Source code for pymatgen.db.creator

This module defines a Drone to assimilate vasp data and insert it into a
Mongo database.

import datetime
import glob
import json
import logging
import os
import re
import socket
import string
import zlib
from collections import OrderedDict
from fnmatch import fnmatch

import gridfs
import numpy as np
from import zopen
from monty.json import MontyEncoder
from pymongo import MongoClient
from pymatgen.analysis.bond_valence import BVAnalyzer
from pymatgen.analysis.local_env import VoronoiNN
from pymatgen.analysis.structure_analyzer import oxide_type
from pymatgen.apps.borg.hive import AbstractDrone
from pymatgen.core.composition import Composition
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
from pymatgen.entries.computed_entries import ComputedEntry
from pymatgen.ext.matproj import MPRester
from import CifWriter
from import Incar, Kpoints, Oszicar, Outcar, Poscar, Potcar, Vasprun
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer

__author__ = "Shyue Ping Ong"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012, The Materials Project"
__version__ = "2.0.0"
__maintainer__ = "Shyue Ping Ong"
__email__ = ""
__date__ = "Mar 18, 2012"

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class VaspToDbTaskDrone(AbstractDrone): """ VaspToDbTaskDrone assimilates directories containing vasp input to inserted db tasks. This drone is meant ot be used with pymatgen's BorgQueen to assimilate entire directory structures and insert them into a database using Python's multiprocessing. The current format assumes standard VASP relaxation runs. If you have other kinds of runs, you may design your own Drone class based on this one. There are some restrictions on the valid directory structures: 1. There can be only one vasp run in each directory. Nested directories are fine. 2. Directories designated "relax1", "relax2" are considered to be 2 parts of an aflow style run. 3. Directories containing vasp output with ".relax1" and ".relax2" are also considered as 2 parts of an aflow style run. """ # Version of this db creator document. __version__ = "2.0.0" def __init__( self, host="", port=27017, database="vasp", user=None, password=None, collection="tasks", parse_dos=False, compress_dos=False, parse_projected_eigen=False, simulate_mode=False, additional_fields=None, update_duplicates=True, mapi_key=None, use_full_uri=True, runs=None, ): """Constructor. Args: host: Hostname of database machine. Defaults to or localhost. port: Port for db access. Defaults to mongo's default of 27017. database: Actual database to access. Defaults to "vasp". user: User for db access. Requires write access. Defaults to None, which means no authentication. password: Password for db access. Requires write access. Defaults to None, which means no authentication. collection: Collection to query. Defaults to "tasks". parse_dos: Whether to parse the DOS data. Options are True, False, and 'final' Defaults to False. If True, all dos will be inserted into a gridfs collection called dos_fs. If 'final', only the last calculation will be parsed. parse_projected_eigen: Whether to parse the element and orbital projections. Options are True, False, and 'final'; Defaults to False. If True, projections will be parsed for each calculation. If 'final', projections for only the last calculation will be parsed. compress_dos: Whether to compress the DOS data. Valid options are integers 1-9, corresponding to zlib compression level. 