fireworks.tests package¶
fireworks.tests.master_tests module¶
fireworks.tests.mongo_tests module¶
fireworks.tests.multiprocessing_tests module¶
- class fireworks.tests.multiprocessing_tests.TestCheckoutFW(methodName='runTest')¶
- lp = None¶
- classmethod setUpClass() None ¶
Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.
- class fireworks.tests.multiprocessing_tests.TestEarlyExit(methodName='runTest')¶
- lp = None¶
- classmethod setUpClass() None ¶
Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.
fireworks.tests.tasks module¶
TODO: Modify module doc.
- class fireworks.tests.tasks.DummyFWEnvTask(*args, **kwargs)¶
- run_task(fw_spec)¶
This method gets called when the Firetask is run. It can take in a Firework spec, perform some task using that data, and then return an output in the form of a FWAction.
- Parameters:
fw_spec (dict) – A Firework spec. This comes from the master spec. In addition, this spec contains a special “_fw_env” key that contains the env settings of the FWorker calling this method. This provides for abstracting out certain commands or settings. For example, “foo” may be named “foo1” in resource 1 and “foo2” in resource 2. The FWorker env can specify { “foo”: “foo1”}, which maps an abstract variable “foo” to the relevant “foo1” or “foo2”. You can then write a task that uses fw_spec[“_fw_env”][“foo”] that will work across all these multiple resources.
- Returns:
- class fireworks.tests.tasks.DummyJobPassTask(*args, **kwargs)¶
- run_task(fw_spec)¶
This method gets called when the Firetask is run. It can take in a Firework spec, perform some task using that data, and then return an output in the form of a FWAction.
- Parameters:
fw_spec (dict) – A Firework spec. This comes from the master spec. In addition, this spec contains a special “_fw_env” key that contains the env settings of the FWorker calling this method. This provides for abstracting out certain commands or settings. For example, “foo” may be named “foo1” in resource 1 and “foo2” in resource 2. The FWorker env can specify { “foo”: “foo1”}, which maps an abstract variable “foo” to the relevant “foo1” or “foo2”. You can then write a task that uses fw_spec[“_fw_env”][“foo”] that will work across all these multiple resources.
- Returns:
- class fireworks.tests.tasks.DummyLPTask(*args, **kwargs)¶
- run_task(fw_spec)¶
This method gets called when the Firetask is run. It can take in a Firework spec, perform some task using that data, and then return an output in the form of a FWAction.
- Parameters:
fw_spec (dict) – A Firework spec. This comes from the master spec. In addition, this spec contains a special “_fw_env” key that contains the env settings of the FWorker calling this method. This provides for abstracting out certain commands or settings. For example, “foo” may be named “foo1” in resource 1 and “foo2” in resource 2. The FWorker env can specify { “foo”: “foo1”}, which maps an abstract variable “foo” to the relevant “foo1” or “foo2”. You can then write a task that uses fw_spec[“_fw_env”][“foo”] that will work across all these multiple resources.
- Returns:
fireworks.tests.test_fw_config module¶
fireworks.tests.test_workflow module¶
- class fireworks.tests.test_workflow.TestWorkflowState(methodName='runTest')¶