from __future__ import annotations
from emmet.core.mpid import MPculeID
from emmet.core.qchem.molecule import MoleculeDoc
from emmet.core.settings import EmmetSettings
from pymatgen.core.structure import Molecule
from mp_api.client.core import BaseRester, MPRestError
from mp_api.client.core.utils import validate_ids
_EMMET_SETTINGS = EmmetSettings()
class BaseMoleculeRester(BaseRester[MoleculeDoc]):
document_model = MoleculeDoc
primary_key = "molecule_id"
def get_molecule_by_mpculeid(
self, mpcule_id: str, final: bool = True
) -> Molecule | list[Molecule]:
"""Get a molecule object for a given Materials Project molecules ID (MPculeID).
mpcule_id (str): Materials project molecule ID
final (bool): Whether to get the final (optimized) molecule, or the list of initial
(pre-optimized) structures. Defaults to True.
molecule (Union[Molecule, List[Molecule]]): Pymatgen Molecule object or list of
pymatgen Molecule objects.
if final:
response = self.get_data_by_id(mpcule_id, fields=["molecule"])
return response.molecule if response is not None else response # type: ignore
response = self.get_data_by_id(mpcule_id, fields=["initial_molecules"])
return response.initial_molecules if response is not None else response # type: ignore
def find_molecule(
filename_or_molecule: str | Molecule,
charge: int | None = None,
spin_multiplicity: int | None = None,
tolerance: float = 0.01,
allow_multiple_results: bool = False,
) -> list[str] | str:
"""Finds matching molecules from the Materials Project molecules database (MPcules).
Multiple results may be returned of "similar" molecules based on
distance using the pymatgen MoleculeMatcher algorithm.
filename_or_molecule: filename or Molecule object
charge: Molecule charge. Default is None, meaning that the charge will not be used to
restrict the output.
spin_multiplicity: Molecule's spin multiplicity. Default is None, meaning that the output will
not be restricted by spin multiplicity.
tolerance: RMSD difference threshold for MoleculeMatcher
allow_multiple_results: changes return type for either
a single mpcule_id or list of mpcule_ids
A matching mpcule_id if one is found or list of results if allow_multiple_results
is True
if isinstance(filename_or_molecule, str):
m = Molecule.from_file(filename_or_molecule)
elif isinstance(filename_or_molecule, Molecule):
m = filename_or_molecule
raise MPRestError("Provide filename or Structure object.")
results = self._post_resource(
"tolerance": tolerance,
"charge": charge,
"spin_multiplicity": spin_multiplicity,
if len(results) > 1: # type: ignore
if not allow_multiple_results:
raise ValueError(
"Multiple matches found for this combination of tolerances, but "
"`allow_multiple_results` set to False."
return results # type: ignore
if results:
return results[0]["molecule_id"]
return []
def search(
charge: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
spin_multiplicity: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
nelements: tuple[int, int] | None = None,
chemsys: str | list[str] | None = None,
deprecated: bool | None = None,
elements: list[str] | None = None,
exclude_elements: list[str] | None = None,
formula: str | list[str] | None = None,
molecule_ids: MPculeID | list[MPculeID] | None = None,
task_ids: str | list[str] | None = None,
num_chunks: int | None = None,
chunk_size: int = 1000,
all_fields: bool = True,
fields: list[str] | None = None,
"""Query molecule docs using a variety of search criteria.
charge (Tuple[int, int]): Minimum and maximum charge for the molecule.
spin_multiplicity (Tuple[int, int]): Minimum and maximum spin for the molecule.
nelements (Tuple[int, int]): Minimum and maximum number of elements
chemsys (str, List[str]): A chemical system, list of chemical systems
(e.g., Li-C-O, [C-O-H-N, Li-N]), or single formula (e.g., C2 H4).
deprecated (bool): Whether the material is tagged as deprecated.
elements (List[str]): A list of elements.
exclude_elements (List(str)): List of elements to exclude.
formula (str, List[str]): An alphabetical formula or list of formulas
(e.g. "C2 Li2 O4", ["C2 H4", "C2 H6"]).
molecule_ids (MPculeID, List[MPculeID]): List of Materials Project Molecule IDs (MPculeIDs) to return data
task_ids (str, List[str]): List of Materials Project IDs to return data for.
num_chunks (int): Maximum number of chunks of data to yield. None will yield all possible.
chunk_size (int): Number of data entries per chunk.
all_fields (bool): Whether to return all fields in the document. Defaults to True.
fields (List[str]): List of fields in MoleculeDoc to return data for.
Default is molecule_id, last_updated, and formula_alphabetical if all_fields is False.
([MoleculeDoc]) List of molecules documents
query_params = {"deprecated": deprecated} # type: dict
if molecule_ids:
if isinstance(molecule_ids, str):
molecule_ids = [molecule_ids]
query_params.update({"molecule_ids": ",".join(molecule_ids)})
if charge:
query_params.update({"charge": charge})
if spin_multiplicity:
query_params.update({"spin_multiplicity": spin_multiplicity})
if formula:
if isinstance(formula, str):
formula = [formula]
query_params.update({"formula": ",".join(formula)})
if chemsys:
if isinstance(chemsys, str):
chemsys = [chemsys]
query_params.update({"chemsys": ",".join(chemsys)})
if elements:
query_params.update({"elements": ",".join(elements)})
if exclude_elements:
query_params.update({"exclude_elements": ",".join(exclude_elements)})
if task_ids:
if isinstance(task_ids, str):
task_ids = [task_ids]
query_params.update({"task_ids": ",".join(validate_ids(task_ids))})
query_params = {
entry: query_params[entry]
for entry in query_params
if query_params[entry] is not None
return super()._search(
class AssociatedMoleculeRester(BaseMoleculeRester):
suffix = "molecules/assoc"
class MoleculeRester(BaseMoleculeRester):
suffix = "molecules/core"