Source code for rxn_network.thermo.chempot_diagram

"""This module implements added features to the ChemicalPotentialDiagram class from

from __future__ import annotations

from functools import cached_property
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
from pymatgen.analysis.chempot_diagram import ChemicalPotentialDiagram as ChempotDiagram
from pymatgen.analysis.phase_diagram import PhaseDiagram
from scipy.spatial import HalfspaceIntersection, KDTree

from rxn_network.entries.entry_set import GibbsEntrySet

    from pymatgen.analysis.phase_diagram import PDEntry
    from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import Element

[docs] class ChemicalPotentialDiagram(ChempotDiagram): """This class is an extension of the ChemicalPotentialDiagram class from pymatgen. Several features have been added to the original class for the purpose of efficiently calculating the shortest distance between two chemical potential domains. For more information on this specific implementation of the algorithm, please cite/reference the paper below: Todd, P. K., McDermott, M. J., Rom, C. L., Corrao, A. A., Denney, J. J., Dwaraknath, S. S., Khalifah, P. G., Persson, K. A., & Neilson, J. R. (2021). Selectivity in Yttrium Manganese Oxide Synthesis via Local Chemical Potentials in Hyperdimensional Phase Space. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 143(37), 15185-15194. """ def __init__( # pylint: disable=super-init-not-called self, entries: list[PDEntry], limits: dict[Element, float] | None = None, default_min_limit: float | None = -100.0, ): """Initialize a ChemicalPotentialDiagram object. Args: entries: List of PDEntry-like objects containing a composition and energy. Must contain elemental references and be suitable for typical phase diagram construction. Entries must be within a chemical system with 2 or more elements. limits: Bounds of elemental chemical potentials (min, max), which are used to construct the border hyperplanes used in the HalfspaceIntersection algorithm; these constrain the space over which the domains are calculated and also determine the size of the plotted diagram. Any elemental limits not specified are covered in the default_min_limit argument. default_min_limit (float): Default minimum chemical potential limit for unspecified elements within the "limits" argument. This results in default limits of (-100, 0). """ self.entries = sorted(entries, key=lambda e: e.composition.reduced_formula) self._entry_set = GibbsEntrySet(self.entries) self.limits = limits self.default_min_limit = default_min_limit self.elements = sorted({els for e in self.entries for els in e.composition.elements}) self.dim = len(self.elements) self._min_entries, self._el_refs = self._get_min_entries_and_el_refs(self.entries) self._entry_dict = {e.composition.reduced_formula: e for e in self._min_entries} self._border_hyperplanes = self._get_border_hyperplanes() ( self._hyperplanes, self._hyperplane_entries, ) = self._get_hyperplanes_and_entries() if self.dim < 2: raise ValueError("ChemicalPotentialDiagram currently requires phase diagrams with 2 or more elements!") if len(self.el_refs) != self.dim: missing = set(self.elements).difference(self.el_refs.keys()) raise ValueError(f"There are no entries for the terminal elements: {missing}") self._hs_int = self._get_halfspace_intersection() num_hyperplanes = len(self._hyperplanes) num_border_hyperplanes = len(self._border_hyperplanes) self._border_hyperplane_indices = list(range(num_hyperplanes, num_hyperplanes + num_border_hyperplanes)) self._metastable_domains: dict[str, list] = {} # for caching
[docs] def shortest_domain_distance(self, f1: str, f2: str, offset: float = 0.0) -> float: """Returns the chemical potential distance between two phase domains. Also works for metastable phases (see metastable_domains property). Args: f1: chemical formula of phase 1 f2: chemical formula of phase 2 offset: an optional offset (eV/atom) to add to the calculated distance. See get_offset() method. Returns: Shortest distance between domain boundaries in the full (hyper)dimensional space, calculated using KDTree. """ pts1 =[f1] if f1 in else self._get_metastable_domain(f1) pts2 =[f2] if f2 in else self._get_metastable_domain(f2) tree = KDTree(pts1) return min(tree.query(pts2)[0]) + offset
