fireworks.features package¶
fireworks.features.background_task module¶
fireworks.features.dupefinder module¶
This module contains the base class for implementing Duplicate Finders.
- class fireworks.features.dupefinder.DupeFinderBase¶
This serves an Abstract class for implementing Duplicate Finders.
- classmethod from_dict(m_dict)¶
- query(spec) NoReturn ¶
Given a spec, returns a database query that gives potential candidates for duplicated Fireworks.
- Parameters:
spec (dict) – spec to check for duplicates
- to_dict(*args, **kwargs)¶
- verify(spec1, spec2) NoReturn ¶
Method that checks whether two specs are identical enough to be considered duplicates. Return true if duplicated. Note that implementing this method might slow FireWorks performance somewhat, so it is best to do as much as possible within the “query” method.
Args: spec1 (dict) spec2 (dict)
- Returns:
fireworks.features.fw_report module¶
- class fireworks.features.fw_report.FWReport(lpad)¶
- get_stats(coll='fireworks', interval='days', num_intervals=5, additional_query=None)¶
Compile statistics of completed Fireworks/Workflows for past <num_intervals> <interval>, e.g. past 5 days.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
list, with each item being a dictionary of statistics for a given interval
- static get_stats_str(decorated_stat_list: list[dict]) str ¶
Convert the list of stats from FWReport.get_stats() to a string representation for viewing.
- plot_stats(coll='fireworks', interval='days', num_intervals=5, states=None, style='bar', **kwargs)¶
Makes a chart with the summary data.
- Parameters:
coll (str) – collection, either “fireworks”, “workflows”, or “launches”
interval (str) – one of “minutes”, “hours”, “days”, “months”, “years”
num_intervals (int) – number of intervals to go back in time from present moment
states ([str]) – states to include in plot, defaults to all states, note this also specifies the order of stacking
style (str) – style of plot to generate, can either be ‘bar’ or ‘fill’
- Returns:
matplotlib plot module
fireworks.features.introspect module¶
- class fireworks.features.introspect.Introspector(lpad)¶
- introspect_fizzled(coll='fws', rsort=True, threshold=10, limit=100)¶
- fireworks.features.introspect.collect_stats(list_keys, filter_truncated=True)¶
Turns a list of keys (from flatten_to_keys) into a dict of <str>:count, i.e. counts the number of times each key appears.
- Parameters:
filter_truncated (bool)
- Returns:
- fireworks.features.introspect.compare_stats(stats_dict1, n_samples1, stats_dict2, n_samples2, threshold=5)¶
fireworks.features.multi_launcher module¶
This module contains methods for launching several Rockets in a parallel environment.
- fireworks.features.multi_launcher.launch_multiprocess(launchpad, fworker, loglvl, nlaunches, num_jobs, sleep_time, total_node_list=None, ppn=1, timeout=None, exclude_current_node=False, local_redirect=False) None ¶
Launch the jobs in the job packing mode.
- Parameters:
launchpad (LaunchPad)
fworker (FWorker)
loglvl (str) – level at which to output logs
nlaunches (int) – 0 means ‘until completion’, -1 or “infinite” means to loop forever
num_jobs (int) – number of sub jobs
sleep_time (int) – secs to sleep between rapidfire loop iterations
total_node_list ([str]) – contents of NODEFILE (doesn’t affect execution)
ppn (int) – processors per node (doesn’t affect execution)
timeout (int) – # of seconds after which to stop the rapidfire process
exclude_current_node – Don’t use the script launching node as a compute node
local_redirect (bool) – redirect standard input and output to local file
- fireworks.features.multi_launcher.ping_multilaunch(port, stop_event) None ¶
A single manager to ping all launches during multiprocess launches.
- Parameters:
port (int) – Listening port number of the DataServer
stop_event (Thread.Event) – stop event
- fireworks.features.multi_launcher.rapidfire_process(fworker, nlaunches, sleep, loglvl, port, node_list, sub_nproc, timeout, running_ids_dict, local_redirect) None ¶
Initializes shared data with multiprocessing parameters and starts a rapidfire.
- Parameters:
fworker (FWorker) – object
nlaunches (int) – 0 means ‘until completion’, -1 or “infinite” means to loop forever
sleep (int) – secs to sleep between rapidfire loop iterations
loglvl (str) – level at which to output logs to stdout
port (int) – Listening port number of the shared object manage
password (str) – security password to access the server
node_list ([str]) – computer node list
sub_nproc (int) – number of processors of the sub job
timeout (int) – # of seconds after which to stop the rapidfire process
local_redirect (bool) – redirect standard input and output to local file
- fireworks.features.multi_launcher.split_node_lists(num_jobs, total_node_list=None, ppn=24)¶
Parse node list and processor list from node file contents.
- fireworks.features.multi_launcher.start_rockets(fworker, nlaunches, sleep, loglvl, port, node_lists, sub_nproc_list, timeout=None, running_ids_dict=None, local_redirect=False)¶
Create each sub job and start a rocket launch in each one.