1 is usually adequate. simulate_mode: Allows one to simulate db insertion without actually performing the insertion. additional_fields: Dict specifying additional fields to append to each doc inserted into the collection. For example, allows one to add an author or tags to a whole set of runs for example. update_duplicates: If True, if a duplicate path exists in the collection, the entire doc is updated. Else, duplicates are skipped. mapi_key: A Materials API key. If this key is supplied, the insertion code will attempt to use the Materials REST API to calculate stability data for inserted calculations. Stability assessment requires a large quantity of materials data. E.g., to compute the stability of a new LixFeyOz calculation, you need to the energies of all known phases in the Li-Fe-O chemical system. Using the Materials API, we can obtain the pre-calculated data from the Materials Project. Go to to generate or obtain your API key. use_full_uri: Whether to use full uri path (including hostname) for the directory name. Defaults to True. If False, only the abs path will be used. runs: Ordered list of runs to look for e.g. ["relax1", "relax2"]. Automatically detects whether the runs are stored in the subfolder or file extension schema. """ = host self.database = database self.user = user self.password = password self.collection = collection self.port = port self.simulate = simulate_mode if isinstance(parse_dos, str) and parse_dos != "final": raise ValueError("Invalid value for parse_dos") if isinstance(parse_projected_eigen, str) and parse_projected_eigen != "final": raise ValueError("Invalid value for parse_projected_eigen") self.parse_projected_eigen = parse_projected_eigen self.parse_dos = parse_dos self.compress_dos = compress_dos self.additional_fields = additional_fields or {} self.update_duplicates = update_duplicates self.mapi_key = mapi_key self.use_full_uri = use_full_uri self.runs = runs or ["relax1", "relax2"] if not simulate_mode: conn = MongoClient(, self.port) db = conn[self.database] if self.user: db.authenticate(self.user, self.password) if db.counter.count_documents({"_id": "taskid"}) == 0: db.counter.insert_one({"_id": "taskid", "c": 1})
[docs] def assimilate(self, path): """ Parses vasp runs. Then insert the result into the db. and return the task_id or doc of the insertion. Returns: If in simulate_mode, the entire doc is returned for debugging purposes. Else, only the task_id of the inserted doc is returned. """ try: d = self.get_task_doc(path) if self.mapi_key is not None and d["state"] == "successful": self.calculate_stability(d) tid = self._insert_doc(d) return tid except Exception: import traceback logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) return False
[docs] def calculate_stability(self, d): """ Calculate the stability (e_above_hull and decomposes_to) for a entry dict. """ m = MPRester(self.mapi_key) functional = d["pseudo_potential"]["functional"] syms = [f"{functional} {l}" for l in d["pseudo_potential"]["labels"]] entry = ComputedEntry( Composition(d["unit_cell_formula"]), d["output"]["final_energy"], parameters={"hubbards": d["hubbards"], "potcar_symbols": syms}, ) data = m.get_stability([entry])[0] for k in ("e_above_hull", "decomposes_to"): d["analysis"][k] = data[k]
[docs] def get_task_doc(self, path): """ Get the entire task doc for a path, including any post-processing. """"Getting task doc for base dir :{path}") files = os.listdir(path) vasprun_files = OrderedDict() if "STOPCAR" in files: # Stopped runs. Try to parse as much as possible. + " contains stopped run") for r in self.runs: if r in files: # try subfolder schema for f in os.listdir(os.path.join(path, r)): if fnmatch(f, "vasprun.xml*"): vasprun_files[r] = os.path.join(r, f) else: # try extension schema for f in files: if fnmatch(f, f"vasprun.xml.{r}*"): vasprun_files[r] = f if len(vasprun_files) == 0: for f in files: # get any vasprun from the folder if fnmatch(f, "vasprun.xml*") and f not in vasprun_files.values(): vasprun_files["standard"] = f if len(vasprun_files) > 0: d = self.generate_doc(path, vasprun_files) if not d: d = self.process_killed_run(path) self.post_process(path, d) elif (not (path.endswith("relax1") or path.endswith("relax2"))) and contains_vasp_input(path): # If not Materials Project style, process as a killed run. logger.warning(path + " contains killed run") d = self.process_killed_run(path) self.post_process(path, d) else: raise ValueError("No VASP files found!") return d
