Source code for jobflow.utils.find

"""Tools for finding and replacing in dictionaries and other objects."""

from __future__ import annotations

import typing

if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
    from import Hashable
    from typing import Any

    from monty.json import MSONable

[docs] def find_key( d: dict[Hashable, Any] | list[Any], key: Hashable | type[MSONable], include_end: bool = False, nested: bool = False, ) -> list[list[Any]]: """ Find the route to key: value pairs in a dictionary. This function works on nested dictionaries, lists, and tuples. Parameters ---------- d A dict or list of dicts. key A dictionary key or MSONable class to locate. include_end Whether to include the key in the route. This has no effect if the key is an MSONable class. nested: Whether to return nested keys or stop at the first match. Returns ------- A list of routes to where the matches were found. Examples -------- >>> data = { ... "a": [0, {"b": 1, "x": 3}], ... "c": {"d": {"x": 3}} ... } >>> find_key(data, "x") [['a', 1], ['c', 'd']] >>> find_key(data, "x", include_end=True) [['a', 1, 'x'], ['c', 'd', 'x']] The ``nested`` argument can be used to control the behaviour of nested keys. >>> data = {"a": {"x": {"x": 1}}, "b": {"x": 0}} >>> find_key(data, "x", nested=False) [['a'], ['b']] >>> find_key(data, "x", nested=True) [['a'], ['a', 'x'], ['b']] """ import inspect from monty.json import MSONable found_items = set() def _lookup(obj, path=None): found = False if path is None: path = () if isinstance(obj, dict): if ( inspect.isclass(key) and issubclass(key, MSONable) and obj.get("@module") == key.__module__ and obj.get("@class") == key.__name__ ): found_items.add(path) found = True if key in obj: if include_end: found_items.add((*path, key)) else: found_items.add(path) found = True if not found or nested: for k, v in obj.items(): _lookup(v, (*path, k)) elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): for i, v in enumerate(obj): _lookup(v, (*path, i)) _lookup(d) return [list(path) for path in found_items]
[docs] def find_key_value( d: dict[Hashable, Any] | list[Any], key: Hashable, value: Hashable ) -> tuple[list[Any], ...]: """ Find the route to key: value pairs in a dictionary. This function works on nested dictionaries, lists, and tuples. Parameters ---------- d A dict or list of dicts. key A dictionary key. value A value. Returns ------- A tuple of routes to where the matches were found. Examples -------- >>> data = { ... "a": [0, {"b": 1, "x": 3}], ... "c": {"d": {"x": 3}} ... } ... find_key_value(data, "x", 3) (['a', 1], ['c', 'd']) """ found_items = set() def _lookup(obj, path=None): if path is None: path = () if isinstance(obj, dict): if key in obj and obj[key] == value: found_items.add(path) for k, v in obj.items(): _lookup(v, (*path, k)) elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): for i, v in enumerate(obj): _lookup(v, (*path, i)) _lookup(d) return tuple(list(path) for path in found_items)
[docs] def update_in_dictionary(obj: dict[Hashable, Any], updates: dict[tuple, Any]): """ Update a dictionary in place at specific locations with a new values. This function works on nested dictionaries and those containing lists or tuples. Parameters ---------- obj A dictionary to update. updates The updates to perform, as a dictionary of ``{location: update}``. Examples -------- >>> data = { ... "a": [0, {"b": 1, "x": 3}], ... "c": {"d": {"x": 3}} ... } >>> update_in_dictionary(data, {('a', 1, 'x'): 100, ('c', 'd', 'x'): 100}) >>> data {'a': [0, {'b': 1, 'x': 100}], 'c': {'d': {'x': 100}}} """ for loc, update in updates.items(): pos = obj for idx in loc[:-1]: pos = pos[idx] pos[loc[-1]] = update
[docs] def contains_flow_or_job(obj: Any) -> bool: """ Find whether an object contains any :obj:`Flow` or :obj:`Job` objects. Parameters ---------- obj An object. Returns ------- bool Whether the object contains any Flows or jobs. """ from monty.json import jsanitize from jobflow.core.flow import Flow from jobflow.core.job import Job if isinstance(obj, (Flow, Job)): # if the argument is an flow or job then stop there return True if isinstance(obj, (float, int, str, bool)): # argument is a primitive, we won't find an flow or job here return False obj = jsanitize(obj, strict=True, allow_bson=True) # recursively find any reference classes locations = find_key_value(obj, "@class", "Flow") locations += find_key_value(obj, "@class", "Job") return len(locations) > 0
[docs] def get_root_locations(locations): """Filter for the the lowest level locations. If a parent location is in the list, the child location is removed Parameters ---------- locations : list[list] A list of locations. Returns ------- list[list] A list of locations with only the lowest level locations. Example usage: >>> _get_root_locations([["a", "b"], ["a"], ["c", "d"]]) [["a"], ["c", "d"]] """ sorted_locs = sorted(locations, key=len) root_locations = [] for loc in sorted_locs: if any(loc[: len(rloc)] == rloc for rloc in root_locations): continue root_locations.append(loc) return root_locations