- Parameters:
fworker (FWorker) – object
nlaunches (int) – 0 means ‘until completion’, -1 or “infinite” means to loop forever
sleep (int) – secs to sleep between rapidfire loop iterations
loglvl (str) – level at which to output logs to stdout
port (int) – Listening port number
node_lists ([str]) – computer node list
sub_nproc_list ([int]) – list of the number of the process of sub jobs
timeout (int) – # of seconds after which to stop the rapidfire process
running_ids_dict (dict) – Shared dict between process to record IDs
local_redirect (bool) – redirect standard input and output to local file
- Returns:
([multiprocessing.Process]) all the created processes
fireworks.features.stats module¶
Important: this class is out-of-date and deprecated. It will be replaced by the FWReport() class.
- class fireworks.features.stats.FWStats(lpad)¶
- __init__(lpad) None ¶
Object to get Fireworks running stats from a LaunchPad.
- Parameters:
lpad (LaunchPad) – A LaunchPad object that manages the Fireworks database
- get_daily_completion_summary(query_start=None, query_end=None, query=None, time_field='time_end', **args)¶
Get daily summary of fireworks for a specified time range :param query_start: (str) The start time (inclusive) to query in isoformat (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm). Default is 30 days before current time. :param query_end: (str) The end time (exclusive) to query in isoformat (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm). Default is current time. :param query: (dict) Additional Pymongo queries to filter entries for process. :param time_field: (str) The field to query time range. Default is “time_end”. :param args: (dict) Time difference to calculate query_start from query_end. Accepts arguments in python datetime.timedelta function. args and query_start can not be given at the same time. Default is 30 days. :return: (list) A summary of daily fireworks stats for the specified time range.
- get_fireworks_summary(query_start=None, query_end=None, query=None, time_field='updated_on', **args)¶
Get fireworks summary for a specified time range.
- Parameters:
query_start (str) – The start time (inclusive) to query in isoformat (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm). Default is 30 days before current time.
query_end (str) – The end time (exclusive) to query in isoformat (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm). Default is current time.
query (dict) – Additional Pymongo queries to filter entries for process.
time_field (str) – The field to query time range. Default is “updated_on”.
args (dict) – Time difference to calculate query_start from query_end. Accepts arguments in python datetime.timedelta function. args and query_start can not be given at the same time. Default is 30 days.
- Returns:
(list) A summary of fireworks stats for the specified time range.
- get_launch_summary(query_start=None, query_end=None, time_field='time_end', query=None, runtime_stats=False, include_ids=False, **args)¶
Get launch summary for a specified time range.
- Parameters:
query_start (str) – The start time (inclusive) to query in isoformat (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm). Default is 30 days before current time.
query_end (str) – The end time (exclusive) to query in isoformat (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm). Default is current time.
time_field (str) – The field to query time range. Default is “time_end”.
query (dict) – Additional Pymongo queries to filter entries for process.
runtime_stats (bool) – If return runtime stats. Default is False.
include_ids (bool) – If return fw_ids. Default is False.
args (dict) – Time difference to calculate query_start from query_end. Accepts arguments in python datetime.timedelta function. args and query_start can not be given at the same time. Default is 30 days.
- Returns:
(list) A summary of launch stats for the specified time range.
- get_workflow_summary(query_start=None, query_end=None, query=None, time_field='updated_on', **args)¶
Get workflow summary for a specified time range. :param query_start: (str) The start time (inclusive) to query in isoformat (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm). Default is 30 days before current time. :param query_end: (str) The end time (exclusive) to query in isoformat (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm). Default is current time. :param query: (dict) Additional Pymongo queries to filter entries for process. :param time_field: (str) The field to query time range. Default is “updated_on”. :param args: (dict) Time difference to calculate query_start from query_end. Accepts arguments in python datetime.timedelta function. args and query_start can not be given at the same time. Default is 30 days. :return: (list) A summary of workflow stats for the specified time range.
- group_fizzled_fireworks(group_by, query_start=None, query_end=None, query=None, include_ids=False, **args)¶
Group fizzled fireworks for a specified time range by a specified key. :param group_by: (str) Database field used to group fireworks items. :param query_start: (str) The start time (inclusive) to query in isoformat (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm). Default is 30 days before current time. :param query_end: (str) The end time (exclusive) to query in isoformat (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm). Default is current time. :param query: (dict) Additional Pymongo queries to filter entries for process. :param include_ids: (bool) If return fw_ids. Default is False. :param args: (dict) Time difference to calculate query_start from query_end. Accepts arguments in python datetime.timedelta function. args and query_start can not be given at the same time. Default is 30 days. :return: (list) A summary of fizzled fireworks for group by the specified key.
- identify_catastrophes(error_ratio=0.01, query_start=None, query_end=None, query=None, time_field='time_end', include_ids=True, **args)¶
Get days with higher failure ratio :param error_ratio: (float) Threshold of error ratio to define as a catastrophic day :param query_start: (str) The start time (inclusive) to query in isoformat (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm). Default is 30 days before current time. :param query_end: (str) The end time (exclusive) to query in isoformat (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.mmmmmm). Default is current time. :param query: (dict) Additional Pymongo queries to filter entries for process. :param time_field: (str) The field to query time range. Default is “time_end”. :param include_ids: (bool) If return fw_ids. Default is False. :param args: (dict) Time difference to calculate query_start from query_end. Accepts arguments in python datetime.timedelta function. args and query_start can not be given at the same time. Default is 30 days. :return: (list) Dates with higher failure ratio with optional failed fw_ids.