def _insert_doc(self, d): if not self.simulate: # Perform actual insertion into db. Because db connections cannot # be pickled, every insertion needs to create a new connection # to the db. conn = MongoClient(, self.port) db = conn[self.database] if self.user: db.authenticate(self.user, self.password) coll = db[self.collection] # Insert dos data into gridfs and then remove it from the dict. # DOS data tends to be above the 4Mb limit for mongo docs. A ref # to the dos file is in the dos_fs_id. result = coll.find_one({"dir_name": d["dir_name"]}, ["dir_name", "task_id"]) if result is None or self.update_duplicates: if self.parse_dos and "calculations" in d: for calc in d["calculations"]: if "dos" in calc: dos = json.dumps(calc["dos"], cls=MontyEncoder) if self.compress_dos: dos = zlib.compress(dos.encode("utf-8"), self.compress_dos) calc["dos_compression"] = "zlib" fs = gridfs.GridFS(db, "dos_fs") dosid = fs.put(dos) calc["dos_fs_id"] = dosid del calc["dos"] d["last_updated"] = if result is None: if ("task_id" not in d) or (not d["task_id"]): result = db.counter.find_one_and_update(filter={"_id": "taskid"}, update={"$inc": {"c": 1}}) d["task_id"] = result["c"]"Inserting {d['dir_name']} with taskid = {d['task_id']}") elif self.update_duplicates: d["task_id"] = result["task_id"]"Updating {d['dir_name']} with taskid = {d['task_id']}") coll.update_one({"dir_name": d["dir_name"]}, {"$set": d}, upsert=True) return d["task_id"]"Skipping duplicate {d['dir_name']}") else: d["task_id"] = 0"Simulated insert into database for {d['dir_name']} with task_id {d['task_id']}") return d return None
[docs] def post_process(self, dir_name, d): """ Simple post-processing for various files other than the vasprun.xml. Called by generate_task_doc. Modify this if your runs have other kinds of processing requirements. Args: dir_name: The dir_name. d: Current doc generated. """"Post-processing dir:{dir_name}") fullpath = os.path.abspath(dir_name) # VASP input generated by pymatgen's alchemy has a # transformations.json file that keeps track of the origin of a # particular structure. This is extremely useful for tracing back a # result. If such a file is found, it is inserted into the task doc # as d["transformations"] transformations = {} filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(fullpath, "transformations.json*")) if len(filenames) >= 1: with zopen(filenames[0], "rt") as f: transformations = json.load(f) try: m = re.match(r"(\d+)-ICSD", transformations["history"][0]["source"]) if m: d["icsd_id"] = int( except Exception: logger.warning("Cannot parse ICSD from transformations " "file.") pass else: logger.warning("Transformations file does not exist.") other_parameters = transformations.get("other_parameters") new_tags = None if other_parameters: # We don't want to leave tags or authors in the # transformations file because they'd be copied into # every structure generated after this one. new_tags = other_parameters.pop("tags", None) new_author = other_parameters.pop("author", None) if new_author: d["author"] = new_author if not other_parameters: # if dict is now empty remove it transformations.pop("other_parameters") d["transformations"] = transformations # Calculations done using custodian has a custodian.json, # which tracks the jobs performed and any errors detected and fixed. # This is useful for tracking what has actually be done to get a # result. If such a file is found, it is inserted into the task doc # as d["custodian"] filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(fullpath, "custodian.json*")) if len(filenames) >= 1: with zopen(filenames[0], "rt") as f: