Install jobflow

You can install jobflow with pip or from source.


You can install the basic functionality of jobflow using pip:

pip install jobflow

If you are planing to use jobflow with fireworks, you can install the optional fireworks components:

pip install jobflow[fireworks]

We also maintain other dependency sets for different subsets of functionality:

pip install jobflow[vis]  # Install requirements for visualizing jobs and flows

Install from source

To install jobflow from source, clone the repository from github:

git clone
cd jobflow
pip install .

You can also install fireworks dependencies:

pip install .[fireworks]

Or do a developer install by using the -e flag:

pip install -e .


Unit tests can be run from the source folder using pytest. First, the requirements to run tests must be installed:

pip install .[tests]

And the tests run using:


Building the documentation

The jobflow documentation can be built using the sphinx package. First, install the necessary requirement:

pip install .[docs]

Next, the docs can be built to the docs_build directory:

sphinx-build docs/src docs_build