Utilities for defects module.
Calculate volume given a set of points in 3D space. |
Cluster nodes that are too close together using hiercharcal clustering. |
Simple newton iteration based convergence function. |
Convert energy to reciprocal vector magnitude k via hbar*k^2/2m. |
Generate Reciprocal vectors squared. |
Group a list of unsortable objects. |
Generate reciprocal lattice vectors within the energy cutoff. |
Get the average charge in a sphere. |
Get the inverse participation ratio (IPR) of the states in a given band window. |
Get a list of inserted structures and a list of structure matching labels. |
Get all local extrema fractional coordinates in charge density. |
Find the (band, kpt, spin) index of the most localized state. |
Compute the plane spacing of a lattice. |
Deprecated. |
Find gzipped or non-gzipped versions of a file in a directory listing. |
Group docs by a simple hash followed by structure. |
Removed points that are too close to existing atoms in the structure. |
Sort a list where we can only compute a positive-definite distance. |
Object for insertions sites from charge density. |
A summary of the corrections applied to a structure. |
Model for the defect charge distribution. |
Topography Analyzer. |
Convenience container for a voronoi point in PBC and its associated polyhedron. |