d["custodian"] = json.load(f) # Parse OUTCAR for additional information and run stats that are # generally not in vasprun.xml. try: run_stats = {} for filename in glob.glob(os.path.join(fullpath, "OUTCAR*")): outcar = Outcar(filename) i = 1 if"relax2", filename) else 0 taskname = "relax2" if"relax2", filename) else "relax1" d["calculations"][i]["output"]["outcar"] = outcar.as_dict() run_stats[taskname] = outcar.run_stats except Exception: logger.error(f"Bad OUTCAR for {fullpath}.") try: overall_run_stats = {} for key in [ "Total CPU time used (sec)", "User time (sec)", "System time (sec)", "Elapsed time (sec)", ]: overall_run_stats[key] = sum(v[key] for v in run_stats.values()) run_stats["overall"] = overall_run_stats except Exception: logger.error(f"Bad run stats for {fullpath}.") d["run_stats"] = run_stats # Convert to full uri path. if self.use_full_uri: d["dir_name"] = get_uri(dir_name) if new_tags: d["tags"] = new_tags"Post-processed " + fullpath)
[docs] def process_killed_run(self, dir_name): # pylint: disable=R0201 """ Process a killed vasp run. """ fullpath = os.path.abspath(dir_name)"Processing Killed run " + fullpath) d = {"dir_name": fullpath, "state": "killed", "oszicar": {}} for f in os.listdir(dir_name): filename = os.path.join(dir_name, f) if fnmatch(f, "INCAR*"): try: incar = Incar.from_file(filename) d["incar"] = incar.as_dict() d["is_hubbard"] = incar.get("LDAU", False) if d["is_hubbard"]: us = np.array(incar.get("LDAUU", [])) js = np.array(incar.get("LDAUJ", [])) if sum(us - js) == 0: d["is_hubbard"] = False d["hubbards"] = {} else: d["hubbards"] = {} if d["is_hubbard"]: d["run_type"] = "GGA+U" elif incar.get("LHFCALC", False): d["run_type"] = "HF" else: d["run_type"] = "GGA" except Exception as ex: print(str(ex)) logger.error(f"Unable to parse INCAR for killed run {dir_name}.") elif fnmatch(f, "KPOINTS*"): try: kpoints = Kpoints.from_file(filename) d["kpoints"] = kpoints.as_dict() except Exception: logger.error(f"Unable to parse KPOINTS for killed run {dir_name}.") elif fnmatch(f, "POSCAR*"): try: s = Poscar.from_file(filename).structure comp = s.composition el_amt = s.composition.get_el_amt_dict() d.update( { "unit_cell_formula": comp.as_dict(), "reduced_cell_formula": comp.to_reduced_dict, "elements": list(el_amt.keys()), "nelements": len(el_amt), "pretty_formula": comp.reduced_formula, "anonymous_formula": comp.anonymized_formula, "nsites": comp.num_atoms, "chemsys": "-".join(sorted(el_amt.keys())), } ) d["poscar"] = s.as_dict() except Exception: logger.error(f"Unable to parse POSCAR for killed run {dir_name}.") elif fnmatch(f, "POTCAR*"): try: potcar = Potcar.from_file(filename) d["pseudo_potential"] = { "functional": potcar.functional.lower(), "pot_type": "paw", "labels": potcar.symbols, } except Exception: logger.error(f"Unable to parse POTCAR for killed run in {dir_name}.") elif fnmatch(f, "OSZICAR"): try: d["oszicar"]["root"] = Oszicar(os.path.join(dir_name, f)).as_dict() except Exception: logger.error(f"Unable to parse OSZICAR for killed run in {dir_name}.") elif re.match(r"relax\d", f): if os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_name, f, "OSZICAR")): try: d["oszicar"][f] = Oszicar(os.path.join(dir_name, f, "OSZICAR")).as_dict() except Exception: logger.error(f"Unable to parse OSZICAR for killed run in {dir_name}.") return d
[docs] def process_vasprun(self, dir_name, taskname, filename): """ Process a vasprun.xml file. """ vasprun_file = os.path.join(dir_name, filename) parse_projected_eigen = self.parse_projected_eigen and ( self.parse_projected_eigen != "final" or taskname == self.runs[-1] ) r = Vasprun(vasprun_file, parse_projected_eigen=parse_projected_eigen) d = r.as_dict() d["dir_name"] = os.path.abspath(dir_name) d["completed_at"] = str(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(os.path.getmtime(vasprun_file))) d["cif"] = str(CifWriter(r.final_structure)) d["density"] = r.final_structure.density if self.parse_dos and (self.parse_dos != "final" or taskname == self.runs[-1]): try: d["dos"] = r.complete_dos.as_dict() except Exception: logger.warning(f"No valid dos data exist in {dir_name}.\n Skipping dos") if taskname in ("relax1", "relax2"): d["task"] = {"type": "aflow", "name": taskname} else: d["task"] = {"type": taskname, "name": taskname} d["oxide_type"] = oxide_type(r.final_structure) return d