[docs] def get_offset(self, entry: PDEntry) -> float: """For a given entry, returns the distance between its hyperplane and the surface of the chemical potential diagram. This allows one to represent the energy above hull in chemical potential space. Returns zero for stable entries. Args: entry: A stable or metastable entry within the chemical potential diagram Returns: Offset in chemical potential distance (eV/atom) """ if entry in self._min_entries and entry.composition.reduced_formula in offset = 0.0 else: e_above_hull = self._entry_set.get_e_above_hull(entry) hyperplane = self._get_hyperplane(entry) offset = self._get_distance_between_parallel_hyperplanes(hyperplane[:-1], e_above_hull) return offset
@cached_property def domains(self) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Mapping of formulas to array of domain boundary points. Cached for quicker calculations. """ return self._get_domains() @property def metastable_domains(self) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Gets a dictionary of the chemical potential domains for metastable chemical formulas. This corresponds to the domains of the relevant phases if they were just barely thermodynamically stable (on the hull). """ return { e.composition.reduced_formula: self._get_metastable_domain(e.composition.reduced_formula) for e in self._min_entries if e.composition.reduced_formula not in } @property def hs_int(self) -> HalfspaceIntersection: """Returns the scipy HalfSpaceIntersection object used to calculate all domains.""" return self._hs_int def _get_halfspace_intersection(self): hs_hyperplanes = np.vstack([self._hyperplanes, self._border_hyperplanes]) interior_point = np.min(self.lims, axis=1) + 1e-1 return HalfspaceIntersection(hs_hyperplanes, interior_point) def _get_domains(self) -> dict[str, np.ndarray]: """Returns a dictionary of chemical potential domains as {formula: np.ndarray}. """ domains: dict[str, list] = {entry.composition.reduced_formula: [] for entry in self._hyperplane_entries} entries = self._hyperplane_entries for intersection, facet in zip(self.hs_int.intersections, self.hs_int.dual_facets): for v in facet: if v not in self._border_hyperplane_indices: this_entry = entries[v] formula = this_entry.composition.reduced_formula domains[formula].append(intersection) return {k: np.array(v) for k, v in domains.items() if v} def _get_hyperplanes_and_entries(self) -> tuple[np.ndarray, list[PDEntry]]: """Returns both the array of hyperplanes, as well as a list of the minimum entries. """ data = np.array([self._get_hyperplane(e) for e in self._min_entries]) vec = [self.el_refs[el].energy_per_atom for el in self.elements] + [1] form_e =, vec) inds = np.where(form_e < -PhaseDiagram.formation_energy_tol)[0].tolist() inds.extend([self._min_entries.index(el) for el in self.el_refs.values()]) hyperplanes = data[inds] hyperplane_entries = [self._min_entries[i] for i in inds] return hyperplanes, hyperplane_entries def _get_hyperplane(self, entry): return np.array([entry.composition.get_atomic_fraction(el) for el in self.elements] + [-entry.energy_per_atom]) def _get_metastable_domain(self, formula, tol=1e-5): """Returns the metastable domain for a given formula. Tol is passed to GibbsEntrySet.get_stabilized_entry and will affect the size of the domain. """ if formula in self._metastable_domains: return self._metastable_domains[formula] orig_entry = self._entry_set.get_min_entry_by_formula(formula) new_entry = self._entry_set.get_stabilized_entry(orig_entry, tol=tol) self._entry_set.add(new_entry) cpd = ChemicalPotentialDiagram(self._entry_set, default_min_limit=-500) try: metastable_domain =[formula] except KeyError as exc: # sometimes if the entry is exactly on the hull it fails, so set force=True # and make bigger tolerance self._entry_set.remove(new_entry) new_entry = self._entry_set.get_stabilized_entry(orig_entry, tol=1e-2, force=True) self._entry_set.add(new_entry) cpd = ChemicalPotentialDiagram(self._entry_set, default_min_limit=-500) try: metastable_domain =[formula] except KeyError: raise ValueError( f"Failed even after attempted fix. Metastable domain for {formula} can not be created!" ) from exc self._metastable_domains[formula] = metastable_domain self._entry_set.remove(new_entry) return metastable_domain @staticmethod def _get_distance_between_parallel_hyperplanes(a, delta_b): """Returns the distance between two parallel hyperplanes.""" return np.abs(delta_b) / np.linalg.norm(a)