uuid: str, bulk_dir: str, elph_uuid: str, elph_dir: str, original_structure: Structure, ) -> Self: """ Calculate an electron-phonon renormalisation document from band structures. Parameters ---------- temperatures : list of float The temperatures at which electron phonon properties were calculated. displacement_band_structures : list of BandStructure The electron-phonon displaced band structures. displacement_structures : list of Structure The electron-phonon displaced structures. displacement_uuids : list of str The UUIDs of the electron-phonon displaced band structure calculations. displacement_dirs : list of str The calculation directories of the electron-phonon displaced band structure calculations. bulk_band_structure : BandStructure The band structure of the bulk undisplaced supercell calculation. bulk_structure : Structure The structure of the bulk undisplaced supercell. bulk_uuid : str The UUID of the bulk undisplaced supercell band structure calculation. bulk_dir : str The directory of the bulk undisplaced supercell band structure calculation. elph_uuid : str The UUID of the electron-phonon calculation that generated the displaced structures. elph_dir : str The directory of electron-phonon calculation that generated the displaced structures. original_structure : Structure The original primitive structure for which electron-phonon calculations were performed. Returns ------- ElectronPhononRenormalisationDoc An electron-phonon renormalisation document. """ if bulk_band_structure.is_metal(): raise ValueError( "Bulk band structure is metallic. Cannot calculate band gap " "renormalisation" ) if len({band.is_spin_polarized for band in displacement_band_structures}) != 1: raise ValueError( "Some displacement bands structures are spin polarized and some are " "spin paired. Cannot continue." ) # check all displacement calculations match magnetism of bulk if ( bulk_band_structure.is_spin_polarized != displacement_band_structures[0].is_spin_polarized ): raise ValueError( "Spin polarization of bulk structure does not match polarization of " "displacement band structures" ) # discard metallic displacement calculations and log the issue keep = [] for idx, band_structure in enumerate(displacement_band_structures): if band_structure.is_metal(): temp = temperatures[idx] logger.warning(f"T = {temp} K band structure is metallic... skipping") else: keep.append(idx) temperatures = [temperatures[idx] for idx in keep] displacement_band_structures = [ displacement_band_structures[idx] for idx in keep ] displacement_structures = [displacement_structures[idx] for idx in keep] displacement_dirs = [displacement_dirs[idx] for idx in keep] displacement_uuids = [displacement_uuids[idx] for idx in keep] vbm_band_indices, cbm_band_indices = _get_band_edge_indices(bulk_band_structure) bulk_vbm = bulk_band_structure.get_vbm()["energy"] bulk_cbm = bulk_band_structure.get_cbm()["energy"] bulk_band_gap = bulk_cbm - bulk_vbm displacement_cbms = _get_displacement_band_edges( displacement_band_structures, cbm_band_indices, cbm=True ) displacement_vbms = _get_displacement_band_edges( displacement_band_structures, vbm_band_indices, cbm=False ) cbms = np.mean(displacement_cbms, axis=1) vbms = np.mean(displacement_vbms, axis=1) band_gaps = cbms - vbms delta_band_gaps = band_gaps - bulk_band_gap return cls.from_structure( structure=original_structure, meta_structure=original_structure, temperatures=temperatures, band_gaps=band_gaps.tolist(), vbms=vbms.tolist(), cbms=cbms.tolist(), delta_band_gaps=delta_band_gaps.tolist(), bulk_band_gap=bulk_band_gap, raw_data=RawElectronicData( displacement_uuids=displacement_uuids, displacement_dirs=displacement_dirs, displacement_structures=displacement_structures, displacement_cbms=displacement_cbms.tolist(), displacement_vbms=displacement_vbms.tolist(), bulk_uuid=bulk_uuid, bulk_dir=bulk_dir, bulk_structure=bulk_structure, bulk_cbm=bulk_cbm, bulk_vbm=bulk_vbm, bulk_vbm_band_indices={ i for s, i in vbm_band_indices.items()}, bulk_cbm_band_indices={ i for s, i in cbm_band_indices.items()}, elph_uuid=elph_uuid, elph_dir=elph_dir, ), )
def _get_displacement_band_edges( band_structures: list[BandStructure], band_indices: dict[Spin, list[int]], cbm: bool = True, ) -> np.ndarray: """Extract band edge energies based on a band structure and band indices.""" band_edges = [] for band_structure in band_structures: spin_edges = [] for spin, spin_indices in band_indices.items(): eigs = band_structure.bands[spin][spin_indices] if cbm: spin_edges.extend(eigs.min(axis=1).tolist()) else: spin_edges.extend(eigs.max(axis=1).tolist()) band_edges.append(spin_edges) return np.array(band_edges) def _get_band_edge_indices( band_structure: BandStructure, tol: float = 0.005, ) -> tuple[dict[Spin, list[int]], dict[Spin, list[int]]]: """ Get indices of degenerate band edge states, within a tolerance. Parameters ---------- band_structure : BandStructure A band structure. tol : float Degeneracy tolerance in meV. """ vbm_energy = band_structure.get_vbm()["energy"] cbm_energy = band_structure.get_cbm()["energy"] vbm_band_indices = {} cbm_band_indices = {} for spin, spin_energies in band_structure.bands.items(): vb_idxs = np.where( np.any( (spin_energies > vbm_energy - tol) & (spin_energies < band_structure.efermi), axis=1, ) )[0] cb_idxs = np.where( np.any( (spin_energies < cbm_energy + tol) & (spin_energies > band_structure.efermi), axis=1, ) )[0] vbm_band_indices[spin] = vb_idxs.tolist() cbm_band_indices[spin] = cb_idxs.tolist() return vbm_band_indices, cbm_band_indices