custodian.cp2k.validators module
Validators for CP2K calculations.
class custodian.cp2k.validators.Cp2kOutputValidator(output_file=’cp2k.out’)
Bases: Cp2kValidator
Checks that a valid cp2k output file was generated
output_file (str) – cp2k output file to analyze
Check for valid output. Checks that the end of the program was reached, and that convergence was achieved.
property exit()
Don’t raise error, but exit the job
property kill()
Kill the job with raise error.
property no_children()
Job should not have children
class custodian.cp2k.validators.Cp2kValidator()
Bases: Validator
Base validator.
abstract check()
Check whether validation failed. Here, True means validation failed.
abstract property exit()
Don’t raise error, but exit the job
abstract property kill()
Kill the job with raise error.
abstract property no_children()
Job should not have children