Source code for

"""Job to relax a structure using a force field (aka an interatomic potential)."""

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from import Trajectory as AseTrajectory
from ase.units import GPa as _GPa_to_eV_per_A3
from jobflow import job
from import deprecated
from pymatgen.core.trajectory import Trajectory as PmgTrajectory

from import AseRelaxMaker
from atomate2.forcefields import MLFF, _get_formatted_ff_name
from atomate2.forcefields.schemas import ForceFieldTaskDocument
from atomate2.forcefields.utils import ase_calculator, revert_default_dtype

    from import Callable
    from pathlib import Path

    from ase.calculators.calculator import Calculator
    from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_FORCEFIELD_DATA_OBJECTS = [PmgTrajectory, AseTrajectory, "ionic_steps"]

    MLFF.CHGNet: {"stress_weight": _GPa_to_eV_per_A3},
    MLFF.M3GNet: {"stress_weight": _GPa_to_eV_per_A3},
    MLFF.NEP: {"model_filename": "nep.txt"},
    MLFF.GAP: {"args_str": "IP GAP", "param_filename": "gap.xml"},

[docs] def forcefield_job(method: Callable) -> job: """ Decorate the ``make`` method of forcefield job makers. This is a thin wrapper around :obj:`~jobflow.core.job.Job` that configures common settings for all forcefield jobs. For example, it ensures that large data objects (currently only trajectories) are all stored in the atomate2 data store. It also configures the output schema to be a ForceFieldTaskDocument :obj:`.TaskDoc`. Any makers that return forcefield jobs (not flows) should decorate the ``make`` method with @forcefield_job. For example: .. code-block:: python class MyForcefieldMaker(Maker): @forcefield_job def make(structure): # code to run forcefield job. pass Parameters ---------- method : callable A Maker.make method. This should not be specified directly and is implied by the decorator. Returns ------- callable A decorated version of the make function that will generate forcefield jobs. """ return job( method, data=_FORCEFIELD_DATA_OBJECTS, output_schema=ForceFieldTaskDocument )
[docs] @dataclass class ForceFieldRelaxMaker(AseRelaxMaker): """ Base Maker to calculate forces and stresses using any force field. Should be subclassed to use a specific force field. By default, the code attempts to use the `self.force_field_name` attr to look up a predefined forcefield. To overwrite this behavior, redefine `self.calculator`. Parameters ---------- name : str The job name. force_field_name : str or .MLFF The name of the force field. relax_cell : bool = True Whether to allow the cell shape/volume to change during relaxation. fix_symmetry : bool = False Whether to fix the symmetry during relaxation. Refines the symmetry of the initial structure. symprec : float | None = 1e-2 Tolerance for symmetry finding in case of fix_symmetry. steps : int Maximum number of ionic steps allowed during relaxation. relax_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`AseRelaxer.relax`. optimizer_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`AseRelaxer()`. calculator_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to the ASE calculator. ionic_step_data : tuple[str,...] or None Quantities to store in the TaskDocument ionic_steps. Possible options are "struct_or_mol", "energy", "forces", "stress", and "magmoms". "structure" and "molecule" are aliases for "struct_or_mol". store_trajectory : emmet .StoreTrajectoryOption = "no" Whether to store trajectory information ("no") or complete trajectories ("partial" or "full", which are identical). tags : list[str] or None A list of tags for the task. task_document_kwargs : dict (deprecated) Additional keyword args passed to :obj:`.ForceFieldTaskDocument()`. """ name: str = "Force field relax" force_field_name: str | MLFF = MLFF.Forcefield relax_cell: bool = True fix_symmetry: bool = False symprec: float | None = 1e-2 steps: int = 500 relax_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) optimizer_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) calculator_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) task_document_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) def __post_init__(self) -> None: """Ensure that force_field_name is correctly assigned as str.""" self.force_field_name = _get_formatted_ff_name(self.force_field_name) # Pad calculator_kwargs with default values, but permit user to override them self.calculator_kwargs = { **_DEFAULT_CALCULATOR_KWARGS.get( MLFF(self.force_field_name.split("MLFF.")[-1]), {} ), **self.calculator_kwargs, }
