Source code for pymatgen.db.alchemy.transmuters

#!/usr/bin/env python

This module implements a version of pymatgen's Transmuter to generate
TransformedStructures from DB data sources. They enable the
high-throughput generation of new structures and input files.

__author__ = "Shyue Ping Ong"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2012, The Materials Project"
__version__ = "0.1"
__maintainer__ = "Shyue Ping Ong"
__email__ = ""
__date__ = "Mar 4, 2012"

import datetime

from pymatgen.alchemy.materials import TransformedStructure
from pymatgen.alchemy.transmuters import StandardTransmuter

[docs]class QeTransmuter(StandardTransmuter): """ The QeTransmuter uses a QueryEngine to retrieve and generate new structures from a database. """ def __init__(self, queryengine, criteria, transformations, extend_collection=0, ncores=None): """Constructor. Args: queryengine: QueryEngine object for database access criteria: A criteria to search on, which is passed to queryengine's get_entries method. transformations: New transformations to be applied to all structures extend_collection: Whether to use more than one output structure from one-to-many transformations. extend_collection can be a number, which determines the maximum branching for each transformation. ncores: Number of cores to use for applying transformations. Uses multiprocessing.Pool """ entries = queryengine.get_entries(criteria, inc_structure=True) source = f"{}:{queryengine.port}/{queryengine.database_name}/{queryengine.collection_name}" def get_history(entry): return [ { "source": source, "criteria": criteria, "entry": entry.as_dict(), "datetime": datetime.datetime.utcnow(), } ] transformed_structures = [ TransformedStructure(entry.structure, [], history=get_history(entry)) for entry in entries ] StandardTransmuter.__init__( self, transformed_structures, transformations=transformations, extend_collection=extend_collection, ncores=ncores, )