Source code for jobflow.utils.dict_mods

Implementation of the DictMod language for manipulating dictionaries.

This module enables the modification of a dict using another dict. The main method of
interest is :obj:`apply_mod`.

.. Note::
    This code is based heavily on the Ansible class of `custodian
    <>`_, but simplifies it considerably for the
    limited use cases required by jobflow.

    The original version of this file was written by Shyue Ping Ong and Anubhav Jain.

from __future__ import annotations

import re
import typing

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from typing import Any

[docs] class DictMods: """ Class to define mongo-like modifications on a dict. Supported keywords include the following Mongo-based keywords, with the usual meanings (refer to Mongo documentation for information): - ``_inc`` - ``_set`` - ``_unset`` - ``_push`` - ``_push_all`` - ``_add_to_set`` (but ``_each`` is not supported) - ``_pop`` - ``_pull`` - ``_pull_all`` - ``_rename`` .. Note:: Note that ``_set`` does not support modification of nested dicts using the mongo ``{"a.b":1}`` notation. This is because mongo does not allow keys with "." to be inserted. Instead, nested dict modification is supported using a special "->" keyword, e.g. ``{"a->b": 1}`` """ def __init__(self): self.supported_actions = {} for i in dir(self): if (not re.match(r"__\w+__", i)) and callable(getattr(self, i)): self.supported_actions["_" + i] = getattr(self, i)
[docs] @staticmethod def set(input_dict, settings): """Set a value.""" for k, v in settings.items(): (d, key) = _get_nested_dict(input_dict, k) d[key] = v
[docs] @staticmethod def unset(input_dict, settings): """Unset a value.""" for k in settings: (d, key) = _get_nested_dict(input_dict, k) del d[key]
[docs] @staticmethod def push(input_dict, settings): """Append a value to a list or create a list it if it doesn't exist.""" for k, v in settings.items(): (d, key) = _get_nested_dict(input_dict, k) if key in d: d[key].append(v) else: d[key] = [v]
[docs] @staticmethod def push_all(input_dict, settings): """Extend a list or create a list it if it doesn't exist.""" for k, v in settings.items(): (d, key) = _get_nested_dict(input_dict, k) if key in d: d[key].extend(v) else: d[key] = v
[docs] @staticmethod def inc(input_dict, settings): """Increment a number.""" for k, v in settings.items(): (d, key) = _get_nested_dict(input_dict, k) if key in d: d[key] += v else: d[key] = v
[docs] @staticmethod def rename(input_dict, settings): """Rename a key.""" for k, v in settings.items(): if k in input_dict: input_dict[v] = input_dict[k] del input_dict[k]
[docs] @staticmethod def add_to_set(input_dict, settings): """Add an item to a set or create the set if it doesn't exist.""" for k, v in settings.items(): (d, key) = _get_nested_dict(input_dict, k) if key in d and (not isinstance(d[key], (list, tuple))): raise ValueError(f"Keyword {k} does not refer to an array.") if key in d and v not in d[key]: d[key].append(v) elif key not in d: d[key] = v
[docs] @staticmethod def pull(input_dict, settings): """Extract a field from a nested dictionary.""" for k, v in settings.items(): (d, key) = _get_nested_dict(input_dict, k) if key in d and (not isinstance(d[key], (list, tuple))): raise ValueError(f"Keyword {k} does not refer to an array.") if key in d: d[key] = [i for i in d[key] if i != v]
[docs] @staticmethod def pull_all(input_dict, settings): """Extract many fields from a nested dictionary.""" for k, v in settings.items(): if k in input_dict and (not isinstance(input_dict[k], (list, tuple))): raise ValueError(f"Keyword {k} does not refer to an array.") for i in v: DictMods.pull(input_dict, {k: i})
[docs] @staticmethod def pop(input_dict, settings): """Pop a value from a list.""" for k, v in settings.items(): (d, key) = _get_nested_dict(input_dict, k) if key in d and (not isinstance(d[key], (list, tuple))): raise ValueError(f"Keyword {k} does not refer to an array.") if v == 1: d[key].pop() elif v == -1: d[key].pop(0)
_DM = DictMods()
[docs] def apply_mod(modification: dict[str, Any], obj: dict[str, Any]): """ Apply a dict mod to an object. Note that modify makes actual in-place modifications. It does not return a copy. Parameters ---------- modification Modification must be ``{action_keyword : settings}``, where action_keyword is a supported DictMod. obj A dict to be modified. """ for action, settings in modification.items(): if action in _DM.supported_actions: _DM.supported_actions[action].__call__(obj, settings) else: raise ValueError(f"{action} is not a supported action!")
def _get_nested_dict( input_dict: dict[str, Any], key: str ) -> tuple[dict[str, Any], str] | None: """Get nested dicts using a key.""" current = input_dict toks = [t for t in key.split("->") if t != ""] n = len(toks) for i, tok in enumerate(toks): if tok not in current and i < n - 1: current[tok] = {} elif i == n - 1: return current, toks[-1] current = current[tok] return None