Source code for atomate2.cp2k.flows.core

"""Core VASP flows."""

from __future__ import annotations

from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

from jobflow import Flow, Job, Maker

from import (
from atomate2.cp2k.schemas.calculation import Cp2kObject
from atomate2.cp2k.sets.base import recursive_update

    from pathlib import Path

    from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure
    from typing_extensions import Self

    from import BaseCp2kMaker

[docs] @dataclass class DoubleRelaxMaker(Maker): """ Maker to perform a double CP2K relaxation. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the flows produced by this maker. relax_maker1 : .BaseCp2kMaker Maker to use to generate the first relaxation. relax_maker2 : .BaseCp2kMaker Maker to use to generate the second relaxation. """ name: str = "double relax" relax_maker1: Maker = field(default_factory=RelaxMaker) relax_maker2: Maker = field(default_factory=RelaxMaker)
[docs] def make(self, structure: Structure, prev_dir: str | Path | None = None) -> Flow: """Create a flow with two chained relaxations. Parameters ---------- structure : .Structure A pymatgen structure object. prev_dir : str or Path or None A previous Cp2k calculation directory to copy output files from. Returns ------- Flow A flow containing two relaxations. """ relax1 = self.relax_maker1.make(structure, prev_dir=prev_dir) += " 1" relax2 = self.relax_maker2.make( relax1.output.structure, prev_dir=relax1.output.dir_name ) += " 2" return Flow([relax1, relax2], relax2.output,
[docs] @classmethod def from_relax_maker(cls, relax_maker: BaseCp2kMaker) -> Self: """ Instantiate the DoubleRelaxMaker with two relax makers of the same type. Parameters ---------- relax_maker : .BaseCp2kMaker Maker to use to generate the first and second relaxations. """ return cls( relax_maker1=deepcopy(relax_maker), relax_maker2=deepcopy(relax_maker) )
[docs] @dataclass class BandStructureMaker(Maker): """ Maker to generate Cp2k band structures. This is a static calculation followed by two non-self-consistent field calculations, one uniform and one line mode. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the flows produced by this maker. bandstructure_type : str The type of band structure to generate. Options are "line", "uniform" or "both". static_maker : .BaseCp2kMaker The maker to use for the static calculation. bs_maker : .BaseCp2kMaker The maker to use for the non-self-consistent field calculations. """ name: str = "band structure" bandstructure_type: str = "both" static_maker: Maker = field(default_factory=StaticMaker) bs_maker: Maker = field(default_factory=NonSCFMaker)
[docs] def make(self, structure: Structure, prev_dir: str | Path | None = None) -> Flow: """Create a band structure flow. Parameters ---------- structure : Structure A pymatgen structure object. prev_dir : str or Path or None A previous VASP calculation directory to copy output files from. Returns ------- Flow A band structure flow. """ static_job = self.static_maker.make(structure, prev_dir=prev_dir) jobs = [static_job] outputs = {} bandstructure_type = self.bandstructure_type if bandstructure_type in ("both", "uniform"): uniform_job = self.bs_maker.make( static_job.output.structure, prev_dir=static_job.output.dir_name, mode="uniform", ) += " uniform" jobs.append(uniform_job) output = { "uniform": uniform_job.output, "uniform_bs": uniform_job.output.cp2k_objects[Cp2kObject.BANDSTRUCTURE], } outputs.update(output) if bandstructure_type in ("both", "line"): line_job = self.bs_maker.make( static_job.output.structure, prev_dir=static_job.output.dir_name, mode="line", ) += " line" jobs.append(line_job) output = { "line": line_job.output, "line_bs": line_job.output.cp2k_objects[Cp2kObject.BANDSTRUCTURE], } outputs.update(output) if bandstructure_type not in ("both", "line", "uniform"): raise ValueError(f"Unrecognised {bandstructure_type=}") return Flow(jobs, outputs,
[docs] @dataclass class RelaxBandStructureMaker(Maker): """ Make to create a flow with a relaxation and then band structure calculations. By default, this workflow generates relaxations using the :obj:`.DoubleRelaxMaker`. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the flows produced by this maker. relax_maker : .BaseCp2kMaker The maker to use for the static calculation. band_structure_maker : .BaseCp2kMaker The maker to use for the line and uniform band structure calculations. """ name: str = "relax and band structure" relax_maker: Maker = field(default_factory=DoubleRelaxMaker) band_structure_maker: Maker = field(default_factory=BandStructureMaker)
