Source code for rxn_network.pathways.solver

"""Implements a reaction pathway solver class which efficiently solves mass balance
equations using matrix operations.

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABCMeta
from copy import deepcopy
from itertools import combinations
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import numpy as np
import ray
from monty.json import MSONable
from numba import jit
from pymatgen.core.composition import Element
from tqdm import tqdm

from rxn_network.core import Composition
from rxn_network.entries.entry_set import GibbsEntrySet
from rxn_network.enumerators.basic import BasicEnumerator, BasicOpenEnumerator
from rxn_network.enumerators.minimize import MinimizeGibbsEnumerator, MinimizeGrandPotentialEnumerator
from rxn_network.pathways.balanced import BalancedPathway
from rxn_network.pathways.pathway_set import PathwaySet
from rxn_network.reactions.computed import ComputedReaction
from import OpenComputedReaction
from rxn_network.reactions.reaction_set import ReactionSet
from rxn_network.utils.funcs import get_logger, grouper
from rxn_network.utils.ray import initialize_ray, to_iterator

    from rxn_network.costs.base import CostFunction
    from rxn_network.pathways.base import Pathway
    from rxn_network.reactions.base import Reaction

logger = get_logger(__name__)

[docs] class Solver(MSONable, metaclass=ABCMeta): """Base definition for a pathway solver class.""" def __init__(self, pathways: PathwaySet): """ Args: pathways: A PathwaySet object containing the pathways to be combined/balanced. """ self._pathways = pathways rxns = [] costs = [] for path in self._pathways.paths: for rxn, cost in zip(path.reactions, path.costs): if rxn not in rxns: rxns.append(rxn) costs.append(cost) self._reactions = rxns self._costs = costs @property def pathways(self) -> list[Pathway]: """Pathways used in solver class.""" return self._pathways @property def reactions(self) -> list[Reaction]: """Reactions used in solver class.""" return self._reactions @property def costs(self) -> list[float]: """Costs used in solver class.""" return self._costs @property def num_rxns(self) -> int: """Length of the reaction list.""" return len(self.reactions) @property def num_entries(self) -> int: """Length of entry list.""" return len(self._entries)
[docs] class PathwaySolver(Solver): """Solver that implements an efficient method (using numba) for finding balanced reaction pathways from a list of graph-derived reaction pathways (i.e. a list of lists of reactions). If you use this code in your own work, please consider citing this paper: McDermott, M. J.; Dwaraknath, S. S.; Persson, K. A. A Graph-Based Network for Predicting Chemical Reaction Pathways in Solid-State Materials Synthesis. Nature Communications 2021, 12 (1), 3097. """ def __init__( self, pathways: PathwaySet, entries: GibbsEntrySet, cost_function: CostFunction, open_elem: str | Element | None = None, chempot: float = 0.0, chunk_size: int = 100000, batch_size: int | None = None, ): """ Args: pathways: List of reaction pathways derived from the network. entries: GibbsEntrySet containing all entries in the network. cost_function: CostFunction object to use for the solver. open_elem: Optional element to use for pathways with an open element. chempot: Chemical potential to use for pathways with an open element. Defaults to 0.0. chunk_size: The number of pathways per chunk to use for balancing. Defaults to 100,000. batch_size: Number of chunks to submit to each CPU at a time. Automatically calculated if not set. """ super().__init__(pathways=deepcopy(pathways)) self._entries = entries self.cost_function = cost_function self.open_elem = Element(open_elem) if open_elem else None self.chempot = chempot self.chunk_size = chunk_size self.batch_size = batch_size
[docs] def solve( self, net_rxn: ComputedReaction | OpenComputedReaction, max_num_combos: int = 4, find_intermediate_rxns: bool = True, intermediate_rxn_energy_cutoff: float = 0.0, use_basic_enumerator: bool = True, use_minimize_enumerator: bool = False, filter_interdependent: bool = True, ) -> PathwaySet: """Args: net_rxn: The reaction representing the total reaction from precursors to final targets. max_num_combos: The maximum allowable size of the balanced reaction pathway. At values <=5, the solver will start to take a significant amount of time to run. find_intermediate_rxns: Whether to find intermediate reactions; crucial for finding pathways where intermediates react together, as these reactions may not occur in the graph-derived pathways. Defaults to True. intermediate_rxn_energy_cutoff: An energy cutoff by which