Source code for mp_api.client.routes.materials.electrodes

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from collections import defaultdict

from emmet.core.electrode import InsertionElectrodeDoc
from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import Element

from mp_api.client.core import BaseRester
from mp_api.client.core.utils import validate_ids

[docs] class ElectrodeRester(BaseRester[InsertionElectrodeDoc]): suffix = "materials/insertion_electrodes" document_model = InsertionElectrodeDoc # type: ignore primary_key = "battery_id"
[docs] def search_electrode_docs(self, *args, **kwargs): # pragma: no cover """Deprecated.""" warnings.warn( "MPRester.electrode.search_electrode_docs is deprecated. Please use instead.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def search( # pragma: ignore self, material_ids: str | list[str] | None = None, battery_ids: str | list[str] | None = None, average_voltage: tuple[float, float] | None = None, capacity_grav: tuple[float, float] | None = None, capacity_vol: tuple[float, float] | None = None, elements: list[str] | None = None, energy_grav: tuple[float, float] | None = None, energy_vol: tuple[float, float] | None = None, exclude_elements: list[str] | None = None, formula: str | list[str] | None = None, fracA_charge: tuple[float, float] | None = None, fracA_discharge: tuple[float, float] | None = None, max_delta_volume: tuple[float, float] | None = None, max_voltage_step: tuple[float, float] | None = None, num_elements: tuple[int, int] | None = None, num_steps: tuple[int, int] | None = None, stability_charge: tuple[float, float] | None = None, stability_discharge: tuple[float, float] | None = None, working_ion: Element | None = None, num_chunks: int | None = None, chunk_size: int = 1000, all_fields: bool = True, fields: list[str] | None = None, ): """Query equations of state docs using a variety of search criteria. Arguments: material_ids (str, List[str]): A single Material ID string or list of strings (e.g., mp-149, [mp-149, mp-13]). battery_ids (str, List[str]): A single battery ID string or list of strings (e.g., mp-22526_Li, [mp-22526_Li, mp-22526_Ca]). average_voltage (Tuple[float,float]): Minimum and maximum value of the average voltage for a particular voltage step in V. capacity_grav (Tuple[float,float]): Minimum and maximum value of the gravimetric capacity in maH/g. capacity_vol (Tuple[float,float]): Minimum and maximum value of the volumetric capacity in maH/cc. elements (List[str]): A list of elements for the framework material. energy_grav (Tuple[float,float]): Minimum and maximum value of the gravimetric energy (specific energy) in Wh/kg. energy_vol (Tuple[float,float]): Minimum and maximum value of the volumetric energy (energy density) in Wh/l. exclude_elements (List[str]): A list of elements to exclude for the framework material. formula (str, List[str]): Chemical formula or list of chemical formulas of any of the materials associated with the electrode system. This includes materials partially along the charge-discharge path. fracA_charge (Tuple[float,float]): Minimum and maximum value of the atomic fraction of the working ion in the charged state. fracA_discharge (Tuple[float,float]): Minimum and maximum value of the atomic fraction of the working ion in the discharged state. max_delta_volume (Tuple[float,float]): Minimum and maximum value of the max volume change in percent for a particular voltage step. max_voltage_step (Tuple[float,float]): Minimum and maximum value of the maximum voltage for a particular voltage step in V. num_elements (Tuple[int,int]): Minimum and maximum number of elements to consider. num_steps (int): Number of distinct voltage steps from charged to discharged based on stable intermediates. stability_charge (Tuple[float,float]): Minimum and maximum value of the energy above hull of the charged material. stability_discharge (Tuple[float,float]): Minimum and maximum value of the energy above hull of the discharged material. working_ion (Element, List[Element]): Element or list of elements of the working ion. num_chunks (int): Maximum number of chunks of data to yield. None will yield all possible. chunk_size (int): Number of data entries per chunk. all_fields (bool): Whether to return all fields in the document. Defaults to True. fields (List[str]): List of fields in InsertionElectrodeDoc to return data for. Default is battery_id and last_updated if all_fields is False. Returns: ([InsertionElectrodeDoc]) List of insertion electrode documents. """ query_params = defaultdict(dict) # type: dict if material_ids: if isinstance(material_ids, str): material_ids = [material_ids] query_params.update({"material_ids": ",".join(validate_ids(material_ids))}) if battery_ids: if isinstance(battery_ids, str): battery_ids = [battery_ids] query_params.update({"battery_ids": ",".join(validate_ids(battery_ids))}) if working_ion: if isinstance(working_ion, (str, Element)): working_ion = [working_ion] # type: ignore query_params.update({"working_ion": ",".join([str(ele) for ele in working_ion])}) # type: ignore if formula: if isinstance(formula, str): formula = [formula] query_params.update({"formula": ",".join(formula)}) if elements: query_params.update({"elements": ",".join(elements)}) if num_elements: if isinstance(num_elements, int): num_elements = (num_elements, num_elements) query_params.update( {"nelements_min": num_elements[0], "nelements_max": num_elements[1]} ) if exclude_elements: query_params.update({"exclude_elements": ",".join(exclude_elements)}) for param, value in locals().items(): if ( param not in [ "__class__", "self", "working_ion", "query_params", "num_elements", ] and value ): if isinstance(value, tuple): query_params.update( {f"{param}_min": value[0], f"{param}_max": value[1]} ) else: query_params.update({param: value}) query_params = { entry: query_params[entry] for entry in query_params if query_params[entry] is not None } return super()._search(**query_params)