Source code for jobflow.settings

"""Settings for jobflow."""

import warnings
from collections import defaultdict
from pathlib import Path

from maggma.stores import MemoryStore
from pydantic import Field, model_validator
from pydantic_settings import BaseSettings, SettingsConfigDict

from jobflow import JobStore

DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH = Path("~/.jobflow.yaml").expanduser().as_posix()

def _default_additional_store():
    """Create a default MemoryStore and connect it.

    This is a private function used for the additional_stores in
    the default JOB_STORE.
    mem_store = MemoryStore()
    return mem_store

[docs] class JobflowSettings(BaseSettings): """ Settings for jobflow. The default way to modify these is to modify ~/.jobflow.yaml. Alternatively, the environment variable ``JOBFLOW_CONFIG_FILE`` can be set to point to a yaml file with jobflow settings. Lastly, the variables can be modified directly though environment variables by using the "JOBFLOW" prefix. E..g., ``JOBFLOW_JOB_STORE=path/to/jobstore.file``. **Allowed JOB_STORE formats** If the store is not supplied, a ``MemoryStore`` will be used. Can be specified in multiple formats. The simplest format is the yaml dumped version of the store, generated using: >>> import yaml >>> yaml.dump(store.as_dict()) Alternatively, the store can be specified as the keys docs_store, additional_stores and any other keyword arguments supported by the :obj:`JobStore` constructor. The docs_store and additional stores are specified by the ``type`` key which must match a Maggma ``Store`` subclass, and the remaining keys are passed to the store constructor. For example, the following file would create a :obj:`JobStore` with a ``MongoStore`` for docs and a ``GridFSStore`` or ``S3Store`` as an additional store for data. GridFSStore example: .. code-block:: yaml docs_store: type: MongoStore database: jobflow_unittest collection_name: outputs host: localhost port: 27017 additional_stores: data: type: GridFSStore database: jobflow_unittest collection_name: outputs_blobs host: localhost port: 27017 S3Store example (Note: the ``key`` field must be set to ``blob_uuid``): .. code-block:: yaml docs_store: type: MongoStore database: jobflow_unittest collection_name: outputs host: localhost port: 27017 additional_stores: data: type: S3Store bucket: output_blobs key: blob_uuid index: type: MongoStore database: jobflow_unittest collection_name: output_blobs_index host: localhost port: 27017 key: blob_uuid Lastly, the store can be specified as a file name that points to a file containing the credentials in any format supported by :obj:`.JobStore.from_file`. """ CONFIG_FILE: str = Field( DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH, description="File to load alternative defaults from." ) # general settings JOB_STORE: JobStore = Field( default_factory=lambda: JobStore( MemoryStore(), additional_stores=defaultdict(_default_additional_store), ), description="Default JobStore to use when running locally or using FireWorks. " "See the :obj:`JobflowSettings` docstring for more details on the " "accepted formats.", ) DIRECTORY_FORMAT: str = Field( "%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-%S-%f", description="Date stamp format used to create directories", ) UID_TYPE: str = Field( "uuid4", description="Type of unique identifier to use to track jobs. " ) model_config = SettingsConfigDict(env_prefix="jobflow_") @model_validator(mode="before") @classmethod def load_default_settings(cls, values): """ Load settings from file or environment variables. Loads settings from a root file if available and uses that as defaults in place of built in defaults. This allows setting of the config file path through environment variables. """ from monty.serialization import loadfn config_file_path: str = values.get("CONFIG_FILE", DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE_PATH) new_values = {} if Path(config_file_path).exists(): if Path(config_file_path).stat().st_size == 0: warnings.warn( f"An empty JobFlow config file was located at {config_file_path}", stacklevel=2, ) else: try: new_values.update(loadfn(config_file_path)) except ValueError: raise ValueError( f"A JobFlow configuration file was located at " f"{config_file_path} but a problem was " f"encountered while parsing it." ) from None store = new_values.get("JOB_STORE") if isinstance(store, str): new_values["JOB_STORE"] = JobStore.from_file(store) elif isinstance(store, dict) and store.get("@class") == "JobStore": new_values["JOB_STORE"] = JobStore.from_dict(store) elif isinstance(store, dict): new_values["JOB_STORE"] = JobStore.from_dict_spec(store) new_values.update(values) return new_values