fireworks.user_objects.queue_adapters package¶
fireworks.user_objects.queue_adapters.common_adapter module¶
This module implements a CommonAdaptor that supports standard PBS and SGE queues.
- class fireworks.user_objects.queue_adapters.common_adapter.CommonAdapter(q_type, q_name=None, template_file=None, timeout=None, **kwargs)¶
An adapter that works on most PBS (including derivatives such as TORQUE), SGE, and SLURM queues.
- __init__(q_type, q_name=None, template_file=None, timeout=None, **kwargs) None ¶
Initializes a new QueueAdapter object.
- Parameters:
q_type (str) – The type of queue. Right now it should be either PBS, SGE, SLURM, Cobalt or LoadLeveler.
q_name (str, optional) – A name for the queue. Can be any string.
template_file (str, optional) – The path to the template file. Leave it as None (the default) to use Fireworks’ built-in templates for PBS and SGE, which should work on most queues.
timeout (int, optional) – The amount of seconds to wait before raising an error when checking the number of jobs in the queue. Default 5 seconds.
**kwargs – Series of keyword args for queue parameters.
- default_q_commands = {'Cobalt': {'status_cmd': 'qstat', 'submit_cmd': 'qsub'}, 'LoadLeveler': {'status_cmd': 'llq', 'submit_cmd': 'llsubmit'}, 'LoadSharingFacility': {'status_cmd': 'bjobs', 'submit_cmd': 'bsub'}, 'MOAB': {'status_cmd': 'showq', 'submit_cmd': 'msub'}, 'PBS': {'status_cmd': 'qstat', 'submit_cmd': 'qsub'}, 'SGE': {'status_cmd': 'qstat', 'submit_cmd': 'qsub'}, 'SLURM': {'status_cmd': 'squeue', 'submit_cmd': 'sbatch'}}¶
- classmethod from_dict(m_dict)¶
- get_njobs_in_queue(username=None)¶
returns the number of jobs currently in the queue for the user.
- Parameters:
username – (str) the username of the jobs to count (default is to autodetect)
- Returns:
(int) number of jobs in the queue
- submit_to_queue(script_file)¶
submits the job to the queue and returns the job id.
- Parameters:
script_file – (str) name of the script file to use (String)
- Returns:
(int) job_id
- to_dict(*args, **kwargs)¶
fireworks.user_objects.queue_adapters.pbs_newt_adapter module¶
- class fireworks.user_objects.queue_adapters.pbs_newt_adapter.PBSAdapterNEWT¶
A special PBS adapter that works via the NEWT interface ( Only intended for job submission via the RESTful NEWT web interface.
- defaults = {}¶
- get_njobs_in_queue(username=None)¶
Returns the number of jobs currently in the queue for the user.
- Parameters:
username (str) – the username of the jobs to count (default is to autodetect)
- Returns:
(int) number of jobs in the queue
- q_name = 'pbs_newt'¶
- resource = 'carver'¶
- submit_cmd = ''¶
- submit_to_queue(script_file)¶
Submits the job to the queue and returns the job id.
- Parameters:
script_file – (str) name of the script file to use (String)
- Returns:
(int) job_id
- template_file = '/Users/ajain/Documents/code_venvs/fireworks/fireworks/fireworks/user_objects/queue_adapters/PBS_template.txt'¶