Source code for jobflow.core.maker

"""Define base Maker class for creating jobs and flows."""

from __future__ import annotations

import typing
from dataclasses import dataclass

from monty.json import MontyDecoder, MSONable

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from typing import Any, Callable

    import jobflow

[docs] @dataclass class Maker(MSONable): """ Base maker (factory) class for constructing :obj:`Job` and :obj:`Flow` objects. Note, this class is only an abstract implementation. To create a functioning Maker, one should subclass :obj:`Maker`, define the ``make`` method and add a name field with a default value. See examples below. See Also -------- .job, .Job, .Flow Examples -------- Below we define a simple maker that generates a job to add two numbers. Next, we make a job using the maker. When creating a new maker it is essential to: 1) Add a name field with a default value (this controls the name of jobs produced by the maker) and 2) override the ``make`` method with a concrete implementation. >>> from dataclasses import dataclass >>> from jobflow import Maker, job >>> @dataclass ... class AddMaker(Maker): ... name: str = "add" ... ... @job ... def make(self, a, b): ... return a + b >>> maker = AddMaker() >>> add_job = maker.make(1, 2) >>> "add" There are two key features of :obj:`Maker` objects that make them extremely powerful. The first is the ability to have class instance variables that are used inside the make function. For example, running the job below will produce the output ``6.5``. >>> @dataclass ... class AddMaker(Maker): ... name: str = "add" ... c: float = 1.5 ... ... @job ... def make(self, a, b): ... return a + b + self.c >>> maker = AddMaker(c=3.5) >>> add_job = maker.make(1, 2) .. Note:: Jobs created by a Maker will inherit a copy of the Maker object. This means that if 1) a job is created, 2) the maker variables are changed, and 3) a new job is created, only the second job will reflect the updated maker variables. The second useful feature is the ability for delayed creation of jobs. For example, consider a job that creates another job during its execution. If the new job has lots of optional arguments, this will require passing lots of arguments to the first job. However, using a Maker, the kwargs of the job can be specified as maker kwargs and specified when the first job is created, making it much cleaner to customise the newly created job. For example, consider this job that first squares two numbers, then creates a new job to add them. >>> from jobflow import Response >>> @dataclass ... class SquareThenAddMaker(Maker): ... name: str = "square then add" ... add_maker: Maker = AddMaker() ... ... @job ... def make(self, a, b): ... a_squared = a ** 2 ... b_squared = b ** 2 ... add_job = self.add_maker.make(a_squared, b_squared) ... return Response(detour=add_job) >>> maker = SquareThenAddMaker() >>> square_add_job = maker.make(3, 4) The add job can be customised by specifying a custom ``AddMaker`` instance when the ``SquareThenAddMaker`` is initialized. >>> custom_add_maker = AddMaker(c=1000) >>> maker = SquareThenAddMaker(add_maker=custom_add_maker) This provides a very natural way to contain and control the kwargs for dynamically created jobs. Note that makers can also be used to create :obj:`Flow` objects. In this case, the only difference is that the ``make()`` method is not decorated using the ``job`` decorator and the function should return a flow. For example: >>> from jobflow import Flow >>> @dataclass ... class DoubleAddMaker(Maker): ... name: str = "double add" ... add_maker: Maker = AddMaker() ... ... def make(self, a, b): ... add_first = self.add_maker.make(a, b) ... add_second = self.add_maker.make(add_first.output, b) ... return Flow([add_first, add_second], >>> maker = DoubleAddMaker() >>> double_add_job = maker.make(1, 2) """
[docs] def make(self, *args, **kwargs) -> jobflow.Flow | jobflow.Job: """Make a job or a flow - must be overridden with a concrete implementation.""" raise NotImplementedError