to filter down intermediate reactions. This can be useful when there are a large number of possible intermediates. < 0 means allow only exergonic reactions. use_basic_enumerator: Whether to use the BasicEnumerator to find intermediate reactions. Defaults to True. use_minimize_enumerator: Whether to use the MinimizeGibbsEnumerator to find intermediate reactions. Defaults to False. filter_interdependent: Whether or not to filter out pathways where reaction steps are interdependent. Defaults to True. Returns: A list of BalancedPathway objects. """ if not net_rxn.balanced: raise ValueError("Net reaction must be balanceable to find all reaction pathways.") if not ray.is_initialized(): initialize_ray() entries_copy = deepcopy(self.entries) entries = entries_copy.entries_list num_entries = len(entries) reactions = deepcopy(self.reactions) costs = deepcopy(self.costs) precursors = deepcopy(net_rxn.reactant_entries) targets = deepcopy(net_rxn.product_entries)"Net reaction: {net_rxn} \n") if find_intermediate_rxns:"Identifying reactions between intermediates...") intermediate_rxns = self._find_intermediate_rxns( targets, intermediate_rxn_energy_cutoff, use_basic_enumerator, use_minimize_enumerator, ) intermediate_costs = [self.cost_function.evaluate(r) for r in intermediate_rxns.get_rxns()] for r, c in zip(intermediate_rxns, intermediate_costs): if r not in reactions: reactions.append(r) costs.append(c) clean_r_set = ReactionSet.from_rxns(reactions, filter_duplicates=True) cleaned_reactions, cleaned_costs = zip( *[(r, c) for r, c in zip(reactions, costs) if r in clean_r_set and r != net_rxn] ) net_rxn_vector = net_rxn.get_entry_idx_vector(num_entries) num_rxns = len(cleaned_reactions) num_cpus = ray.cluster_resources()["CPU"] batch_size = self.batch_size or num_cpus - 1 net_coeff_filter = np.argwhere(net_rxn_vector != 0).flatten() net_coeff_filter = ray.put(net_coeff_filter) cleaned_reactions_ref = ray.put(cleaned_reactions) comp_matrices = {n: [] for n in range(1, max_num_combos + 1)} # type: ignore comp_matrices_refs_dict = {} # type: ignore for n in range(1, max_num_combos + 1): comp_matrices_refs_dict[n] = [] for group in grouper(combinations(range(num_rxns), n), self.chunk_size): comp_matrices_refs_dict[n].append( _create_comp_matrices.remote(group, cleaned_reactions_ref, num_entries, net_coeff_filter) )"Building comp matrices...") num_objs = sum(len(i) for i in comp_matrices_refs_dict.values()) # type: ignore with tqdm(total=num_objs) as pbar: for n, comp_matrices_refs in comp_matrices_refs_dict.items(): for comp_matrices_ref in to_iterator(comp_matrices_refs): pbar.update(1) comp_matrices[n].append(comp_matrices_ref) comp_matrices[n] = np.concatenate(comp_matrices[n]) if not comp_matrices[n].any(): # type: ignore del comp_matrices[n]"Comp matrices done...") num_cpu_jobs = 0 c_m_mats = [] c_m_mats_refs = [] num_jobs = sum(len(val) // self.chunk_size + 1 for val in comp_matrices.values()) num_batches = int(num_jobs // batch_size + 1) batch_count = 1 for n, comp_matrix in comp_matrices.items(): if n >= 4: num_splits = len(comp_matrix) // self.chunk_size + 1 splits = np.array_split(comp_matrix, num_splits) else: splits = [comp_matrix] # only submit one job for small n for group in splits: if len(group) == 0: # catch empty matrices continue path_balancer = _balance_path_arrays_cpu_wrapper num_cpu_jobs += 1 c_m_mats_refs.append( path_balancer.remote( group, net_rxn_vector, ) ) if len(c_m_mats_refs) >= batch_size: for c_m_mats_ref in tqdm( to_iterator(c_m_mats_refs), total=len(c_m_mats_refs), desc=(f"{self.__class__.__name__} (Batch {batch_count}/{num_batches})"), ): c_m_mats.append(c_m_mats_ref) # noqa: PERF402 batch_count += 1 num_cpu_jobs = 0 c_m_mats_refs = [] for c_m_mats_ref in tqdm( to_iterator(c_m_mats_refs), total=len(c_m_mats_refs), desc=f"{self.__class__.__name__} (Batch {batch_count}/{num_batches})", ): c_m_mats.append(c_m_mats_ref) # noqa: PERF402 c_mats, m_mats = zip(*c_m_mats) c_mats = [mat for mats in c_mats for mat in mats if mat is not None] # type: ignore m_mats = [mat for mats in m_mats for mat in mats if mat is not None] # type: ignore paths = [] for c_mat, m_mat in zip(c_mats, m_mats): path_rxns = [] path_costs = [] for rxn_mat in c_mat: ents, coeffs = zip(*[(entries[idx], c) for idx, c in enumerate(rxn_mat) if not np.isclose(c, 0.0)]) if self.open_elem is not None: rxn = OpenComputedReaction( entries=ents, coefficients=coeffs, chempots={self.open_elem: self.chempot}, ) else: rxn = ComputedReaction(entries=ents, coefficients=coeffs) try: path_rxns.append(rxn) path_costs.append(cleaned_costs[cleaned_reactions.index(rxn)]) except Exception as e: print(e) continue p = BalancedPathway(path_rxns, m_mat.flatten(), path_costs, balanced=True) paths.append(p) filtered_paths = [] if filter_interdependent: precursor_comps = [p.composition for p in precursors] for p in paths: interdependent = p.contains_interdependent_rxns(precursor_comps) if not interdependent: filtered_paths.append(p) else: filtered_paths = paths filtered_paths = sorted(set(filtered_paths), key=lambda p: p.average_cost) return PathwaySet.from_paths(filtered_paths)