[docs] @forcefield_job def make( self, structure: Structure, prev_dir: str | Path | None = None ) -> ForceFieldTaskDocument: """ Perform a relaxation of a structure using a force field. Parameters ---------- structure: .Structure pymatgen structure. prev_dir : str or Path or None A previous calculation directory to copy output files from. Unused, just added to match the method signature of other makers. """ with revert_default_dtype(): ase_result = self.run_ase(structure, prev_dir=prev_dir) if len(self.task_document_kwargs) > 0: warnings.warn( "`task_document_kwargs` is now deprecated, please use the top-level " "attributes `ionic_step_data` and `store_trajectory`", category=DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=1, ) return ForceFieldTaskDocument.from_ase_compatible_result( str(self.force_field_name), # make mypy happy ase_result, self.steps, relax_kwargs=self.relax_kwargs, optimizer_kwargs=self.optimizer_kwargs, relax_cell=self.relax_cell, fix_symmetry=self.fix_symmetry, symprec=self.symprec if self.fix_symmetry else None, ionic_step_data=self.ionic_step_data, store_trajectory=self.store_trajectory, tags=self.tags, **self.task_document_kwargs, )
@property def calculator(self) -> Calculator: """ASE calculator, can be overwritten by user.""" return ase_calculator( str(self.force_field_name), # make mypy happy **self.calculator_kwargs, )
[docs] @dataclass class ForceFieldStaticMaker(ForceFieldRelaxMaker): """ Maker to calculate forces and stresses using any force field. Note that while `steps = 1` by default, the user could override this setting along with cell shape relaxation (`relax_cell = False` by default). Parameters ---------- name : str The job name. force_field_name : str or .MLFF The name of the force field. calculator_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to the ASE calculator. task_document_kwargs : dict (deprecated) Additional keyword args passed to :obj:`.ForceFieldTaskDocument()`. """ name: str = "Force field static" force_field_name: str | MLFF = MLFF.Forcefield relax_cell: bool = False steps: int = 1 relax_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) optimizer_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) calculator_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) task_document_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] @deprecated( replacement=ForceFieldRelaxMaker, deadline=(2025, 1, 1), message="To use CHGNet, set `force_field_name = 'CHGNet'` in ForceFieldRelaxMaker.", ) @dataclass class CHGNetRelaxMaker(ForceFieldRelaxMaker): """ Maker to perform a relaxation using the CHGNet ML force field. Parameters ---------- force_field_name : str or .MLFF The name of the force field. relax_cell : bool = True Whether to allow the cell shape/volume to change during relaxation. fix_symmetry : bool = False Whether to fix the symmetry during relaxation. Refines the symmetry of the initial structure. symprec : float = 1e-2 Tolerance for symmetry finding in case of fix_symmetry. steps : int Maximum number of ionic steps allowed during relaxation. relax_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`AseRelaxer.relax`. optimizer_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`AseRelaxer()`. calculator_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to the ASE calculator. task_document_kwargs : dict (deprecated) Additional keyword args passed to :obj:`.ForceFieldTaskDocument()`. """ name: str = f"{MLFF.CHGNet} relax" force_field_name: str | MLFF = MLFF.CHGNet relax_cell: bool = True fix_symmetry: bool = False symprec: float = 1e-2 steps: int = 500 relax_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) optimizer_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) task_document_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) calculator_kwargs: dict = field( default_factory=lambda: _DEFAULT_CALCULATOR_KWARGS[MLFF.CHGNet] )
[docs] @deprecated( replacement=ForceFieldStaticMaker, deadline=(2025, 1, 1), message=( "To use CHGNet, set `force_field_name = 'CHGNet'` in ForceFieldStaticMaker." ), ) @dataclass class CHGNetStaticMaker(ForceFieldStaticMaker): """ Maker to calculate forces and stresses using the CHGNet force field. Parameters ---------- name : str The job name. calculator_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to the ASE calculator. task_document_kwargs : dict (deprecated) Additional keyword args passed to :obj:`.ForceFieldTaskDocument()`. """ name: str = f"{MLFF.CHGNet} static" force_field_name: str | MLFF = MLFF.CHGNet task_document_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) calculator_kwargs: dict = field( default_factory=lambda: _DEFAULT_CALCULATOR_KWARGS[MLFF.CHGNet] )