@property def name(self): """Name of the Maker - must be overridden with a dataclass field.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def update_kwargs( self, update: dict[str, Any], name_filter: str = None, class_filter: type[Maker] = None, nested: bool = True, dict_mod: bool = False, ): """ Update the keyword arguments of the :obj:`.Maker`. .. Note:: Note, the maker is not updated in place. Instead a new maker object is returned. Parameters ---------- update The updates to apply. name_filter A filter for the Maker name. Only Makers with a matching name will be updated. Includes partial matches, e.g. "ad" will match a Maker with the name "adder". class_filter A filter for the maker class. Only Makers with a matching class will be updated. Note the class filter will match any subclasses. nested Whether to apply the updates to Maker objects that are themselves kwargs of a Maker object. See examples for more details. dict_mod Use the dict mod language to apply updates. See :obj:`.DictMods` for more details. Examples -------- Consider the following Maker: >>> from dataclasses import dataclass >>> from jobflow import job, Maker >>> @dataclass ... class AddMaker(Maker): ... name: str = "add" ... number: float = 10 ... ... @job ... def make(self, a): ... return a + self.number >>> maker = AddMaker() The ``number`` argument could be updated using: >>> maker.update_kwargs({"number": 10}) By default, the updates are applied to nested Makers. These are Makers which are present in the kwargs of another Maker. For example, consider this maker that first squares a number, then creates a new job to add it. >>> from jobflow import Response >>> @dataclass ... class SquareThenAddMaker(Maker): ... name: str = "square then add" ... add_maker: Maker = AddMaker() ... ... @job ... def make(self, a, b): ... a_squared = a ** 2 ... add_job = self.add_maker.make(a_squared) ... return Response(detour=add_job) >>> maker = SquareThenAddMaker() The following update will apply to the nested ``AddMaker`` in the kwargs of the ``SquareThenAddMaker``: >>> maker = maker.update_kwargs({"number": 10}, class_filter=AddMaker) However, if ``nested=False``, then the update will not be applied to the nested Maker: >>> maker = maker.update_kwargs( ... {"number": 10}, class_filter=AddMaker, nested=False ... ) """ from jobflow.utils.dict_mods import apply_mod def _update_kwargs_func(maker: Maker): # Update the kwargs of the maker d = maker.as_dict() if dict_mod: apply_mod(update, d) else: d.update(update) return maker.from_dict(d) return recursive_call( self, func=_update_kwargs_func, name_filter=name_filter, class_filter=class_filter, nested=nested, )
[docs] def recursive_call( obj: Maker, func: Callable[[Maker], Maker], name_filter: str = None, class_filter: type[Maker] = None, nested: bool = True, ): """Recursively call a function on all Maker objects in the object. Parameters ---------- obj The Maker object to call the function on. func The function to call a Maker object, if it matches the filters. This function must return a new Maker object. name_filter A filter for the Maker name. Only Makers with a matching name will be updated. Includes partial matches, e.g. "ad" will match a Maker with the name "adder". class_filter A filter for the maker class. Only Makers with a matching class will be updated. Note the class filter will match any subclasses. nested Whether to apply the updates to Maker objects that are themselves kwargs of a Maker object. See examples for more details. """ from pydash import get, set_ from jobflow.utils.find import find_key if isinstance(class_filter, Maker): # Maker instance supplied rather than a Maker class class_filter = class_filter.__class__ def _filter(nested_obj: Maker): # Filter the Maker object if not isinstance(nested_obj, Maker): return False if name_filter is not None and name_filter not in return False return class_filter is None or isinstance(nested_obj, class_filter) d = obj.as_dict() # find and update makers in Maker kwargs. Process is: # 1. Look for any monty classes in serialized maker kwargs # 2. Regenerate the classes and check if they are a Maker # 3. Call the functions on the deepest classes first # 4. Call the function or update on the deepest classes and move up the tree # 5. Finally, replace the call/update the object itself # find all classes in the serialized maker kwargs # will only look at the top level if nested=False locations = find_key(d, "@class", nested=True) if nested else [[]] for location in sorted( locations, key=len, reverse=True ): # should deserialize in order if len(location) == 0: continue nested_class = MontyDecoder().process_decoded(get(d, list(location))) if _filter(nested_class): # either update or call the function on the nested Maker modified_class = func(nested_class) if not isinstance(modified_class, Maker): raise ValueError( "Function must return a Maker object. " f"Got {type(modified_class)} instead." ) # update the serialized maker with the new kwarg set_(d, list(location), modified_class.as_dict()) # the top level must be processed separately since its constructor # might not be discoverable by MontyDecoder (kinda hacky) new_obj = obj.from_dict(d) if _filter(obj): new_obj = func(new_obj) return new_obj