def _find_intermediate_rxns( self, targets, energy_cutoff, use_basic_enumerator, use_minimize_enumerator, ): """Method for finding intermediate reactions using enumerators and specified settings. """ intermediates = {e for rxn in self.reactions for e in rxn.entries} intermediates = GibbsEntrySet( list(intermediates) + targets, ) target_formulas = [e.composition.reduced_formula for e in targets] ref_elems = {e for e in self.entries if e.is_element} intermediates = intermediates | ref_elems rxn_set = ReactionSet( intermediates.entries_list, {}, {}, open_elem=self.open_elem, chempot=self.chempot, all_data={}, ) if use_basic_enumerator: be = BasicEnumerator(targets=target_formulas) rxn_set = rxn_set.add_rxn_set(be.enumerate(intermediates)) if self.open_elem: boe = BasicOpenEnumerator( open_phases=[Composition(str(self.open_elem)).reduced_formula], targets=target_formulas, ) rxn_set = rxn_set.add_rxn_set(boe.enumerate(intermediates)) if use_minimize_enumerator: mge = MinimizeGibbsEnumerator( targets=target_formulas, ) rxn_set = rxn_set.add_rxn_set(mge.enumerate(intermediates)) if self.open_elem: mgpe = MinimizeGrandPotentialEnumerator( open_elem=self.open_elem, mu=self.chempot, targets=target_formulas, ) rxn_set.add_rxn_set(mgpe.enumerate(intermediates)) rxns = list(filter(lambda x: x.energy_per_atom < energy_cutoff, rxn_set)) rxns = [r for r in rxns if all(e in intermediates for e in r.entries)] num_rxns = len(rxns) rxns = ReactionSet.from_rxns(rxns, filter_duplicates=True)"Found {num_rxns} intermediate reactions! \n") return rxns @property def entries(self) -> GibbsEntrySet: """Entry set used in solver.""" return self._entries
@jit(nopython=True) def _balance_path_arrays_cpu( comp_matrices: np.ndarray, net_coeffs: np.ndarray, tol: float = 1e-6, ) -> tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]: """Fast solution for reaction multiplicities via mass balance stochiometric constraints. Parallelized using Numba JIT. Can be applied to large batches (100K-1M sets of reactions at a time.). Args: comp_matrices: Array containing stoichiometric coefficients of all compositions in all reactions, for each trial combination. net_coeffs: Array containing stoichiometric coefficients of net reaction. tol: numerical tolerance for determining if a multiplicity is zero (i.e., if reaction was removed). """ shape = comp_matrices.shape net_coeff_filter = np.argwhere(net_coeffs != 0).flatten() len_net_coeff_filter = len(net_coeff_filter) all_multiplicities = np.zeros((shape[0], shape[1]), np.float64) indices = np.full(shape[0], fill_value=False) for i in range(shape[0]): correct = True for j in range(len_net_coeff_filter): idx = net_coeff_filter[j] if not comp_matrices[i][:, idx].any(): correct = False break if not correct: continue comp_pinv = np.linalg.pinv(comp_matrices[i]).T multiplicities = comp_pinv @ net_coeffs solved_coeffs = comp_matrices[i].T @ multiplicities if (multiplicities < tol).any(): continue if not (np.abs(solved_coeffs - net_coeffs) <= (1e-08 + 1e-05 * np.abs(net_coeffs))).all(): continue all_multiplicities[i] = multiplicities indices[i] = True filtered_indices = np.argwhere(indices != 0).flatten() length = filtered_indices.shape[0] filtered_comp_matrices = np.empty((length, shape[1], shape[2]), np.float64) filtered_multiplicities = np.empty((length, shape[1]), np.float64) for i in range(length): idx = filtered_indices[i] filtered_comp_matrices[i] = comp_matrices[idx] filtered_multiplicities[i] = all_multiplicities[idx] return filtered_comp_matrices, filtered_multiplicities @ray.remote def _create_comp_matrices(combos, rxns, num_entries, net_coeff_filter): """Create array of stoichiometric coefficients for each reaction.""" comp_matrices = np.stack( [np.vstack([rxns[r].get_entry_idx_vector(num_entries) for r in combo]) for combo in combos if combo] ) # filter bad matrices return comp_matrices[comp_matrices[:, :, net_coeff_filter].any(axis=1).all(axis=1)] @ray.remote def _balance_path_arrays_cpu_wrapper( comp_matrices, net_rxn_vector, ): """Wraps pathway balancing method with ray.remote decorator.""" return _balance_path_arrays_cpu(comp_matrices, net_rxn_vector)