[docs] @deprecated( replacement=ForceFieldRelaxMaker, deadline=(2025, 1, 1), message="To use M3GNet, set `force_field_name = 'M3GNet'` in ForceFieldRelaxMaker.", ) @dataclass class M3GNetRelaxMaker(ForceFieldRelaxMaker): """ Maker to perform a relaxation using the M3GNet ML force field. Parameters ---------- name : str The job name. force_field_name : str or .MLFF The name of the force field. relax_cell : bool = True Whether to allow the cell shape/volume to change during relaxation. fix_symmetry : bool = False Whether to fix the symmetry during relaxation. Refines the symmetry of the initial structure. symprec : float = 1e-2 Tolerance for symmetry finding in case of fix_symmetry. steps : int Maximum number of ionic steps allowed during relaxation. relax_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`AseRelaxer.relax`. optimizer_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`AseRelaxer()`. calculator_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to the ASE calculator. task_document_kwargs : dict (deprecated) Additional keyword args passed to :obj:`.ForceFieldTaskDocument()`. """ name: str = f"{MLFF.M3GNet} relax" force_field_name: str | MLFF = MLFF.M3GNet relax_cell: bool = True fix_symmetry: bool = False symprec: float = 1e-2 steps: int = 500 relax_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) optimizer_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) task_document_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) calculator_kwargs: dict = field( default_factory=lambda: _DEFAULT_CALCULATOR_KWARGS[MLFF.M3GNet] )
[docs] @deprecated( replacement=ForceFieldStaticMaker, deadline=(2025, 1, 1), message=( "To use M3GNet, set `force_field_name = 'M3GNet'` in ForceFieldStaticMaker." ), ) @dataclass class M3GNetStaticMaker(ForceFieldStaticMaker): """ Maker to calculate forces and stresses using the M3GNet force field. Parameters ---------- name : str The job name. force_field_name : str or .MLFF The name of the force field. calculator_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to the ASE calculator. task_document_kwargs : dict (deprecated) Additional keyword args passed to :obj:`.ForceFieldTaskDocument()`. """ name: str = f"{MLFF.M3GNet} static" force_field_name: str | MLFF = MLFF.M3GNet task_document_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) calculator_kwargs: dict = field( default_factory=lambda: _DEFAULT_CALCULATOR_KWARGS[MLFF.M3GNet] )
[docs] @deprecated( replacement=ForceFieldRelaxMaker, deadline=(2025, 1, 1), message="To use NEP, set `force_field_name = 'NEP'` in ForceFieldRelaxMaker.", ) @dataclass class NEPRelaxMaker(ForceFieldRelaxMaker): """ Base Maker to calculate forces and stresses using a NEP potential. Parameters ---------- name : str The job name. force_field_name : str or .MLFF The name of the force field. relax_cell : bool = True Whether to allow the cell shape/volume to change during relaxation. fix_symmetry : bool = False Whether to fix the symmetry during relaxation. Refines the symmetry of the initial structure. symprec : float = 1e-2 Tolerance for symmetry finding in case of fix_symmetry. steps : int Maximum number of ionic steps allowed during relaxation. relax_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`AseRelaxer.relax`. optimizer_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`AseRelaxer()`. calculator_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to the ASE calculator. task_document_kwargs : dict (deprecated) Additional keyword args passed to :obj:`.ForceFieldTaskDocument()`. """ name: str = f"{MLFF.NEP} relax" force_field_name: str | MLFF = MLFF.NEP relax_cell: bool = True fix_symmetry: bool = False symprec: float = 1e-2 steps: int = 500 relax_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) optimizer_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) calculator_kwargs: dict = field( default_factory=lambda: _DEFAULT_CALCULATOR_KWARGS[MLFF.NEP] ) task_document_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] @deprecated( replacement=ForceFieldStaticMaker, deadline=(2025, 1, 1), message="To use NEP, set `force_field_name = 'NEP'` in ForceFieldStaticMaker.", ) @dataclass class NEPStaticMaker(ForceFieldStaticMaker): """ Base Maker to calculate forces and stresses using a NEP potential. Parameters ---------- name : str The job name. force_field_name : str or .MLFF The name of the force field. calculator_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to the ASE calculator. task_document_kwargs : dict (deprecated) Additional keyword args passed to :obj:`.ForceFieldTaskDocument()`. """ name: str = f"{MLFF.NEP} static" force_field_name: str | MLFF = MLFF.NEP task_document_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) calculator_kwargs: dict = field( default_factory=lambda: _DEFAULT_CALCULATOR_KWARGS[MLFF.NEP] )