[docs] def generate_doc(self, dir_name, vasprun_files): """ Process aflow style runs, where each run is actually a combination of two vasp runs. """ try: fullpath = os.path.abspath(dir_name) # Defensively copy the additional fields first. This is a MUST. # Otherwise, parallel updates will see the same object and inserts # will be overridden!! d = dict(self.additional_fields.items()) d["dir_name"] = fullpath d["schema_version"] = VaspToDbTaskDrone.__version__ d["calculations"] = [ self.process_vasprun(dir_name, taskname, filename) for taskname, filename in vasprun_files.items() ] d1 = d["calculations"][0] d2 = d["calculations"][-1] # Now map some useful info to the root level. for root_key in [ "completed_at", "nsites", "unit_cell_formula", "reduced_cell_formula", "pretty_formula", "elements", "nelements", "cif", "density", "is_hubbard", "hubbards", "run_type", ]: d[root_key] = d2[root_key] d["chemsys"] = "-".join(sorted(d2["elements"])) # store any overrides to the exchange correlation functional xc = d2["input"]["incar"].get("GGA") if xc: xc = xc.upper() d["input"] = { "crystal": d1["input"]["crystal"], "is_lasph": d2["input"]["incar"].get("LASPH", False), "potcar_spec": d1["input"].get("potcar_spec"), "xc_override": xc, } vals = sorted(d2["reduced_cell_formula"].values()) d["anonymous_formula"] = {string.ascii_uppercase[i]: float(vals[i]) for i in range(len(vals))} d["output"] = { "crystal": d2["output"]["crystal"], "final_energy": d2["output"]["final_energy"], "final_energy_per_atom": d2["output"]["final_energy_per_atom"], } d["name"] = "aflow" p = d2["input"]["potcar_type"][0].split("_") pot_type = p[0] functional = "lda" if len(pot_type) == 1 else "_".join(p[1:]) d["pseudo_potential"] = { "functional": functional.lower(), "pot_type": pot_type.lower(), "labels": d2["input"]["potcar"], } if len(d["calculations"]) == len(self.runs) or list(vasprun_files.keys())[0] != "relax1": d["state"] = "successful" if d2["has_vasp_completed"] else "unsuccessful" else: d["state"] = "stopped" d["analysis"] = get_basic_analysis_and_error_checks(d) sg = SpacegroupAnalyzer(Structure.from_dict(d["output"]["crystal"]), 0.1) d["spacegroup"] = { "symbol": sg.get_space_group_symbol(), "number": sg.get_space_group_number(), "point_group": sg.get_point_group_symbol(), "source": "spglib", "crystal_system": sg.get_crystal_system(), "hall": sg.get_hall(), } d["oxide_type"] = d2["oxide_type"] d["last_updated"] = return d except Exception: import traceback print(traceback.format_exc()) logger.error("Error in " + os.path.abspath(dir_name) + ".\n" + traceback.format_exc()) return None
[docs] def get_valid_paths(self, path): """ There are some restrictions on the valid directory structures: 1. There can be only one vasp run in each directory. Nested directories are fine. 2. Directories designated "relax1", "relax2" are considered to be 2 parts of an aflow style run. 3. Directories containing vasp output with ".relax1" and ".relax2" are also considered as 2 parts of an aflow style run. """ (parent, subdirs, files) = path if set(self.runs).intersection(subdirs): return [parent] if ( not any(parent.endswith(os.sep + r) for r in self.runs) and len(glob.glob(os.path.join(parent, "vasprun.xml*"))) > 0 ): return [parent] return []
[docs] def convert(self, d): # pylint: disable=R0201 """ Just return the dict. """ return d
def __str__(self): return "VaspToDbDictDrone"