[docs] def make(self, structure: Structure, prev_dir: str | Path | None = None) -> Flow: """Run a relaxation, then calculate the uniform and line mode band structures. Parameters ---------- structure: .Structure A pymatgen structure object. prev_dir : str or Path or None A previous CP2K calculation directory to copy output files from. Returns ------- Flow A relax and band structure flow. """ relax_job = self.relax_maker.make(structure, prev_dir=prev_dir) bs_flow = self.band_structure_maker.make( relax_job.output.structure, prev_dir=relax_job.output.dir_name ) return Flow([relax_job, bs_flow], bs_flow.output,
[docs] @dataclass class HybridFlowMaker(Maker): """ Maker to create hybrid flows. Parameters ---------- hybrid_functional built-in hybrid functional to use initialize_with_pbe Whether or not to attach a pre-hybrid flow that can be used to kickstart the hybrid flow. This is treated differently than just stitching flows together, because of the screening done in __post_init__ pbe_maker Maker for the initialization hybrid_maker Maker for the hybrid job """ hybrid_functional: str = "PBE0" initialize_with_pbe: bool = field(default=True) pbe_maker: Maker = field(default=lambda: StaticMaker(store_output_data=False)) hybrid_maker: Maker = field(default_factory=HybridStaticMaker) def __post_init__(self) -> None: """ Post init updates. Set the user-specified hybrid_functional and activate initial density matrix screening if restarting from a PBE calculation. Initializing with PBE allows CP2K to screen exchange integrals using the PBE density matrix, which creates huge speed-ups. Rarely causes problems so it is done as a default here. """ updates: dict[str, dict[str, str | bool]] = { "activate_hybrid": {"hybrid_functional": self.hybrid_functional} } if self.initialize_with_pbe: updates["activate_hybrid"].update( screen_on_initial_p=True, screen_p_forces=True ) self.hybrid_maker.input_set_generator.user_input_settings = recursive_update( updates, self.hybrid_maker.input_set_generator.user_input_settings )
[docs] def make(self, structure: Structure, prev_dir: str | Path | None = None) -> Job: """Make a hybrid flow. Parameters ---------- structure: .Structure A pymatgen structure object. prev_dir : str or Path or None A previous CP2K calculation directory to copy output files from. Returns ------- Flow A hybrid flow with a possible PBE initialization step """ jobs = [] if self.initialize_with_pbe: initialization = self.pbe_maker.make(structure, prev_dir) jobs.append(initialization) hyb = self.hybrid_maker.make( initialization.output.structure if self.initialize_with_pbe else structure, prev_dir=initialization.output.dir_name if self.initialize_with_pbe else prev_dir, ) jobs.append(hyb) return Flow(jobs, output=hyb.output,
[docs] @dataclass class HybridStaticFlowMaker(HybridFlowMaker): """ Maker to perform a PBE restart to hybrid static flow. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the flows produced by this maker. pbe_maker : .BaseCp2kMaker Maker to use to generate PBE restart file for hybrid calc hybrid_maker : .BaseCp2kMaker Maker to use to generate the second relaxation. """ name: str = "hybrid static flow"
[docs] @dataclass class HybridRelaxFlowMaker(HybridFlowMaker): """ Maker to perform a PBE restart to hybrid relax flow. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the flows produced by this maker. pbe_maker : .BaseCp2kMaker Maker to use to generate PBE restart file for hybrid calc hybrid_maker : .BaseCp2kMaker Maker to use to generate the second relaxation. """ name: str = "hybrid relax flow" hybrid_maker: Maker = field(default_factory=HybridRelaxMaker)
[docs] @dataclass class HybridCellOptFlowMaker(HybridFlowMaker): """ Maker to perform a PBE restart to hybrid cell opt flow. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the flows produced by this maker. pbe_maker : .BaseCp2kMaker Maker to use to generate PBE restart file for hybrid calc hybrid_maker : .BaseCp2kMaker Maker to use to generate the second relaxation. """ name: str = "hybrid cell opt flow" hybrid_maker: Maker = field(default_factory=HybridCellOptMaker)