[docs] @deprecated( replacement=ForceFieldRelaxMaker, deadline=(2025, 1, 1), message="To use Nequip, set `force_field_name = 'Nequip'` in ForceFieldRelaxMaker.", ) @dataclass class NequipRelaxMaker(ForceFieldRelaxMaker): """ Maker to perform a relaxation using a Nequip force field. Parameters ---------- name : str The job name. force_field_name : str or .MLFF The name of the force field. relax_cell : bool = True Whether to allow the cell shape/volume to change during relaxation. fix_symmetry : bool = False Whether to fix the symmetry during relaxation. Refines the symmetry of the initial structure. symprec : float = 1e-2 Tolerance for symmetry finding in case of fix_symmetry. steps : int Maximum number of ionic steps allowed during relaxation. relax_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`AseRelaxer.relax`. optimizer_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`AseRelaxer()`. calculator_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to the ASE calculator. task_document_kwargs : dict (deprecated) Additional keyword args passed to :obj:`.ForceFieldTaskDocument()`. """ name: str = f"{MLFF.Nequip} relax" force_field_name: str | MLFF = MLFF.Nequip relax_cell: bool = True fix_symmetry: bool = False symprec: float = 1e-2 steps: int = 500 relax_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) optimizer_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) task_document_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] @deprecated( replacement=ForceFieldStaticMaker, deadline=(2025, 1, 1), message=( "To use Nequip, set `force_field_name = 'Nequip'` in ForceFieldStaticMaker." ), ) @dataclass class NequipStaticMaker(ForceFieldStaticMaker): """ Maker to calculate energies, forces and stresses using a nequip force field. Parameters ---------- name : str The job name. force_field_name : str or .MLFF The name of the force field. calculator_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to the ASE calculator. task_document_kwargs : dict (deprecated) Additional keyword args passed to :obj:`.ForceFieldTaskDocument()`. """ name: str = f"{MLFF.Nequip} static" force_field_name: str | MLFF = MLFF.Nequip task_document_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] @deprecated( replacement=ForceFieldRelaxMaker, deadline=(2025, 1, 1), message="To use MACE, set `force_field_name = 'MACE'` in ForceFieldRelaxMaker.", ) @dataclass class MACERelaxMaker(ForceFieldRelaxMaker): """ Maker to perform a relaxation using the MACE ML force field. Parameters ---------- name : str The job name. force_field_name : str or .MLFF The name of the force field. relax_cell : bool = True Whether to allow the cell shape/volume to change during relaxation. fix_symmetry : bool = False Whether to fix the symmetry during relaxation. Refines the symmetry of the initial structure. symprec : float = 1e-2 Tolerance for symmetry finding in case of fix_symmetry. steps : int Maximum number of ionic steps allowed during relaxation. relax_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`AseRelaxer.relax`. optimizer_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`AseRelaxer()`. calculator_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to the ASE calculator. E.g. the "model" key configures which checkpoint to load with mace.calculators.MACECalculator(). Can be a URL starting with https://. If not set, loads the universal MACE-MP trained for Matbench Discovery on the MPtrj dataset available at task_document_kwargs : dict (deprecated) Additional keyword args passed to :obj:`.ForceFieldTaskDocument()`. """ name: str = f"{MLFF.MACE} relax" force_field_name: str | MLFF = MLFF.MACE relax_cell: bool = True fix_symmetry: bool = False symprec: float = 1e-2 steps: int = 500 relax_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) optimizer_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) task_document_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] @deprecated( replacement=ForceFieldStaticMaker, deadline=(2025, 1, 1), message="To use MACE, set `force_field_name = 'MACE'` in ForceFieldStaticMaker.", ) @dataclass class MACEStaticMaker(ForceFieldStaticMaker): """ Maker to calculate forces and stresses using the MACE force field. Parameters ---------- name : str The job name. force_field_name : str or .MLFF The name of the force field. calculator_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to the ASE calculator. E.g. the "model" key configures which checkpoint to load with mace.calculators.MACECalculator(). Can be a URL starting with https://. If not set, loads the universal MACE-MP trained for Matbench Discovery on the MPtrj dataset available at task_document_kwargs : dict (deprecated) Additional keyword args passed to :obj:`.ForceFieldTaskDocument()`. """ name: str = f"{MLFF.MACE} static" force_field_name: str | MLFF = MLFF.MACE task_document_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] @deprecated( replacement=ForceFieldRelaxMaker, deadline=(2025, 1, 1), message=( "To use SevenNet, set `force_field_name = 'SevenNet'` in ForceFieldRelaxMaker." ), ) @dataclass class SevenNetRelaxMaker(ForceFieldRelaxMaker): """ Maker to perform a relaxation using the SevenNet ML force field. Published in pip install git+ Parameters ---------- name : str The job name. force_field_name : str or .MLFF The name of the force field. relax_cell : bool = True Whether to allow the cell shape/volume to change during relaxation. fix_symmetry : bool = False Whether to fix the symmetry during relaxation. Refines the symmetry of the initial structure. symprec : float = 1e-2 Tolerance for symmetry finding in case of fix_symmetry. steps : int Maximum number of ionic steps allowed during relaxation. relax_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`AseRelaxer.relax`. optimizer_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`AseRelaxer()`. calculator_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to the ASE calculator. E.g. the "model" key configures which checkpoint to load with mace.calculators.MACECalculator(). Can be a URL starting with https://. If not set, loads the universal MACE-MP trained for Matbench Discovery on the MPtrj dataset available at task_document_kwargs : dict (deprecated) Additional keyword args passed to :obj:`.ForceFieldTaskDocument()`. """ name: str = f"{MLFF.SevenNet} relax" force_field_name: str | MLFF = MLFF.SevenNet relax_cell: bool = True fix_symmetry: bool = False symprec: float = 1e-2 steps: int = 500 relax_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) optimizer_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) task_document_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] @deprecated( replacement=ForceFieldStaticMaker, deadline=(2025, 1, 1), message=( "To use SevenNet, set `force_field_name = 'SevenNet'` in ForceFieldStaticMaker." ), ) @dataclass class SevenNetStaticMaker(ForceFieldStaticMaker): """ Maker to calculate forces and stresses using the SevenNet force field. Published in pip install git+ Parameters ---------- name : str The job name. force_field_name : str or .MLFF The name of the force field. calculator_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to the ASE calculator. E.g. the "model" key configures which checkpoint to load with mace.calculators.MACECalculator(). Can be a URL starting with https://. If not set, loads the universal MACE-MP trained for Matbench Discovery on the MPtrj dataset available at task_document_kwargs : dict (deprecated) Additional keyword args passed to :obj:`.ForceFieldTaskDocument()`. """ name: str = f"{MLFF.SevenNet} static" force_field_name: str | MLFF = MLFF.SevenNet task_document_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] @deprecated( replacement=ForceFieldRelaxMaker, deadline=(2025, 1, 1), message="To use GAP, set `force_field_name = 'GAP'` in ForceFieldRelaxMaker.", ) @dataclass class GAPRelaxMaker(ForceFieldRelaxMaker): """ Base Maker to calculate forces and stresses using a GAP potential. Parameters ---------- name : str The job name. force_field_name : str or .MLFF The name of the force field. relax_cell : bool = True Whether to allow the cell shape/volume to change during relaxation. fix_symmetry : bool = False Whether to fix the symmetry during relaxation. Refines the symmetry of the initial structure. symprec : float = 1e-2 Tolerance for symmetry finding in case of fix_symmetry. steps : int Maximum number of ionic steps allowed during relaxation. relax_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`AseRelaxer.relax`. optimizer_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to :obj:`AseRelaxer()`. calculator_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to the ASE calculator. task_document_kwargs : dict (deprecated) Additional keyword args passed to :obj:`.ForceFieldTaskDocument()`. """ name: str = f"{MLFF.GAP} relax" force_field_name: str | MLFF = MLFF.GAP relax_cell: bool = True fix_symmetry: bool = False symprec: float = 1e-2 steps: int = 500 relax_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) optimizer_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) calculator_kwargs: dict = field( default_factory=lambda: _DEFAULT_CALCULATOR_KWARGS[MLFF.GAP] ) task_document_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict)
[docs] @deprecated( replacement=ForceFieldStaticMaker, deadline=(2025, 1, 1), message="To use GAP, set `force_field_name = 'GAP'` in ForceFieldStaticMaker.", ) @dataclass class GAPStaticMaker(ForceFieldStaticMaker): """ Base Maker to calculate forces and stresses using a GAP potential. Parameters ---------- name : str The job name. force_field_name : str or .MLFF The name of the force field. calculator_kwargs : dict Keyword arguments that will get passed to the ASE calculator. task_document_kwargs : dict (deprecated) Additional keyword args passed to :obj:`.ForceFieldTaskDocument()`. """ name: str = f"{MLFF.GAP} static" force_field_name: str | MLFF = MLFF.GAP task_document_kwargs: dict = field(default_factory=dict) calculator_kwargs: dict = field( default_factory=lambda: _DEFAULT_CALCULATOR_KWARGS[MLFF.GAP] )