fireworks.tests package


fireworks.tests.master_tests module

fireworks.tests.mongo_tests module

fireworks.tests.multiprocessing_tests module

class fireworks.tests.multiprocessing_tests.TestCheckoutFW(methodName='runTest')

Bases: TestCase

lp = None
setUp() None

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

classmethod setUpClass() None

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.

tearDown() None

Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.

classmethod tearDownClass() None

Hook method for deconstructing the class fixture after running all tests in the class.

test_checkout_fw() None
class fireworks.tests.multiprocessing_tests.TestEarlyExit(methodName='runTest')

Bases: TestCase

lp = None
setUp() None

Hook method for setting up the test fixture before exercising it.

classmethod setUpClass() None

Hook method for setting up class fixture before running tests in the class.

tearDown() None

Hook method for deconstructing the test fixture after testing it.

classmethod tearDownClass() None

Hook method for deconstructing the class fixture after running all tests in the class.

test_early_exit() None

Bases: TestCase

test_pickle() None

fireworks.tests.tasks module

TODO: Modify module doc.

class fireworks.tests.tasks.DummyFWEnvTask(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: FiretaskBase


This method gets called when the Firetask is run. It can take in a Firework spec, perform some task using that data, and then return an output in the form of a FWAction.


fw_spec (dict) – A Firework spec. This comes from the master spec. In addition, this spec contains a special “_fw_env” key that contains the env settings of the FWorker calling this method. This provides for abstracting out certain commands or settings. For example, “foo” may be named “foo1” in resource 1 and “foo2” in resource 2. The FWorker env can specify { “foo”: “foo1”}, which maps an abstract variable “foo” to the relevant “foo1” or “foo2”. You can then write a task that uses fw_spec[“_fw_env”][“foo”] that will work across all these multiple resources.



class fireworks.tests.tasks.DummyJobPassTask(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: FiretaskBase


This method gets called when the Firetask is run. It can take in a Firework spec, perform some task using that data, and then return an output in the form of a FWAction.


fw_spec (dict) – A Firework spec. This comes from the master spec. In addition, this spec contains a special “_fw_env” key that contains the env settings of the FWorker calling this method. This provides for abstracting out certain commands or settings. For example, “foo” may be named “foo1” in resource 1 and “foo2” in resource 2. The FWorker env can specify { “foo”: “foo1”}, which maps an abstract variable “foo” to the relevant “foo1” or “foo2”. You can then write a task that uses fw_spec[“_fw_env”][“foo”] that will work across all these multiple resources.



class fireworks.tests.tasks.DummyLPTask(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: FiretaskBase


This method gets called when the Firetask is run. It can take in a Firework spec, perform some task using that data, and then return an output in the form of a FWAction.


fw_spec (dict) – A Firework spec. This comes from the master spec. In addition, this spec contains a special “_fw_env” key that contains the env settings of the FWorker calling this method. This provides for abstracting out certain commands or settings. For example, “foo” may be named “foo1” in resource 1 and “foo2” in resource 2. The FWorker env can specify { “foo”: “foo1”}, which maps an abstract variable “foo” to the relevant “foo1” or “foo2”. You can then write a task that uses fw_spec[“_fw_env”][“foo”] that will work across all these multiple resources.



fireworks.tests.test_fw_config module

class fireworks.tests.test_fw_config.ConfigTest(methodName='runTest')

Bases: TestCase

test_config() None

fireworks.tests.test_workflow module

class fireworks.tests.test_workflow.TestWorkflowState(methodName='runTest')

Bases: TestCase

test_archived() None
test_completed() None
test_defused() None
test_fizzled_1() None
test_fizzled_2() None
test_fizzled_3() None
test_fizzled_4() None
test_fizzled_5() None
test_fizzled_6() None
test_paused() None
test_ready() None
test_reserved() None
test_running_1() None
test_running_2() None

Module contents