[docs] @classmethod def from_dict(cls, d): """ From dict """ return cls(**d["init_args"])
[docs] def as_dict(self): """ Dict representation. """ init_args = { "host":, "port": self.port, "database": self.database, "user": self.user, "password": self.password, "collection": self.collection, "parse_dos": self.parse_dos, "simulate_mode": self.simulate, "additional_fields": self.additional_fields, "update_duplicates": self.update_duplicates, } output = { "name": self.__class__.__name__, "init_args": init_args, "version": __version__, } return output
[docs]def get_basic_analysis_and_error_checks(d, max_force_threshold=0.5, volume_change_threshold=0.2): """ Generate basic analysis and error checks data for a run. """ initial_vol = d["input"]["crystal"]["lattice"]["volume"] final_vol = d["output"]["crystal"]["lattice"]["volume"] delta_vol = final_vol - initial_vol percent_delta_vol = delta_vol / initial_vol coord_num = get_coordination_numbers(d) calc = d["calculations"][-1] gap = calc["output"]["bandgap"] cbm = calc["output"]["cbm"] vbm = calc["output"]["vbm"] is_direct = calc["output"]["is_gap_direct"] warning_msgs = [] error_msgs = [] if abs(percent_delta_vol) > volume_change_threshold: warning_msgs.append(f"Volume change > {volume_change_threshold * 100}%") bv_struct = Structure.from_dict(d["output"]["crystal"]) try: bva = BVAnalyzer() bv_struct = bva.get_oxi_state_decorated_structure(bv_struct) except ValueError as e: logger.error(f"Valence cannot be determined due to {e}.") except Exception as ex: logger.error(f"BVAnalyzer error {str(ex)}.") max_force = None if d["state"] == "successful" and d["calculations"][0]["input"]["parameters"].get("NSW", 0) > 0: # handle the max force and max force error max_force = max(np.linalg.norm(a) for a in d["calculations"][-1]["output"]["ionic_steps"][-1]["forces"]) if max_force > max_force_threshold: error_msgs.append(f"Final max force exceeds {max_force_threshold} eV") d["state"] = "error" s = Structure.from_dict(d["output"]["crystal"]) if not s.is_valid(): error_msgs.append("Bad structure (atoms are too close!)") d["state"] = "error" return { "delta_volume": delta_vol, "max_force": max_force, "percent_delta_volume": percent_delta_vol, "warnings": warning_msgs, "errors": error_msgs, "coordination_numbers": coord_num, "bandgap": gap, "cbm": cbm, "vbm": vbm, "is_gap_direct": is_direct, "bv_structure": bv_struct.as_dict(), }
[docs]def contains_vasp_input(dir_name): """ Checks if a directory contains valid VASP input. Args: dir_name: Directory name to check. Returns: True if directory contains all four VASP input files (INCAR, POSCAR, KPOINTS and POTCAR). """ for f in ["INCAR", "POSCAR", "POTCAR", "KPOINTS"]: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_name, f)) and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(dir_name, f + ".orig")): return False return True
[docs]def get_coordination_numbers(d): """ Helper method to get the coordination number of all sites in the final structure from a run. Args: d: Run dict generated by VaspToDbTaskDrone. Returns: Coordination numbers as a list of dict of [{"site": site_dict, "coordination": number}, ...]. """ structure = Structure.from_dict(d["output"]["crystal"]) f = VoronoiNN() cn = [] for i, s in enumerate(structure.sites): try: n = f.get_cn(structure, i) number = int(round(n)) cn.append({"site": s.as_dict(), "coordination": number}) except Exception: logger.error("Unable to parse coordination errors") return cn
[docs]def get_uri(dir_name): """ Returns the URI path for a directory. This allows files hosted on different file servers to have distinct locations. Args: dir_name: A directory name. Returns: Full URI path, e.g., """ fullpath = os.path.abspath(dir_name) try: hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(socket.gethostname())[0] except Exception: hostname = socket.gethostname() return f"{hostname}:{fullpath}"